Thursday, January 26, 2012

Sleep Doctor gives Owens the Business on KGOne

A beauty.

During the second hour on the Ronn Owens KGOne show, a sleep doctor was probed a question by Owens.

Quote from the sleep doctor: "You're not about to ask me about the mattress?" Immediate nervous laughter.


(He's being heckled by his OWN guests!)


  1. Good for the Doc !!

  2. i heard that also from the Doc. I was laughing so much.

  3. That's a tough gig for Owens, trying to make those ads interesting.
    It would help if he came to the realization, that he has "Zero" comic Do them straight and shut up.

  4. Too bad! I used to enjoy Ronn's trickery in getting guests to start talking about mattresses!

    Carol Channing was absolutely delightful.

    I haven't heard Ron's show in almost two months, though--for obvious reasons!

  5. Who has trouble sleeping when all they have to do is listen to KGO from 9-noon?

  6. 02:58 PM It wasn't trickery. It was always the worst segway into his mattress spot. I was often embarrassed for the guest getting stuck in such an amateurish way. Most were good sports which speaks well of them.

    And owens being a comedian? Although self professed, he is only kidding himself.

  7. They ought to call it the Mattress show. A sleepy thought isn't it. It is another reason I haven't listened to it at all even before the fallout.

  8. I heard the sleep doctor's comment yesterday, and it was truly funny. Sounded like the doc had previously fallen victim to Ronn tricking him into doing a mattress commercial.

  9. I haven't listened to the mattress guy since November 2011 - is he still doing the same old mattress thing with his guests?
