Monday, January 23, 2012

Commiserating the Day After; 49ers Post-Game Coverage Fairly Predictable; Monday dish

The day after. Doom and gloom. Funny, but I've never heard so many "we's" on local media. "We lost it when...."we looked so out of it..." Kyle Williams, meet Roger Craig. And the Bay Area has its own version of Bill Buckner.

*Dwight Clark and Dave Benz looked positively depressed after the game. Clark could hardly contain himself, repeatedly saying "this was a gut-kick." Sure it was, but did we have to hear it 4000 times? Between Clark and the endless shots of fans leaving Candlestick, (no on-field set, Comcast?), the CC post-gammer was dullsville.

Dave Benz was just OK, but a little more analysis please instead of old cliches about how "this team had a great year." Way too many times. And I like Mindi Bach as one of the few decent Comcast reporters, but the Vernon Davis interview was semi-painful. Even Davis wasn't prepared for the proverbial "you were great" even though the team lost. How about, Mindi, asking his opinion of the unsportsmanlike penalties?

Another Comcast bizarro: what in the hell was Kate Longworth doing at an EASTBAY bar? Ricky's no less. Yeah, fans were upset, what stunning information.

*KTVU's Mark Ibanez was just decent enough on Channel 2's "Point After", on the field after the game, (and reminding the viewers that "you'll see 'American Idol' in its entirety); the only blemish: Joe Fonzi's self-absorbed questions in the locker room that were way too predictable.

*Just had to tune in, for a few moments at least, the Knibber after show with, yes, the predictable wails of how Alex Smith, (who was just the second coming of Joe Montana last week) was suddenly Ryan Leaf.

Bad night for the betting guy. He sounded as if he lost his pension. Damon Bruce was a little better, but blaming the officials over and over was a bit too much. "We don't want to cry over 'spilled milk' about five times too many, D, but that was to be expected.

*Kate Scott: what would we do without her?

*Follow me on Twitter


  1. The Raddy/Vicki show on KRONic was laughable. Poorly produced with live shots of reporters at the 'stick who had nothing to say. Winning is the best deodorant and this broadcast stunk!

  2. Clark looked on the edge of tears. I didn't watch for long..they lost,why be reminded over and over? The worst part of losing was-beat us at our best vs your best..instead it was one reserve player undoing the work of a whole season using a combo of bonehead and then being careless.
    He was the 49ers version of that Braves second baseman against the Giants in 2010.
    It was a downer.

  3. Thank goodness we can get all this Niners talk out of the way this week so we can get back to asking Walnut Creek Soccer moms about this rain, right?? If we're lucky, maybe some snow for those Blue Canyon broadcasts. God, I miss those!!

    Careful for what you wish for, Richie!!

  4. So when do pitchers and catchers report???

  5. What a great season for San Francisco. IN some way, just as exiting as the Giants great run in the 2010 baseball post season!

    People should remember just how far the 49ers advanced in one short season.. How many people had consigned Alex Smith to the trash heap, claiming he was the biggest first round draft bust since the infamous Ryan Leaf was taken by the Chargers years ago?
    Yes, he had an off day yesterday, but so did the whole team.
    Actually, the defense played pretty well in the second half, and had it not been for those two muffed punts, they would have shut out NY in the second half.

    The Giants deserved credit though. They took advantage of the only two giveaways of the game and scored the last ten points off of them.

    Poor Kyle Williams! He got tweeted death threats by some dysfunctional, sodden idiots, who once again used the social media to cowardly leave anonymous messages.

    But I would say the future bodes well for San Francisco. Great o-line, they do need more depth at running back and could use a veteran wide receiver (they could have used Braylon Edwards yesterday...he must have done something that really pissed off Harbaugh to get cut from the team earlier!)

    SF's linebackers are collectively the best group in the NFL, and the secondary isn't too bad either (although they had problems with Victor Cruz in the first half yesterday.)

    But taking the division with 12 wins, coming back twice in the final minutes to stun the SAINTS in the playoffs, and then extending the Giants to OT yesterday, despite an off day makes for a pretty good season.

    Right now fans of the west bay teams (Giants and Niners) have it pretty good. In the east bay, the Warriors have some hope with a better front office and a bright young coach, and I think the Raisders new GM will make a difference, but the 'Apathetics' are a joke.

    Who's got it better than us over here on the west side of the bay!?

  6. At least we don't have to listen to one more Krueger/DBruce post-game debacle on KNBR. Who the hell thought it would be a good idea to pair Gary's ex-girlfriend with the one he dumped her for?

    If I want to listen to coworkers who hate each other that much, I'll turn to C-Span.

  7. Good riddance. Now I don't have to hear these self-important blow hard 49er fans run their mouths for the next month or so. I'm sick of their crap. The better team won. Deal with it.

  8. Was Kate Longworth really at Ricky's in San Leandro? I wonder who's smart idea it was to send her there. That place is Raider fan central (and that is an understatement.) I bet it felt like a party in there last night.

  9. K.Scott is just brutal. About as dynamic as polenta

    1. Kate Scott is actually pretty good. She has been a good addition to the Murph and Mac show and the Gary and Larry show. She really has great sports knowledge, and she is a huge Cal sports fan.

      But yeah, Kate Scott is pretty good overall.

  10. What a bunch of whining, jealous east bay fans. Hey, the Raiders had a good season too, but they need major help on their defense.
    Actually, they've got some good pieces there already, but they desperately need a new defensive coordinator.

    We'll see what magic Reggie McKenzie comes up with. I liked Hue Jackson a lot, and thought he got a raw end of the deal, but new GMs usually want to bring in their own Head Coaches.

  11. The 49ers are Blessed to be in a weak NFC Division, Blessed with an easy Schdule this season, and were Blessed with Luck, a lot of plays went their way this season. The 9ers did better than we all expected, and we as fans should be thankful for that. End of Story

    Next Season Draft some WR's, RB's, and a QB.

  12. True Story because I was listening.
    Had game on car radio but it was KGO/KGONE.

    KAREL comes on flaming and repeats about four times:

    "What were they talking about banging some tight end".

    Anybody else hear that.

    What a douche bag Queen...

  13. So...the REAL question is this, NinerFans: Are you now willing to commit to Alex Smith? He's a Free Agent...had a 1-year, $5million contract last year.

    Are you willing to emotionally invest in him as "THE Man" for the next 5-years or so?? Do you wanna see management sign him to something like a 5-year/$50 million contract...with something like $25 million guaranteed??? (this is the LOW END of a typical starting QB salary.)

  14. Tried to listen to Damon on Monday. Noon to 12:30 was solid knbr promos, no show at all. Went to 95.7 after 2:00....was Eric Davis eating on the air again? Talk about bush league.

  15. I wonder if the coverage from Rickey's was a placement. (For which the station received payment but isn't labeled as a commercial.)

  16. I'm more annoyed at Vernon Davis for his "look at me" attitude and idiotic penalties, than I am at Kyle Williams.

  17. Yeah, I heard Karel's open. I wish he would understand that his audience gets it - he's gay.

    And sure - sports aren't his thing, fine - but to go out of his way to let everyone know how little he cares about them, about something a lot of listeners in the Bay Area DO care about was kind of insulting and didn't show much respect for the audience.

    If you want to do a show that provides refuge for people who don't care about sports, and feel like they are missing out or just don't get it - fine, do that. But the vibe I get from Karel is that the show is all about him, it's like a personal blog.

  18. Again, why does anyone even mention this ninconpoop Karel? The more attention you give this guy, the more we're all going to have to suffer through listening to his whining, self-absorbed, dysfunctional nonsense on the air.

    I'm a liberal, and he gives us 'lefties' a very bad name with his
    ridiculous rants! Why radio management keeps hiring idiots like this who are obviously not trained properly, and don't have any understanding about what a broadcaster is supposed to sound like is beyond me!

  19. Rich, you are completely right about 95.7. It is a complete garbage station. I just posted a critical comment about that crony BTierny and it was deleted in less than 1 minute. It wasn't even that bad. I also posted a negative about knbr a while back but no such censorship
    there . this is on facebook. 95.7, their schtick is getting stale fast.

  20. Some kind of twitter police outed the death threats that Kyle Williams and his family received.

    Some guy named Pascual (sic) and he is now saying his account was hacked.

    Nice try...

  21. I'm willing to bet Comcast couldn't be on the field for their postgame show because the Fox broadcast was on the field for their show. Isn't that how TV works? Thought you were all up on this stuff Rich?
