Friday, January 20, 2012

If only KGO Could Be Like This


  1. Good God. I am packing my bags and moving to DC. That was sexy, in a Breaking News/Transformers trailer sort of way. Phew. #newsporn

  2. I'm fairly certain KGO is also capable of tying themselves to the big bang and then get the facts of the timeline totally wrong.

    "millions of years"? wow.

    thankfully, most "radio news" consumers are ignorant and won't even notice.

  3. Indeed. And this makes one think (at least me) that KCBS needs a bit of an image makevover. It offers what no other station here does, yet its identities and sounders seem somewhat dull and outdated compared to its CBS-owned fellows elsewhere.

  4. Will never happen.
    Why? Because Ronn Owens is too busy talking about the latest installment of American Idol.
    Ronn, why do you watch so much trashing TV?

    1. I think he does it because there are a lot of people, me included, who enjoy the topic. Why do you assume that everyone shares your interest in topics? This does not mean that many of us don't despise what KGO has done. We hate what has happened. It just means that some of us will still listen to Ronn when the topic interests us. We've listened to him for years and understand that he didn't cause the firings and that this is likely his last year on KGO.

  5. I realized how bad off KGO is when I heard a commercial for KGO on KNBR. I guess Cumulus is looking for a tax write-off. KGO losses money...That's ok, just a tax loss!

  6. They need a news station in Washington DC? But nothing goes on there... Ooops... I will say, though, that I thought the spot was done very well and had great graphics. I would agree, KCBS needs to ad a little (just a little) pazzaz. They are good at what they do so don't go overboard. They don't need to reinvent the wheel; they just need to add a little polish.

  7. #susan - i don't think it's a writeoff. i think it's strategy: ...and then a quick peek at comments about a similar online service... ...lead me to think that something much bigger is happening.

  8. When u really think about it, the Cumulus
    move makes NO sense. Take a listen to
    WLS AM out of Chicago. Right wing -yes-
    maybe even hard right, but PLENTY of local talent,
    a feel for the city and community and HUGE
    local following. The catch: They're a
    CUMULUS station. Why buy a successful station
    in a major market and then, lobotomize it?
    No sense. The new KGO weekends are dismal.
    Unlistenable. Even 'my boy' Brian sounds like
    he's phoning it in. Pat Thurston sounds like
    plastic. Karel -forget it- even more shrill
    and obnoxious, if that's possible.
    Christine Craft is the only star left.
    Go KSCO & KKSF!!!

  9. You guys miss the point...Cumulus doesn't care at all what you think, what their ratings are, how the local public perceives of their work in radio...none of that.

    All they care about is whether or not their 'Brand'
    (whatever the hell that is!) is wracking up big commercial dollars to put in the pockets of the Dickhead brothers and the company's greedy shareholders. That's what America is all about today. Crass and crony capitalism!
