Thursday, January 19, 2012

Cumulus: Think of 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers'

A stable of mostly white, non-emotion, non-textured, non-identity, people, co-opting and acting as the pods for a stern, scary, innocuous campus-like environment of corporate bullies that use them on their farm.

The pods plod along...gobbling up more suckers while the old pods just move along unable to escape the wilderness and succumbing to the new culture.



  1. It's a shame, because in the trenches of the SF cluster there really are some good creative and hard-working folks who would be assets for a team or company to build upon. It's the corner offices on Hawthorne as well as the death star in Atlanta who absolutely bring the place down with Cumulitus.

  2. Beware of Cumulus storms ahead which leaves KGO wrecks in its wake.

  3. Too bad move didn't happen earlier, Ed Baxter would love the new location, the Gold Club is across the street.

  4. It boggles the imagination. Exactly what is the business model? I tell you what it is...

    Operate at the lowest cost possible so that even a minimal income stream from advertising pays off. Build in enough safety margin on overhead that ratings, product quality, brand--none of that matters.

    One hell of a cynical way to run a business that is a custodian of public assets and trust...

  5. Dick runs out of stories...back to the KGO well. Nice effort here, you talentless hack. Seriously, couldn't even muster a SOPA entry? Is that TOO media for you? The truth is, you have about 4 topics you write on. And boy do you write on them. Incessantly. Its embarrassing. Just scroll through your entries. SEE A THEME? I'd say its pathetic, but why beat a dead (fat) horse.

    1. What kind of loser reads a blog they don't enjoy? Answer: A Cumulus shill.

      Rich, now get in line and stop writing about the Cumulus vultures. Not!

    2. Ah, dear Cumulus shill -- Spare us. If you don't like it, then don't read it, as simple as that. Unlike the crew you "work" for, we have diverse opinions here, but it's obvious that KGOne is the topic of the time that we won't easily get over. Karma's a bitch.


  6. Cumulus is only one of the many problems in this country today. The biggest problem is apathy. Americans have become not only fat, by sitting their big behinds in front of the TV every night while eating cheese puffs and soda to watch mind-numbing 'reality TV,' but they've become naive and have also
    lost an interest in doing anything to help their own country or their own community for that matter.

    A democracy such as ours is only effective when people participate. Yet half of our registered voters don't even go to the polls. That's an outrage!

    When are Americans going to wake up from their sleepwalkers syndrome, and do something about this mess? Not until each of them is hit in the pocket book and can't pay the cable TV bill to watch the crap that most of the TV industry tries to foist upon us.

    For the few who have been actually paying attention to what has been happening, remember that what Cumulus has been doing lately has been done by them many times before.

    They have downgraded and 'downsized' radio stations throughout the country
    over the last 20 years. First they did it in the smaller towns like Bangor, and Omaha, Nebraska, but the majority of folks didn't notice, because they replaced local voices with syndicated shows that 'created a buzz,' while saving the company big money.

    They they moved into the big time when they bought some 30 odd stations including KNBR and KFOG. But then, because they overpaid for the properties
    (so they would have no competition in trying to buy them) they immediately went to work firing announcers, sales folks, production people, and support staff.

    When they continued this pattern of dirty work at KGO, people around here were suddenly 'shocked' by what they had done, and expressed outrage.
    But obviously those people, those numbskulls haven't been paying attention!

    Rich may be 'beating a dead horse' here because there's nothing really you or I or anyone else can do to change what companies such as Cumulus is doing to wreck our once precious radio industry.
    wonderful radio industry.

    But at least we can do things that might have some effect in the future: Write your congressman or congresswoman or Senator and tell them to repudiate the 1996 Communications Act that deregulated broadcasting.

    Only then will there ever be a chance that we hear community radio and local voices talking about important local issues, news and sports.

    Until then, get used to the more 'dumbed down' nonsense of conservative radio talk, with the Limbaughs, Hannitys, Savages and locally, Susspools sucking up to the big box companies with their ridiculous daily rants and angry diatribes. Why are they so upset? They have the jobs, the money, the power! It's us liberals who should be upset! We should be upset that the majority of people in this country continue to be screwed by
    these remorseless twits.

    That's why all of this talk about the media being 'liberal' is such a bunch of hogwash! Who owns the media? Companies such as Cumulus, who's CERO Lou Dickey once prohibited his stations to play any music by the Dixie Chicks, because they had had the temerity to criticize George Bush!
    Next time I hear someone complain about 'the liberal media,' I'll wonder if that individual has been asleep these last 30 years, or is just a plain

    1. "The biggest problem is apathy. Americans have become not only fat, by sitting their big behinds in front of the TV every night while eating cheese puffs and soda to watch mind-numbing 'reality TV,' but they've become naive and have also lost an interest in doing anything to help their own country or their own community for that matter."

      Jimmy Carter tried that "Malaise" speech back in 1979 and look where that got him. And then came the 1980s where people wanted extravagance during the "Greed is Good" decade. To quote Julia Roberts, they want the fairy tale.

      Not that I disagree with you. We need more innovators like a Steve Jobs to create new business opportunities for growth who want to hire the best rather than CEO's with a business plan of stagnation and monopolies who only make money by hiring the cheapest. Sadly, I think a lot more people are going to have to loose their house or deal with crippling healthcare debt before they wake up. And then there will always be those that will prefer to always blame the liberals for the damage done.

  7. 6:19, that was a very mean-spirited thing to say. Shame on you!

  8. Look, I've pretty much made it my mission to annoy Cumulus the best I can.
    ( doesn't take much effort and it's a lot of fun. Cumulus is just getting started. Email them, get on Twitter, leave a rude comment on Facebook. I don't know, just do something if you are pissed off.

    "Rich may be 'beating a dead horse' here because there's nothing really you or I or anyone else can do to change what companies such as Cumulus is doing to wreck our once precious radio industry." Really? You complain about others being apathetic, and then you give up so quickly. At the very least, you can be an irritant to Cumulus.

    Re: 6:19 If you are going to be a huge asshole, use your real name. Grow a pair.

  9. I always thought the end of Invasion of the Body Snatchers was lame.

  10. Mel Baker has not emerged from the shadows in his long trench coat to defend Cumulus? Mel has been in the business 30 years and fired 5 times you know....

  11. This sort of floored me. Great for the new food radio hosts, not sure where Gene Burns is on this, and it seems like Cumulus has covered their tracks with this decision.

    via Eater SF (

    "KGO San Francisco just started a bunch of new regular weekly food programming. First up is Ryan Scott with cooking tips and recipes bright and early on Monday mornings. Then Marcia Gagliardi a.k.a. The Tablehopper hosts a program called "You Gotta Eat This" on Tuesdays, and last but not least Michael Bauer will be sounding off on Thursdays about "the established, the new, the cutting edge and the controversial" in local dining. Download all of this week's shows under the Features tab on the KGO website. [EaterWire] "

  12. At least KGO will have SOMETHING worth listening to this weekend. They'll carry the 49ers game Sunday.
