Tuesday, January 31, 2012

SF Local Cable Hottie: Granholm's 'War Room' on Current TV is Smart and Sexy; (And so is Granholm)

Jennifer Granholm, the two-term, former Michigan governor, is the host of a new program on Current TV, (The War Room, 6 PM PST M-F).

More than just a force who is pleasing to look at; Granholm, 50ish, is smart, engaging, forcibly intriguing and can talk the talk and walk the walk. Her show is not limited to the political gallery, but its a good portion of War Room and Granholm's acumen that make this cable show infinitely watchable.

Granholm teaches at Cal and recently moved to Oakland. Current TV is tough to find on cable but if you have it, tune into the show.

Her first program debuted Monday night; it was a little rough at first, (which I expected), but as the show progressed, it got  a lot more interesting.

Current TV has a lot at stake here; they built a studio in San Francisco especially to cater to Granholm's show. In due time, it may be worth the effort.

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*Tips/E-mail: Rich.Lieberman@Gmail.com

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Local TV Internal Strife plus more about the 'Major Announcement'

You would assume that there would be relative glee at at least one or two of the local TV news stations, but that's simply not the case.

Based on the e-mail and some of the real insiders who work around town, issues galore permeate the Bay Area's news departments. Even at KTVU, still the preeminent and much-admired news outlet, there is a high degree of tension, particularly amongst the veteran reporters, editors and writers. This angst has been boiling for a considerable amount of time--it makes you wonder if upper management is aware enough of the strife. Maybe its a good time to debut a new set.

**At KGO-TV, where things seemed to be quite swell, (and still is tranquil, to some degree), the sudden exit of Kevin Keeshan, (News Director) to NBC in NY has people on edge--especially, one or two veteran news anchors who saw Keeshan as an ally in their tenure at Circle7. Am I the only observer who still likes Cheryl Jennings? And Carolyn Johnson still works hard and is quite admired and liked in the newsroom. Another "veteran" female anchor is still rumored to be less than thrilled at her current usage.

**KRON: We have gone here up the ying-yang and continue to be aghast at how and why some of the so-called "leaders" have not been called out by the big bosses in corporate, even at this albatross. Please, someone, come out and come clean.

*KPIX: The anchor parade in search of a possible new morning voice is apparently over. What's next remains to be seen. Tranquil at the moment.

*KNTV, (NBC Bay Area): Just still unable to gain any traction. As I said last week, they're lucky that the Olympics are coming, (which should undoubtedly help both the network and its O and O's and affiliates); that said, San Jose puts out quality content and solid, if not spectacular news programs--only no one is watching.

--The "Major Announcement" involves no one local person in this market or any other person--I'm sorry, but this is a small tease. Not a Geraldo-vault-like item, but something you folks might enjoy coming down the pike soon--be patient.

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Monday, January 30, 2012

KTVU goes Futuristic in New News Set


KTVU's new digs.

Star Wars meets Broadcast News. I like it.

A multi-platform main news desk with a coordinate along-side. Plus, a sleek weather center complete with accompanying desk and HD monitors and wood-paneled centers.


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Major announcement coming...

And you'll be the first to know.

Stay tuned. Such a cliche, but oh so true.


KGO Radio: Karel, Occupy Oakland, and the Great Conflagration--Is It Just Me?

After listening to KGO (and others) for coverage both through audio and video of the craziness this weekend in Oakland, I was thinking, that maybe, I think too much.

But then, I rewound the weekend and after listening to Ronn Owens Monday morning and countless promos about KGO's new star reporter, Kristan Hanes, lay it all out there for us from points all over Oakland for her bosses at KGO and ABC Radio -- as well as being the unfortunate on-the-spot reporter for "The Karel Show" -- I've thought about my earlier thoughts.

Mel Baker was right. It wasn't Haines fault she got trapped with her friend from the Chronicle and one would think had her rights stripped and shackled while "trying to do her job." No, it wasn't her fault for being there or what happened in Oakland that caught her in an "Occupy" trap. It was the propagandists at KGO Whatever-It-Is 810 that made their reporter "the story." Something that J-School 101 teaches a reporter never to be -- part of. "The story." She found herself in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Was I too hard on the likes of Kristan and Mel Baker doing the job they did for the once mighty but demographically challenged ratings slum- slumping KGO 810? After hearing Karel sincerely askingSunday night "Am I an abomination?" (not once, but twice, followed by his hideous hack cackling) I thought and thought some more. Yes, he is an abomination and, more so, it's a shame that Tim "Monty" Montemayor had the savvy to interview the Police Chief and an Occupier or two on late-night SUNDAY at a time no one is listening, but Karel was being his own abonimational self and was once more doing three hours of "me, me, me."

Nah. I was right. Christine Craft and Stacy Taylor were the beacons of light on KGO this weekend in the aftermath of a wild day and night in Raider-town. Reporter Hanes, tie-wrapped by the wrists from an over-achieving Oakland Police Dept. too busy to answer Karel's calls while on air (as well as hundreds of others, apparently -- but Karel's silliness made it only less palatable to see and hear, when he was interrupting people who may have needed real help.)

The weekend was, in many ways, KGO's worst hour, shot down in flames by its weakest link - Karel Bouley - who was told through his producer, Brian, on the webcast and open audio (but not on the air) to "...not interrupt the guest or cut her off." The words relayed through news director Paul Hosely who had a hell of a day managing his troops and getting the news out there to a waiting audience of 2.8% of the Bay Area listening audience. Karel paid no mind. Proof that news happens 24 hours a day everyday -- even on Karel's show, where it is laughed to pieces or horrendously overexposed by the host being the topic du jour and the reporter strapped in tie-wraps when she could have been finding out facts and getting the hell out of dodge once told she could go.

She was detained for 30 minutes and I still don't think she was arrested after someone came to her aid.

God help us if we have a 9/11 event here and Karel's all we've got to report what's going on. "I've got my Chinese made IPhone, my IPad, my 27 inch Apple monitor ... I've got Verizon Fios ... I have 21 shows to watch, honey. I've got it all except MONEY! I have no MONEY!" And the bombs bursting in air from Oakland, San Francisco or ... Karel's home in Long Beach. Damn, this makes me sick.

So the story turned into a shambles after the manhandling of the weekend on Saturday and Sunday night. The two minute updates throughout the day were fine, until they hit the 7-10 p.m. hours and had a sports jock producer interviewing the Police Chief at 10:15 p.m. on Sunday night. Gag me.

This on top of replaying, again this week, the "Red Eye Radio Truckers Show" that was already aired the night before on Friday night - Saturday morning -- again on Saturday night - Sunday morning. This is really rough to hear. I'm being so damn kind too.

Cumulus hasn't run stations in major markets before -- it's obvious. And this week proved it. No, I'm no abomination -- and I don't play one on radio. What I'm hearing, outside of a couple of gems, is an abomination. I don't see talk lasting on weekends on KGO for long.

A shame. A crying shame.



Occupy Oakland Coverage; KGO Masquerades OO Reporter; Madden disses Pro Bowl on KCBS; Monday darts

Occupy Oakland. What a delight and dilemma for local TV. Lots of choppers in the air, cameras galore, multiple shots of the anarchists vandalizing City Hall, lovely for an otherwise slow news weekend, (at least it negates the onslaught of drought coverage which I now predict is coming since it's evident there's too much sun in late January).

The usual suspects at work: KGO-TV loves its helicopter. The KRON4 gushers were full of glee. Didn't see much of KPIX. Good weekend for KTVU to introduce its new news and weather set. Timing is everything.

Are you getting bored of this? KGO Radio, still basking in its "dominant" template of "all-news", (sure), managed to screw up a wet dream. Its magical correspondent, Kristan Haynes was doing a rather marginally-OK job of reporting the circus in Oakland and was simultaneously arrested--wait, ARRESTED!!

After thirty minutes of being detained Saturday night, Haynes was released. Why she was detained no one knows, something about improper credentials, (maybe the cops are pissed off about the new format too)--anyway, Haynes' pain was then, pathetically, pimped all over the 24th-ranked radio station for the next evening and day. A promo every hour on the hour. Haynes might as well have been the 30-something Evita. Maybe she could get a Sleeptrain mattress.

*John Madden, on his KCBS spot on Monday morning, dissed the Pro Bowl. "They're making a mockery of the game.", lamented a pissed-off Madden. And he was obviously pissed. I'll give Madden credit for not holding back and letting loose with describing that sham of a wrestling match that corroded the airwaves on Sunday.

*That's an inspiring spot Ronn Owens churned up for the all new "810". Owens' thirty-sec promo amounts to watching a POW read a prepared script that has all the warmth and sincerity of a Fremont Denny's.

*Red faces galore at KNTV and Comcast SportsNet Bay Area. Bad news: clueless producer makes obscene gesture while tonsil reports sports. Good news: viral video gets more viewers than Chronicle Live.

*Stacy Taylor and Christine Craft: Two small Picassos amidst a sea of the dogs playing poker variety.

*On the other hand, Comcast will have a slew of meetings. That's a must in corporate communications: MEETINGS.

*"Today on the CL 'Blitz: Dan Dribley, Ann Killion and Boofus Bluebird will riff on Henry Wofford viral video!"

*Dino Costa and Brandon Tierney: yo, 95.7 FM, then maybe I'll listen. Once.

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Sunday, January 29, 2012

Comcast SportsNet Bay Area Producer makes Obscene Gesture on KNTV

You know, that Comcast SportsNet Bay Area honchoes have to be shitting in thier pants to see this, (via Deadspin). (The video is actually a KNTV piece; from the CSNBA content studio).

Comcast doesn't like to mix it up and upset their clients and lord knows this will upset the Raiders, at the very least. I'm not so sure this producer read the handbook that everything, every move, every gesture will inevitably make its way onto the electronic digital world, as this did.

Go ahead and enjoy.

See if you can spot the noted PBP guy in the background.

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Karel once again is Karel on KGO; Occupy Oakland and the Drama Schmuck Saturday Night

KGO's Kristin Haynes was doing her job on Saturday when she found herself corralled by about 100 protesters from the Occupy Movement in Oakland, outside the YMCA -- as did several reporters in a long day of Occupy turmoil that could have been very nasty. After a grueling day of reporting among arrests, tear gas and rubber bullets by police -- covered often live by KGO and ABC Radio -- Ms. Haynes found herself live on ... "The Karel Show." (Oh, how damn lucky).

This was tantamount to having Karel "Occupy" the entire interview on several occasions with Haynes. A struggle that was for the reporter who repeatedly got interrupted and cut off as Karel told his massive audience about his doing work as "a journalist" and his relations with police in Miami, New York, San Francisco, Oakland, Long Beach, Los Angeles and most of the known planet.

Plus, a "journalist" for the Huffington Post.

Oh, my!

At about 8:30, Karel announces that he will be in touch, live, with Kristin Haynes again (he called her "Hughes" a couple of times,) to discuss the "Movement" which was now in arrest-mode in Oakland. He had done a good interview with Top 20 author Michael Hastings on his way, live, to an Occupy Movement situation in Brooklyn, NY. It was good radio, actually ... except when Karel continually interrupted the KGO reporter.

At about 8:32, Karel gets a message -- heard on his internet webcast live, with audio between Brian the KGO Producer and Karel.

It went like this:

Brian: "Paul Hosely, (News Director), just called and was very pleased at how the station covered this situation in Oakland today."

Karel: "Well, I hope so! WE did a great job! This show has just zipped along and it was great!"

Speaking of "zip" ... the KGO reporter was arrested and put into "zip cuffs" for about 30 minutes before being released.

Brian: "Uh, Karel ... he also knows that you're going to interview Kristin who just got arrested ... and he reminds you to let the reporter talk and not interrupt her or cut her off if you do talk to her. Just telling you what he said."

Karel looked apoplectic. And perplexed. And hurt. "What? She got arrested?" He even called, or tried, to call Oakland Police on the air, after being urged not to by his producer, because of lawyers, FCC law, etc. the hour before. That didn't matter. He called on air ... and on two lines got no answer from the dispatcher. No one picked up the phone! I do agree to his point of "Where in the hell are the Oakland Police? No one is answering the phone! Ah, live radio.

Karel: "Well, we are hot tonight, honey!"

Back on the air, Karel does a mini-rant -- including the line "This is history. This has been, no matter what you think about KGO, great radio tonight, no matter what my critics, or critics of KGO, or (chuckle, chuckle) critics of mine AT KGO say -- including hack bloggers ..." (Thanks for the plug, Charles!)

The interview with Ms. Haynes resumes.

Karel then interrupted nearly every sentence the woman said to make a point or ask HIS questions -- promoting "revolution" which a listener called him on. "You're damn right I'm promoting revolution -- peaceful assembly is the law. A protest is lawful. The law is wrong. Our forefathers didn't say a permit was required to protest." (Oy, the drama, the drama...)

Hosely heard this after the warning to shut up and let the reporter speak. It didn't happen. "All Karel ... All the Time. KGOne 810."

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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Saturday short; Sorry about the KTVU link--It's up now

Down here in sun-drenched Santa Cruz enjoying the weather. I love the sun, sorry rain people and Mike Pechner.

Hope you all have a great weekend and look forward to the coming week. Yes, this quickie makes no sense, but just thought I say hello.

Oh, sorry about those of you who couldn't open up the picture of the new set piece at KTVU. The tech stuff on a Mac is way above my pay grade. The link should be viewable now.

Friday, January 27, 2012

KTVU's New Look; Sleek and Sophisticated; UPDATE

KTVU is about to unveil a new set, complete with a sleek new news desk and a Star Wars-looking weather area.

It's been awhile since Channel 2-- still dominant at night, (with its vaunted "Ten O'Clock News"), but rather ordinary at 5 and 6, (ratings-wise) has changed the scenery. I like the new appearance --time for a change.

What do you think?

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The Joke, (KGOne), that keeps on giving; New Promo unintentionally Hilarious


A new promo at KGOne:

"KGO, your new home for local talk-- on the weekend." Are they kidding? No.

Yeah, they decimated a local broadcasting stronghold and buried it into the ground and are now running lame-dick promos trying in earnest to show some relevancy.

Spare us. Screw you. You a-holes don't get it, Cumulitus. You have DESTROYED your brand. You are a joke--the JOKER of all jokes that keeps on giving. Your own workers, most of 'em, at least only go to work to get a check, that's it. The others, save for the shills and tools, are flooding the region with resumes. They'd be gone too, right now, but the market is barren.

"Local talk", eh? Does that include the schleps your in-house snitch has to call at the last minute to talk into the empty mike on the weekend? I mean, are you fricking serious!

KGOne, Cumulitis,  the listeners are no fools--they have abandoned ship. You might as well be, figuratively speaking, the captain of the Italian ship. SweetJack, you are DONE.

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

The WorldWide Radio Summit

Take a look at the Keynote speakers, especially the first one from the left.

You want to know what's wrong with radio? Yeah, can't wait, Tricky Dickey.

Sleep Doctor gives Owens the Business on KGOne

A beauty.

During the second hour on the Ronn Owens KGOne show, a sleep doctor was probed a question by Owens.

Quote from the sleep doctor: "You're not about to ask me about the mattress?" Immediate nervous laughter.


(He's being heckled by his OWN guests!)

More Cumulus Cutting

The chopping block is apparently about to go back into action...Everywhere.


The Miserable SF Media Market

Where do we start?

KGO, or better yet, KGOne, as I like to call 'em, is the joke of the local radio scene. People in and out of the biz are stunned at just how bad they've become How bad? Rumors abound that this charade of a radio station is being destroyed on purpose as to make way for Cumulitus to sell it on the cheap, (doubtful), but how bad is bad? Universal scorn, internal angst, vets telling me "I never thought I'd miss Citadel." Lovely. And those ratings were just divine, weren't they? Time for Mattress man to mention Jared's name about 3 more times in the first hour.

*KRON: Worse and getting worser. My question: How do the a-holes running this station get away with all this crap? Hello, AFTRA-SF, are you there? There appears to be a MAJOR problem. I have people telling me that the shoutmeisters and BADGERS in management have people; anchors, reporters, producers, news personnel leaving offices in tears. Some folks have begun drinking to tame the endless harangues. Great way to run a TV station, but hey, it's KRON, right?

*KNBR: I stopped listening. I'll just glance every now and then to peek at the Razor, but between the geezer and his betting fool, Shitz and Brooks, the morning frat boys, and the bizarro, out-of-place broad, I'm done. They're part of the "KGOne family." Great, birds of a feather...

*95.7 "THE GAME": DOA. Psst, NOBODY IS LISTENING. Sorry, but an 0.8?

*KGO-TV: Kevin Keeshan has left the building for cozy NY--that should send a signal to everybody who says that "SF is where everyone wants to live." Sure. Keeshan was so fast to get out of KGO-TV he took his duffel bag to the party at Grumpy's. And a few of his favorite anchors, (the ones that were quick to update their resumes), are already looking for work, just in case.

*KTVU: You'd think the #1 boys and girls would be happy across the bay, but there's a lot of tension. And it shows on the screen. Kraig Debro is gone. Mystery begun. Lots of "meetings" and disgust in the newsroom. Oh, how happy days.

*KNTV, (NBC BAY AREA): If it weren't for the Olympics and the expected ratings blue chips, there'd be a ton of movement here at the Southbay NBC O and O. Nobody is watching, still. And the news director is not loved by many. And although I'm a big Raj Mathai fan, that move hasn't moved the needle.

*KCBS: Everybody's happy...for now. But you're beginning to remind people that you ain't the West Coast 1010 WINS. Way too many repeat stories. You need to freshen up.

*RONN OWENS: He's counting down the days. The demeanor is FLAT. The tone is FLAT. He's FLAT. Have you listened? You can hear IT in his voice. Maybe the Temperpedic needs an upgrade.

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*Tips/Inter-office e-mails: Rich.Lieberman@Gmail.com (All confidentiality assured)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Veteran Reporter Kraig Debro Out at KTVU; Mystery in Jack London Square

So, interesting personnel development at KTVU.

Interesting that Kraig Debro has "mysteriously disappeared" from the airwaves over at TV-2.....wonder what happened...and why he was fired? And how he hung on so long as a newsroom trouble maker, (says a prominent ex-staffer).

I called KTVU to confirm that Debro, a six-year veteran reporter, was indeed gone and he is. No one wants to talk, naturally, which only adds to the mystery and confusion.

OK, this much is clear: Debro is out at Channel 2. He also, according to a station source, liked to make waves. The kind that make people antsy. Draw your own conclusion.

And there you have ...the rest of the story. Somewhat.

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Kraig Debro

Attention, KGO/Cumulitis and your Program 'Change'

Attention: KGO Braintrusts --

If possible, and we know it is, while you're screwing with your Program Schedule which the personalities seem to take care of including that "Guest Host" personality ... could you add a touch of credibility and self-respect by CHANGING DOUG McENTYRE's PICTURE AND THROW IT OFF YOUR WEBSITE?

The show is still "The Red Eye Radio Bullsquat Truckers Show for FREE from Cumulus Media" but Doug is doing morning drive on your very own KABC, 790, in Boss Angeles.  He does it with former KFI news legend Teri Rae.
Maybe you missed the memo, it's only been almost a month -- since the 3rd of January, in fact.
The show is now a snooze fest with these two yahoos from WBAP in Dallas -- another station you own. I know, things have been a bit hectic and you guys need to keep trying to paper train SweetJack who "stands one foot three and loves technology." Good grief.

If you need someone to stop by and fix these kinds of things and restore some order -- let me know.  I'm available.  You're not getting your money's worth with Jared.  What's next?  Thanks.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Rosie Allen, How Could You?


How 'bout this move -- Rosie Allen in to do 5-7 pm this Sunday on KGOne! (Ouch!)

It's even on the KGOne website already ... considering they don't update the damn thing at all, or maybe at the end of the week.

With the end of year Holiday Book out ... this may not be the strangest move Cumulus has made ... bringing back someone who "retired" and then shows up three times on competitor KNEW-910. Rosie "was/is" slated for 910 this Friday.

Man o' man.  Radio ... gotta love it.

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SF Radio Ratings; Holiday '11 Arbitrons: Do People Flock Away after a Bloodbath? Uh, Take a look; OUCH, KGO/Cumulus

Ratings are out .  EEEEEEOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!  Do people flock away after a bloodbath?  You bet they do.

KGO-AM4.2621,100 Nov
Don't ask what the 18-49 or  25-54 numbers were.  The words "what 18-49s" or "25-54 what?" come to mind.
4.2621,100 Nov
4.4  594,200  - mid-Nov. to early Dec.
2.8  441,000 Dec.  Holiday Book - mid to late Dec. -     News/TalkCumulus
                 #12 - 3 month average.  Down from #4

These are what are termed "The Beauty Contest Winners."  From a sales viewpoint, they mean nothing.  From a listeners viewpoint, they show a trend.  Lots of lost  older listeners and the station of already hurting for younger numbers.  So, who's left?  55-60 year  old listeners. Pretty narrow.


They didn't get the memo, yet ...  KKSF-FM (oldies) is tied for #12 with a cume average of 864,000 in late Dec.  KGO - 441,000.  Down in one month from 621,000 a month earlier.


KNBR-AM3.4   775,400
2.9  684,300
2.8656,800 Dec. Holiday Book - mid to late Dec - Sports/Talk Cumulus
KSFO-AM    2.6295,600
2.2252,100TalkCumulus #20 - mid to late Dec.  - Conservative talk
KCBS-AM Arbitron_info6.31,214,100
6.01,082,400NewsCBS Radio#2 (Behind KOIT, #1)
KQED-FM   7.3926,100
5.9803,900News/TalkNorthern California Public Broadcasting #3


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Monday, January 23, 2012

The 4 PM Local NewsCast? Get Real

Welcome to the new 4 PM local TV Newscast. They want you to believe it's just more, comprehensive news, but in reality, all it is, at least in theory, is a promo for the "real" news program at 5 and 6, essentially an hour tease. 

How do you create and produce a 4 PM program? First, you get as many "experts" as you can. In every category imaginable. "Insiders" too--then combine features on health, finance, real estate and social media with traditional news coverage. (To at least fool the viewer to think they're really watching "news" as opposed to basically a well-thought, institutional infomercial for the TV station.)

4 PM news programs are mostly idiotic and arcane; the epitome of artificial news designed to make it look authentic when the only authenticity are the ingredients in the cooking segment. That's big in TV--cooking segments. Can you just imagine what the Today Show's third hour would be like, devoid of a cooking segment? 

So really--if you're home looking for real, god-honest news, just ex-out any 4 PM local news. They're frauds, really. I mean, c'mon, please.

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Commiserating the Day After; 49ers Post-Game Coverage Fairly Predictable; Monday dish

The day after. Doom and gloom. Funny, but I've never heard so many "we's" on local media. "We lost it when...."we looked so out of it..." Kyle Williams, meet Roger Craig. And the Bay Area has its own version of Bill Buckner.

*Dwight Clark and Dave Benz looked positively depressed after the game. Clark could hardly contain himself, repeatedly saying "this was a gut-kick." Sure it was, but did we have to hear it 4000 times? Between Clark and the endless shots of fans leaving Candlestick, (no on-field set, Comcast?), the CC post-gammer was dullsville.

Dave Benz was just OK, but a little more analysis please instead of old cliches about how "this team had a great year." Way too many times. And I like Mindi Bach as one of the few decent Comcast reporters, but the Vernon Davis interview was semi-painful. Even Davis wasn't prepared for the proverbial "you were great" even though the team lost. How about, Mindi, asking his opinion of the unsportsmanlike penalties?

Another Comcast bizarro: what in the hell was Kate Longworth doing at an EASTBAY bar? Ricky's no less. Yeah, fans were upset, what stunning information.

*KTVU's Mark Ibanez was just decent enough on Channel 2's "Point After", on the field after the game, (and reminding the viewers that "you'll see 'American Idol' in its entirety); the only blemish: Joe Fonzi's self-absorbed questions in the locker room that were way too predictable.

*Just had to tune in, for a few moments at least, the Knibber after show with, yes, the predictable wails of how Alex Smith, (who was just the second coming of Joe Montana last week) was suddenly Ryan Leaf.

Bad night for the betting guy. He sounded as if he lost his pension. Damon Bruce was a little better, but blaming the officials over and over was a bit too much. "We don't want to cry over 'spilled milk' about five times too many, D, but that was to be expected.

*Kate Scott: what would we do without her?

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Sunday, January 22, 2012

KRON's Newsroom once again mired in Angst and Dread

Things seemed to have begun brightening up at the once-mighty KRON; the independent news/infomercial  station had just emerged from its corporate bankruptcy to show a modest profit, hire more staff, and beef up its meager news department.

That produced a more stronger, (by KRON's standards), morning news block dedicated to traffic reports, weather and an abundance of quickly-paced local news. The formula seemed to catch on, with significantly better ratings in the key morning programming. And a re-energized staff.

That energy and nirvana at the local albatross has, according to three different sources, taken a180-degree turn and reports now indicate, (and confirmed here), that the situation inside the newsroom has become strained, (at best), and infinitely toxic, at worst.

"In the past two weeks things have gone from bad to worse. They, (management), have taken to screaming constantly at everybody and it has become an endless barrage of criticism and negativity", stated one source, who like all, requested anonymity because they feared retribution.

Most of the angst was directed at KRON's News Director, Aaron Pero. Pero appears to be the prime screamer and yeller. That's not that uncommon in TV newsrooms--why such a fuss, I asked one of the sources.

"Because he, (Pero) is relentless and mean-spirited--and it's just plain bullying, non-stop too."

"People are calling in sick endlessly, and the ones that show up are talking about quitting, staging a walkout or filing lawsuits. There's even been a few people who have admitted that they've started drinking before and after work just to keep calm."

"Things are bad, Rich."

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Saturday, January 21, 2012

'Major Morale Issues' at KRON; Developing...

Sources: From bad to worse. Lots of people calling in sick...screaming and yelling by a management type in the newsroom; the morale, according to several is the "worst" it's been in several months.

"Some are even drinking to remain calm."


Thanks a Million, (or Two), SF Bay Area and Beyond

The "little blog" that could.

Thank You, SF Bay Area. 2 Million times!


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Friday, January 20, 2012

49ers En Mass on All Bay Area Cumulus Stations Defeats the Cause; Analysis

So, Cumulus; in its best illustration of dubious business action, has allowed for its SF radio properties, (all of them, AM and FM), to broadcast the 49ers--NY Giants NFC Championship game on Sunday.

This is the biggest 49ers game in 10 years, and to ensure that the broadcast will be heard by as many fans as possible, the Cumulus program directors got together and decided to air the game on all of our Bay Area stations,KNBR’s operations director Lee Hammer said in a statement.

Sounds great in theory until you examine the idea that the notion of broadcasting the big game on all its outlets, in essence, marginalizes the event, (at least if you're listening on radio), and thus, reduces the exclusivity factor that KNBR central, (the 680 AM property), previously enjoyed.

Sure, it's only one game. And a huge PR mega-event at that that is sure to be front and center on the entire Bay Area media/social radar. Nothing else matters come 3: 30 PM PST Sunday.

But the irony is there: KNBR 680 has spent a ton of coin --in newspaper print, on-line, and billboards as the  "Official Radio Home of the SF 49ers." Yeah, Cumulus, we get that, even though they really aren't. Certainly not on Sunday, merely just head of the family having the kids over for a big nighttime feast.

That's when owning multiple stations, (KNBR, KNBR 1050, KGO, KSFO, KFOG, 107.7THE BONE) can bite you in the ass. Unless, of course, your the 49ers PR dept.

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Yes, KGOne Radio is carrying the 49ers Game; UPDATE

I can't believe how many e-mails I've received asking if its true that KGO is carrying the 49ers/NY Giants NFC Championship game. (UPDATE, so are ALL the other Cumulus stations, including ALL their AM and FM outlets).

Yes, they are. And they can.

KGO is a Cumulus property and therefore, they're simply carrying the direct feed from KNBR, (Cumulitis, sports edition).

Which means, great news: No regularly scheduled programming on KGOne/SweetJack Central come Sunday--just football. Damn, no Karel? A crime against humanity!

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If only KGO Could Be Like This

Could Geraldo be coming to the Bay Radio waves?

*Item: Geraldo Rivera begins his NY radio show later this month on WABC, (a Cumulus station), and has now signed a deal to do a mid-morning, live show for LA's KABC, (also a Cumulus property).

Could Geraldo end up here in the city someday? Don't laugh, it's not out of the question. Cumulus is the king of syndicated programming and placing Rivera on KGO, perhaps taped-delayed is an option. Sure, 9-Noon, for now, is taken, but later in the day, as a break from news content, is possible. Certainly, weekends might be on the horizon.

Just a thought. Geez, I can hardly wait.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Cumulus: Think of 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers'

A stable of mostly white, non-emotion, non-textured, non-identity, people, co-opting and acting as the pods for a stern, scary, innocuous campus-like environment of corporate bullies that use them on their farm.

The pods plod along...gobbling up more suckers while the old pods just move along unable to escape the wilderness and succumbing to the new culture.


KGOne/KNBR confluence at 55 Hawthorne; SF AFTRA worried; KGO-TV; KSFO; Thursday dish

"The mood has been grim ever since the first round of layoffs. Now that most of the personnel have been moved to 55 Hawthorne, 900 Front feels like a ghost town."

No matter how "cheery" and gleeful the "product" comes off the airwaves, the island of dread known as Cumulitis-central, KGOne, is in the doldrums. The above quote is from a vet staffer who's just trying to trudge along and deal with it, day by day. Unlike others, this person has options, and doesn't have to use the Internet to say how everything is just peachy, (think, someone).

A frightening scenario is looming: Once KGOone leaves the Embarcadero studios and its entire staff relocates to 55 Hawthorne, (where SF Cumulus abounds--KNBR, KFOG, 107.7 FM), KGOne, still a union-run store, has a confluence with non-union, Cumulus stations. Ouch. You want awkward? You got it. About as mushy as the current crappola on the "new 810." 

**The next KGO-TV News Director?  Stephanie Adrouny, a respected, hard-working newsperson, who has mucho support in the newsroom-- still in shock and awe over the departure of Kevin Keeshan. One other potential candidate: Tracy Watkowski.

Note to some of you newbies: KGO-TV is not affiliated with KGOne radio. And they approve of that message.

*Yeah Melanie Morgan, I do listen and did hear you say about a week ago that Mirkarimi "should step down and resign"--I'm delighted both you and the MAN have now urged the Sheriff to "take a leave of absence." Making sense of morning radio, stop the presses.

*Why the hell do I listen to KSFO?, (only in the morning, sporadically), is to hear the MAN doing his strange things, (no such thing as climate change, Obama bad, blah, blah, blah, GOP, great, blah, blah, blah, and yes; trump up obscure, loud, righteous Black conservative guys that say the Democons are evil, blah, blah, blah--it's a guilty pleasure).

And Mel, in spite of your bizarro politics, I still have a feeling you have a twinkle in your eye. You can be funny and cool, and yet be damn grating at the same time. Us damn "libs" have a sense of humor too.

*49ers, rain, 49ers, rain, 49ers rain...and that's the rest of your news week. 

*Damon Bruce is the greatest thing since sliced bread and if you don't know that already, Damon will tell you. Yo, D, take a deep breath for awhile and relax. You're good, but the furniture needs to be replaced, got it? 

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Has Bay Area media already convicted Mirkarimi? Current SF Sheriff under the Gun

I've been following the Ross Mirkarimi story and have come to the conclusion that the SF Sheriff, at least for now, has been convicted by the SF media.

Don't get me wrong--I have no sympathy for Mirkarimi, and the DA's case, based on the evidence that's been reported from the affidavit looks pretty clear cut. But, nevertheless, Mirkarimi hasn't been convicted yet. And yes, domestic abuse is a very serious subject--but the "court of public opinion" is not the court of law.

Yet, Mirkarimi has been hung out to dry. Radio shows in the morning have called for his resignation, (KSFO). A few local critics have said the Chronicle coverage has been decidedly, 100%, negative and all but asked for his head. And yes, based on what we all know, he looks guilty from here.

Let's not concentrate on the merits of the alleged crime(s); that's not the issue I'm exploring here. I'm wondering about the ethics of the local media in SF-- some, that have essentially judged the case. Just suppose we haven't heard all the evidence? Logical thought.

It's an issue worth looking at--how do you see it?

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Flash: KGO-TV Shocker; Kevin Keeshan, News Director leaves; Respected ND headed to NBC News/NY

Kevin Keeshan, KGO-TV, (ABC7) News Director at the SF O and O, will be leaving and is headed to NBC News in New York to become an ombudsman, according to a reliable station source.

Keeshan, who has been at Channel 7 for twenty-one years, (10 years as ND), gathered a "stunned" staff inside the newsroom on Tuesday morning and made the announcement to his colleagues. Per ABC policy, his departure is immediate.

The source indicated that Keeshan "literally had a bag packed" and was ready to go.

Keeshan's been offered a series of positions in the industry, at least locally, but never seemed to close on any deal. The NBC position at 30 Rock was one offer he apparently couldn't refuse.

No word on who might replace Keeshan was immediately known.

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Korach, Robinson, Hahn and Remenda; Mirroring King and Simmons

Bill King and Lon Simmons, and to a lesser extent, albeit significant, Hank Greenwald, were the gold standard of Bay Area play-by-play broadcasters. Not just that they were all beloved and respected locally, but indeed nationwide in the industry.

King was especially a rare breed--at one point, doing pbp for the Raiders, Warriors, and Oakland A's in the -70's and early 1980's . That's three--3! different sports and excelling in all. Sure, Bill's specialties were highlighted by his Raiders' and Warriors' work, (Holy Toledo!), but even at the end, his baseball accounts resonated just as much as his baseball and football work. To this day, nobody even comes close to his legacy.

Simmons's Giants' work, (and 49ers too), was just as effective and revered as King's. Lon's humor and style was second to none. And both he and King could get away with it because both had built up a respected resume and the Bay Area sports fans were lucky enough to be home base for their unique style.

King was so good on his Warriors' chores, you'd have swore you were courtside at the Oakland Arena even if you happened to be listening in your car radio or were at home. His rants on NBA referees were legendary, ("No guts, Ed Rush!, no guts!") And King was usually right, by the way.

The Raiders 70's galore was mixed with a healthy dose of King's legendary calls; the "Immaculate Reception" in Pittsburgh; the "Sea-of-Hands" miracle catch by Clarence Davis from Kenny Stabler; the "Holy Roller" in San Diego.

Simmons too. Who can forget his steller 49ers' calls and wise cracks during the gloomy period of the mid 70's SF Giants? Could you just imagine how these greats would react to today's homer-itus environment?

That's why were blessed here to have the likes of Ted Robinson, Ken Korach, Randy Hahn, and Drew Remenda. I like Jon Miller and I think Dave Flemming is an up and comer.

Robinson is the complete professional; sure, he was overly excited at the conclusion of the 49ers/Saints crazy, great game, but could you blame him? The Vernon Davis catch call and the ensuing comments were perfect and hit the spot, (Eric Davis doing his best Jan Hutchins "The Play" Cal/Stanford Big Game impression).

Like King, Robinson will rip if he has too and unlike countless Midwest homers, delivers a steady diet of excitement for BOTH teams, with an emphasis on the home team, sure. King was great in that manner, as were both Lon Simmons and Hank Greenwald.

Korach is superb, but doesn't get the accolades because he broadcasts the A's.

Randy Hahn and Drew Remenda make quite a team with the Sharks. Hahn's quick and subtle style, with Remenda's quirky, funny, and knowledge of the Sharks and NHL have brought me into the hockey arena and I never thought I'd ever go there.

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Monday, January 16, 2012

Are you ready for the 'SuperBaugh'?

The over/under on potential Harbaugh references now number 5000, and that's just the day after.

A Tribute to My Brother; RIP Michael

Twelve years ago today, 1-16-2000, I lost my only brother, Michael. He was the father I never had; the very best friend when I needed a friend, and a funny, charming, sincere and compassionate patriot. I miss you, Michael.

Ted Robinson and possible 49ers/NY precipitation Sunday

It's supposed to pour down rain on Sunday...on and off, but the field could be a swamp, advantage, SF, right?

Ted Robinson, voice of the 49ers, tells me, at worst, it neutralizes the NY Football Giants:

"I think it negates speed, especially, Cruz, (Giants receiver, Victor)." The Niners' wideouts don't have alarming quickness, (but that hasn't stopped them yet, right?)

Whatever the case, the long-awaited deluge comes at the worst possible time if you're a football fan and have to navigate Candlestick Park in rain. Brings back memories of the sod squad.

Mike Pechner, acute precipitation expert, predicts wet and windy conditions, book him, Dano!

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Damon Bruce--hot and cold, hot and cold...

Speaking of Damon Bruce...

No, I haven't mentioned him that much lately--what's to mention? He's good, sometimes funny and even willing to take chances. He's mostly sincere and offers up some fairly good material. But he also has to get out a few new recipes.

Bruce is hot, then he goes cold. Then he hits a homer. The problem is he can't seem to find a common theme.

I agree with a few readers: The staleness of Bruce's show is beginning to show. He needs to rid his program of the old bumpers, the banal music and energize the forum. Sameness has entered his arena and the people want a bit of change.

It wouldn't hurt to inject a little new into the old.

I don't listen to "The Game" and a few other things

I don't listen to "The Game", Entercom's 95.7 "only" sports radio outlet on FM. I've tried. Frankly, I'm not really interested in listening mainly because there's hardly any thing worth listening to.

That's not a knock on "The Game"--there's just no there there.

Another thing: don't construe this as an endorsement for listening to Knibber. I've pretty much turned them off the radar. They, like "The Game", have become largely innocuous and their content is simply not worth the effort.

I check in periodically to both stations which only reinforces why more and more people are go to the Internet and satellite. Musically, of course, there is no reason to rely on terrestrial --as for news and talk, I'll tune in KCBS to get local headlines. You know the rest of the story.

**The weekend "programming" at that other useless station has become a joke, with rotating people coming in and out the door, some, literally, "buddies" who are used as fill-ins to talk to a virtually empty room. Is there an audience for this garbage? Sure, because somebody out there might happen to tune in by accident.

I'm not so amazed and befuddled as to the fact that they have turned this once-mighty sounding board into a pile of waste because they just don't care. They don't give a damn. And by extension, they simply regard you, the public, as their excrement machine.

And wait, it's only going to get worse by all accounts. On the other hand, how bad, how really bad can it be, how much worse and worser? Wait, they'll find a way, count on it.

And how's that repeat trucker show they infected on the Bay Area masses going?

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