Friday, January 20, 2012

Could Geraldo be coming to the Bay Radio waves?

*Item: Geraldo Rivera begins his NY radio show later this month on WABC, (a Cumulus station), and has now signed a deal to do a mid-morning, live show for LA's KABC, (also a Cumulus property).

Could Geraldo end up here in the city someday? Don't laugh, it's not out of the question. Cumulus is the king of syndicated programming and placing Rivera on KGO, perhaps taped-delayed is an option. Sure, 9-Noon, for now, is taken, but later in the day, as a break from news content, is possible. Certainly, weekends might be on the horizon.

Just a thought. Geez, I can hardly wait.


  1. Great! Geraldo, Cumulus and KGOne will make a wonderful team because in my opinion they are pretty much the same in many ways.

  2. Groan... that's a low even for KGOne... nah, that's KGOne's speed.

    The hits just keep on coming!

  3. Wow- Jerry Rivers on local radio- my colon is clenching and unclenching at the thought...

  4. That 9 to noon slot will probably open up the nanosecond Mattress Man's contract expires. I cannot see Cumulus paying any live personality as much as Ronn thinks he's worth.

  5. Since Ronnnnn only talks about American Idol, gadgets, and people talking on their cell phones while they drive, could Geraldo be that much worse?

  6. Hey 4:28 PM...If you're going to criticize Ronn's choice of topics on this open forum, please be aware that American Idol has a lot of fans including me. There are all sorts of people with all sorts of interests that share in common a disgust of KGO, but let's get off the personal hate wagon. Instead of bringing us together on the issue of local control of radio and respect for long time listeners, the nasty hate talk separates us. For every person who gets turned off by talk about American Idol, cell phones and gadgets, there are others who find it interesting. If you don't want to listen to Ronn because of one set of responses to a difficult situation, fine. He may not be a perfect person, but he is not the monster some of you portray him as.

    1. I don't mind the topics you mentioned once in awhile. The problem is that seems to be the bulk of what Ronn's doing lately -- wine, restaurants, TV (Emmys, new shows, Survivor, AI), movies (Golden Globes, Academy Awards, new releases), pediatrician, dog trainer, Highway Patrol, gadgets, cell phones, etc. etc. more than once a year. These are light topics, are OK but aren't necessarily all that compelling that you don't want to miss his program. He did the jobs thing the day before the firings; did it again on Friday according to his facebook page. Maybe fine if you're looking for a job, but otherwise who needs to listen?

    2. somebody got their feewings hurt. If you have a job as a media
      "personality" you better have a thick skin. American Idol is a joke. can anybody name the last 3 winners??? last year's even?
      are any of them "idols" Do yourself a favor turn off the TV and go read a book, or talk with your spouse or children.

    3. Hey 11:16 you are an arrogant one aren't you? Who needs your advice on how to spend our time. If we like American Idol that is fine. It's a fun show . Scotty Mc Creery won last year and if I took a moment to remember I could list all the winners. Why don't you do yourself a flavor and pull that stick out of your ass.
      Also, 11:07...I appreciate your post. As much as I occasionally enjoy the lighter topics, Ronn has dropped the ball for quite a while now and even before the big firing, I wasn't listening all that much.

    4. Look - It's simple - Ronn does radio shows about a crappy TV show. And he becomes part of the crap fest.

      I'm sorry, but you can't deny that American Idol is crap tv. Even if you enjoy it, it's still crap.

      (Hey, I'll admit to watching a little Project Runway. And it's crap too. Doesn't mean it is a worthy topic for a radio call-in show for adults.)

    5. hello 11:01...just don't agree with you. Call these show "crap tv" if you want, but there's a place for balance in broadcasting tv shows and in talk shows. There is a place for fun and lightweight topics. However, I do think the balance is tilted with too much light and not enough substance. One thought however is that maybe Ronn gets more callers for the lighter weight subjects than the heavier weight ones and maybe that's why he chooses the subjects. Another thought for you 11:01 is that people watch tv for entertainment and also for education. Maybe what you call crap is a great escape after a hard day of seriousness at work. It sounds like NPR would be your best radio choice if you like seriousness and substance all of the time.

  7. Ronnnn's show topics and content have become so boring I actually miss the days of his non-stop coverage of the Jessica Dubroff tragedy! (It was 15 years ago so do a Wikipedia if you do not know) A host who claims his show is where the Bay Area stops by to have a conversation could do a LOT better than talking about Survivor or American Idol. The San Francisco Bay Area is a large and diverse enough region that someone could fill Ronnnnn's time slot daily with discussing only local stories, but that would require Jared and staff do their homework, and not just sit around while Ronnnnn recounts his previous evening's couch sitting of t.v. viewing. The most enthusiastic I have ever heard Mr. Lowenstein in recent years was on the "Guys @5" radio program where he chose to discuss his new Lexus and the "spectacular view from his home in Sea Cliff".
