Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Rosie Allen, How Could You?


How 'bout this move -- Rosie Allen in to do 5-7 pm this Sunday on KGOne! (Ouch!)

It's even on the KGOne website already ... considering they don't update the damn thing at all, or maybe at the end of the week.

With the end of year Holiday Book out ... this may not be the strangest move Cumulus has made ... bringing back someone who "retired" and then shows up three times on competitor KNEW-910. Rosie "was/is" slated for 910 this Friday.

Man o' man.  Radio ... gotta love it.

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  1. Rich, I just like to eff with you, because its so easy to do.

  2. That's not getting punked, Rich - that a good o' ball crushin' with an open can of ass woop! i saw it too and rubbed my eyes in disbelief. But it is Cume-less (as the numbers prove. Maybe it was -- Ronnnnnnnnnn. Would he be that mean spirited? I'm bettin'.

  3. Maybe Cumulus has gotten wind of the recent ratings and figured they should hold on a few old timers to save themselves from being completely bottomed out. They were at 4.4 now 2.8


  4. WOW, hate to see Rosie, who does a very good job, go back to KGO. But, seems like Cumulus is realizing they gotta do something to fix their blunder. I even heard GIL Gross on the Cumulus KSFO real estate today program.

    Lets face it, as much as we all hate KGO for what they did, if there are hosts we like, we are gonna listen, hell, if there is a talk show on we kinda like, and there is nothing else on another station, people are gonna listen. Even if we hate ourselves for doing it!

    Im not a KAREL fan, but I tune in now and again to hear the train wrek. The last two times I listend, about 30 min or so each time, KAREL was changing his tune a bit? He was sounding more down to earth and seemed? NO WAY! to be listening to his callers more, making the show more about them, not just KAREL? He was discussing the human condition, which hes does well, he discussed his weight problems, and his desire to improve his life, and he related that to the listeners.. Not too bad. He also asked listeners to tell him WHAT THEY WANTED TO HEAR ON HIS PROGRAM? WOW!! I HAVE TO THINK THAT IT IS RICH AND THIS BLOG THAT IS CAUSING CHANGE AT CUMULUS AND THE KAREL SHOW!!

    I like TALK 910 for putting on the variety of hosts during the week, but I think they are droping the ball by not being more aggressive about better and local programs other times of day, and on the weekends. Same holds true for KQUED.

    Im sure on the weekends people are tuning in KGO to hear live local shows, weather they really like the shows or not? There are just too MANY recorded programs on TALK910 and KQED, I think there is a lot of opportunity to fill those repeated and recorded shows with something live and local. Why not? How many time does fresh air go on??

    1. I prefer quiet on the weekends rather than tuning in to KGO weekend hosts. I mean it's not like you miss out on much by not listening. Chatter and monologues. That doesn't interest me even if it is local. I would prefer their numbers go down even further. Karel provided background noise and company in an otherwise empty houseon weekend evenings, but there isn't a whole lot of content on his programs. He used to be good for a few chuckles, but after awhile it's the same chuckles over and over. So, now I don't turn on KGO on the weekends at all to continue my protest.

      QUestion: Do the arbitron ratings include the weekends or just M-F? I won't be listening to Rosie on KGO. If she's on 910, I'll tune in, but so far her programs there haven't necessarily been compelling radio. A little bit rambling and slow.

  5. I am very disappointed that Rosie has decided to support Cumulus - very very disappointed.

  6. Kids, play nice. Richie's just doing his job and it was Jared or a J-Clone who did this. You can't trust that kid. It was Wolcoff. He needs to get his ear twisted into a knot and that Jared needs to get spanked! "Karreeelllllll?!" Such nonsense in the professional adult world of radio.
