Friday, July 31, 2020

Take Care, July; 'Pick Up the Pieces'; 415 Media Friday Video Finale

{Alan Gorrie and Darryl Hall} --performing 'Pick Up The Pieces' --'The Average White Band

*Thanks to all who support 415 Media

The State of Murdoch Central

Tucker Carlsen, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham --what a fine trio of bluster.

The Real Ellen DeGeneres is Exposed

Ellen DeGeneres Responds to Toxic Workplace Accusations
By now, you know the ELLEN abuse

I've been reading and hearing about this for weeks now. I know local comedians here in the Bay Area who know and knew what was happening with Ellen and her staff and told me first hand how awul she was/is.

One comic who knows a lot tells me she (Ellen) had a reputation for "being nasty." He said her whole fun and friendly persona is nothing more than a sham. "It's all fake." 

I don't know Ellen --I did judge her in the SF Comedy Competition in 1984, years ago --but even then, backstage chatter conveyed to me and others was that she was a total bitch and that she treated people like crap. Yeah, it was a long time ago but now when you hear about the allegations involving her and staff, it becomes clear now.

The whole Ellen act is nothing but that: an act.

This is not to to totally bash her. Nor is it an onslaught to kick her when she's down but I'm sorry, the fact she treats people like shit and that her staff were continually involved in BS behavior and she did nothing says a lot about her character. What a pathetic situation.

Expose it all? You betcha.

A's New Radio Home: Much Ado About Nothing

The news that the Oakland A's have a terrestrial radio deal , finally, again, is much ado about nothing.A's bring Coco Crisp back as radio announcer

This is an annual joke --it gets worse and worse by the year. And Oakland and baseball fans in general are left wondering who's running the show.

The A's don't know how to run a successful broadcast operation. They never have. Their current front man, the obnoxious and amateur, Dave Kaval , is a joke.

An unmitigated joke.

While other professional teams have built up radio to promote and publicize their franchise, the A's are asleep at the wheel and late to the party.

Their 2020 deal--with 960 AM- Bloomberg Radio --is yet another marketing disaster. It's another one-year alignment and because it's late in the game, there is no way to promote nor market its happening. Every year there's a new home, be it AM small stations or some migrant FM outlet it's always a circus with the A's. Frankly, it's a total embarrassment.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

415 Media Extra

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If you've read 415 Media lately, YES, there's more posts and there will always be more posts; 415 Media will never go under a paywall because I know how many of you come here seeking raw opinion, inside info, scoops, and an independent, unfiltered, unedited voice --I'll always oblige you as long as I have the means to. It's that simple.


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What Radio Talk Host Producers/MGT Like and Don't Like--Think 'Young and Cute'

Your Favorite Wacky Morning Radio Show Is a Festival of Lies

They won't tell you this; they should.

You call a radio talk-show and want to ask a question or make a comment: if you sound old, good luck. At best, you may get on the air but your time will be seconds, if that. More than likely, you'll be ignored by the producer/call screener.

Then again, you call. You're a, say, younger white woman --in your 30's--and you sound "cute" (calling all demos) then you'll not only get on the show, you'll get on real quick and to the front of the line. Welcome to the real world and real, radio talk-show code of ethics. In reality, the real world.

It's not new, it's been going on for years only now you know the real deal. They (the show, the station) will pooh-pooh all this but they're lying. They know full well old voices are taboo. They also hate people that have accents. I'm not saying all accents are bad but they frown on that and they try to make it clean. To them, a clean, woman or young guy is a good caller. It translates better on the air. You think I'm full of it, you're in denial.

This is not an institutional thing but damn close. And you come here wanting the truth and I bring you that. It may not be sexy but it's no spin.

Rachel Maddow is Overrated

Rachel Maddow opens up to Marc Maron about her depression

I'VE TRIED VERY HARD to watch Rachel Maddow. I can't. I mean, I watch her every now and then and I end up using the remote to go to another channel. This happens all the time. I Know I'm in the minority. But I also know there's quite a few people--men and women who feel the same way but can't say it because by doing so they'd be sent to a remote island with nothing but a volley ball to scream at.

Let me say first off I'm not at all questioning Rachel Maddow's credentials. She's obviously a smart woman, (Stanford grad) --very smart and she does a lot of prep for her show. It's clear and I respect her for that it's just that from an entertainment aspect, Maddow is lacking. She gets the A-list guests for her program and she's easily the highest-rated performer on MSNBC --but I still find her relatively boring. This, mind you, because I agree with much  of Maddow's politics yet I can't watch the show and most of the time, I find it infinitely boring and predictable. Maddow has the same drumbeat every night, over and over, and I still find her a tough view. She takes copious notes and uses her pen as a visual to emphasize important talking points. It's, in my opinion, a fake show of reinforcement, as if by pointing her pen in our faces, that'll make her points more assertive. Fine, I guess.

I'm sure I'll be accused of being a sexist pig but I'm not. I have the utmost respect for women; women's rights, women's agendas for the most part. I said I voted for Hillary Clinton. I would love to see a woman president some day so I'm not some asshole anti-feminist in any manner, I just find Maddow wholly artificial and un-interesting --it's not a popular opinion but I'm being honest and real.

Maddow is the talk of the cable news politics and entertainment platforms; she has tremendous appeal over a wide variety of spectrums --all of which makes her not only popular and recognized but incredibly all sorts of demos; young and old; rich and poor; Black and White; educated; college grads; liberal and conservative and devoted. God bless for that and I commend her too which I'm sure, she can sleep now, but you know what I mean. She's just an amazing ratings juggernaut and a local brand at that (she's from Castro Valley.) It's all good I just can't understand all the bruhaha --seriously, I'm still waiting for reasons.

Maddow earns several millions of dollars --and she should. Her social girth makes her appointment TV watching and that's obvious. You know you made it when Saturday Night Live does spoofs about you. Maddow is the epitome of the central news and cable domain entertainment meter. She most certainly moves the needle only I can't understand why. Maybe it's just me.

How Are You Moving the Needle in Your Organization?

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Media People on Giants' Cardboard Cutout Gimmick: Sickening

Giants to Debut Before a Crowd of Cardboard Cutouts - SF Weekly


We're immersed in a world-wide pandemic. Especially in the USA, we're getting it real hard. The virus is getting worse.

People are dying. Nearing 150 thousand deaths here and we're set for a horrible second act come the fall and winter.

So with all that, sure, lets' make a joke and laugh. It's all a comedy. Just what the doctor ordered. Ha Ha Ha.

Cardboard fans. Baseball games. Just hilarious.

What embarrassment. Media people have a hard time here and beyond so it gets harder to take serious.

Giants' people made a point of telling everyone they'd put your face on a seat if you plopped over 150 bucks. Murph and Mac made a point of telling everyone every five seconds to look for their mugs at the game last night. Papa and Lund too. What a bad joke. What a travesty. Yeah, I know the money goes to charity. Big deal. It's not right. It's sickening actually. It's abysmal. And if you have a loved one that died or was really sick from the virus, this is no laughing matter.

What a travesty.

What a world we live in, here especially.

My God, heaven help us.

415 Media Extra: Haener Poised to Take Buyout from Fox; Either Holmes or Rendon Look to 10 PM News Chair in '21

RICH LIEBERMAN 415 MEDIA: Heather Holmes Wants KTVU Prime (Again ...
Heather Holmes (left) with Julie Haener


Heather Holmes has been angling for the anchor chair on the "10 O'clock News" for a lot of time now, years actually. And Fox2 veteran news reader, Cristina Rendon who anchors on weekends, is also thought to be a future partner to Frank Somerville at the prestigious 10 PM news franchise. \

Both might be close to their dream gig.

Julie Haener is poised to take a generous buyout option from FOX --it's not official now and there's been no action from the Foxies but I'm hearing through my Fox TV spies that Haener, who's making too much money (about $450K a year) is more than likely a goner early in 2021.

I've already talked about this.

I've said both Haener and veteran weather guy, Bill Martin, are all but done come next year as the network looks to save money and trim the 10 PM News costs. Martin doesn't makes anywhere near Haener coin, but he's still too expensive at roughly $250K a year. But that's another story.

Haener is a multi-year vet at KTVU and although still does a relatively good job, her FOX profile is a bit diminished. And when you're north of 50 as Haener is, than Fox likes to place the kaboom on you. In Julie's case, it won't be torture but a nice check to make her go away and have a good life.

Holmes has been wanting 10 PM for some time now and on multiple occasions told the station that if she didn't land 10 O'clock she would move on. I don't know what KTVU sees in HH but I guess she has her admirers, both on and off the off the airwaves. We'll see.

Rendon is the wild card here and some people tell me she's destined to partner with Somerville and is regarded as a future star. I say, what took you so long to figure that out, KTVU suits?

Rendon is fantastic --talk about someone who is real good, lights up the screen and can move the needle. She is beautiful, smart, edgy in the way FOX loves an edge and possesses magic on the air. Moreover, she has the respect of her peers at KTVU and other stations in the market. Unlike Holmes, Rendon is Hispanic so she gets extra points there in a world now where diversity is extra significant.I would get Rendon in at 10 PM real quick; she's not long for KTVU if they don't seize the moment and get her primetime. She's earner her stripes and then some.

I regard Holmes as mucho overrated. I've never been a fan. I also think her news acumen is limited and not a good with Somerville at 10. It's not my call, obviously, but a Somerville/Rendon pairing would be a great tandem. Chemistry en fuego.

Cristina Rendon on Twitter: "I have an exciting career update to ...
Cristina Rendon
This is all speculation but the kaboom is as close as ever. Change is coming to KTVU at 10 only the specifics aren't known yet. I have a pulse on that situation and I'm bringing you the bacon as an early dinner apetitite --as they say, stay tuned.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

KTVU/Fox 2 Riddled with GOP/Trump Kool-Aid

Fox Television Stations - Wikipedia

IT WAS NEVER SUPOSED TO HAPPEN but it has quietly seeped into the Bay Area Fox TV station domain: the GOP /Republican political bend that afflicts not only KTVU but all other FOX-owned and operated stations (O and O's) around the country.

Consider the amount of KTVU reports from DC and the proliferation of GOP and POTUS Trump stories that are now almost daily runs and mass packages that frequent KTVU every night. Even when there's relatively no news to report. And it cuts across all platforms from early morning to late at night. And now that there's an election coming, OK, justified, but when you get multiple GOP talking points on a DC-based national report, there's growing evidence that the FOX TV station have become mass infused with Trump and McConnell Kool-Aid --I thought it wouldn't be so obvious but it is.

Brief Scare at KTVU Sunday Night; Haener Experiences Medical Scare; Returns to Set Monday

Julie Haener KTVU - Back to work Sunday 😊 Wishing everyone a ...
Haener (right) with co-anchor Frank Somerville
 Julie Haener had a brief, albeit scary ordeal the other night; scary enough that she missed all of her Sunder night duties at KTVU.

Haener had some severe stomach pains and was in bad shape, I'm told, by a KTVU source. She had missed time a few years back with an intestinal issue.

Haener returned back to the news desk Monday and is feeling a lot  better.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Frank Somerville of KTVU Selling Oakland Mansion

5932 Buena Vista Ave, Oakland, CA 94618

It's a rather splendid mansion in the Oakland Hills with plenty of creature comforts and assorted pleasure bundles--al for an asking price of $2.4 Million. There's a good amount of space too: 3501 square feet. You can pack a lot of teleprompters in that house on Buena Vista.

Breaking News: Looks like someone bought it.

Yeah, KRON Diva Darya Folsom has Been Working Weekends. Here's Why.

RICH LIEBERMAN 415 MEDIA: Darya Folsom Wants Diva Status At KRON ...


There's many reasons why morning KRON diva, Darya Folsom, has been on the weekend shows; her own insecurity is the main reason --a person close to the scene tells me Folsom has put two and two together.

Folsom may have a significantly powerful other (her boyfriend, the news director) but as she hits well north of 50 ville, her mindset appears to be , "I'll be resourceful, I'll work the weekend. It'll broaden my horizon and make for my multi-dimensional attack." Quite the pragmatist, Countess Folsom.

While the boobs have stagnated and while the ageing process has taken its toll on her, Folsom has begun her post-50 playbook. It's a modified approached that is good thinking at its base -the problem is KRON doesn't have the financial resources, its own plus cheap corporate owner, Nextstar, the ability to pay her. Not that she's making a fortune (about $100K a year) but she actually has to start working now. So, in her mind, working on the weekend (and weekday too) is her way of showing the bosses she's versatile. HA! Yeah, maybe she should go out and do more banana eating contests.

Stay Tuned.
RICH LIEBERMAN 415 MEDIA: Oh Please, Just Shut Up; KCBS Promos ...

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Bill German and Jack Breibart --SF Chronicle Newsroom Circa 1994

Bill German, the Chronicle's editor emeritus (left) and Jack Breibart--page one editor were in the newsroom --it was March, 1994. A different time and place. An active, thriving newspaper with real reporters and drive. Especially these guys. Sure, pre-Internet and no Twitter but newspaper gusto and vintage journalism. I knew both guys. Good men. Great journalists. The Chronicle, for all its knocks, was a great paper, a great read. Real local news. Herb Caen. Art Hoppe. Chuck McCabe even if he droned on an on at times. Is that a newsroom or what? Get out the coffee.

Argen Sends Clues on More Time on KGO; Gerston NBC Bay Area Good Political Watch; Papa isn't So Keen on Sports Being Back While Pandemic Worsens; Sunday Schmooze

AccuWeather forecast: Chilly start, sunny and cool day [Video]

DON'T KNOW what Lisa Argen is trying to say but she's clearly wanting to perform more weather duties at KGO besides Sunday morning --I've been told by a number of Circle7 sources.

Argen is a seasoned weather anchor and in the past preferred the relative solitude of working a one-day shift and filling in. Times have changed. I don't know if she had a change-of-thinking or realized her looks and persona took on a more-gleaming visual--they most certainly have.

One thing Argen could improve on: her dreary speech patter. Probably best to work it up a notch and project some enthusiasm otherwise it's too depressing for my taste. I'm just giving my own two cents.

Larry Gerston on the Payroll Tax Cut and Republican Presidential ...*Larry Gerston is a must-watch on NBC Bay Area on Sunday; a very informative and crisp and distinctive political analyst who says something real and gives a concise take on both local and national politics.

Greg Papa on his 49ers and KNBR gigs, a 'new chapter' and Raider ...*Sports-talk radio continues to maintain its participation in the toy dept. The hosts continue to rave on and on about how wonderful it is to have sports back but are brain dead in the real world. The virus is getting worsr; more people are-dying; the whole sports-are-back look is so dumb and clueless --the only guy that is practicing reality is KNBR's  Greg Papa .

He's openly said on his 10-2PM show that having sports back is not a good look. I agree with him. I can't watch any of it, good lord how thoroughly inappropraite.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Giants-Dodgers 'Opening Night' in LA Memorable For All the Wrong Reasons But Good Listen; ESPN Broadcast Bizarro; Friday Analysis

Popular Announcer Busts A Move In The Booth |

FRANKLY, who cared about the baseball game last night: Giants vs. Dodgers in an empty stadium  --a truly bizarre, almost scary-looking scene out of a horror movie, at least from my standpoint.

I wanted to both watch and listen to the game. I watched on ESPN and also tuned into KNBR to hear Jon Miller and Dave Flemming. It was interesting and at times, hilarious. I'll explain later.

Miller and Flemm were broadcasting the game from Oracle Park in SF --not LA because of the virus. They were using TV monitors and video provided by Dodgers' broadcast personnel and the whole thing was awful as Miller said several times on the KNBR broadcast; Miller on several occasions was left to wonder where a ball was hit because he couldn't see on the monitor. Flemming too sounded out of whack and on-air lamented that this broadcast set-up was lousy. You could hear his exasperation and anger countless times. It actually made the broadcast sound interesting and again, funny at the same time.

Miller and Flemming worked the game with weird, taped ballpark noise in the background. It was ambient sound and it was irritating --I have no idea why it was inserted in both the radio and ESPN broadcast complete with the fake cardboard cutouts in the stands. That wasn't the Giants' fault but it looked and sounded goofy. So did an empty Dodger Stadium. But that's another story.

Miller was clearly frustrated at times and you could hear his angst --and guess what? I loved it. In an unintentional twist, his pissed-off-ness was great radio. Seriously, I thought Miller, a HOF-broadcaster was his mighty best. Flemming did well too but his constant chirping about the broadcast conditions were beginning to become tedious. Flemming is good but he's not Miller. All in all thought they did a terrific job under the circumstances.

I'm sure ESPN will get huge numbers on this game even as the TV side was difficult to watch. All the three broadcasters routinely talked over each other and that made for a bad look and sound. The fake noise didn't help matters. The F-Bomb heard from a Dodgers' player was cool. I loved it. That made the broadcast memorable if not interesting because the game was a bore.

Miller and Flemming will be on the radio again tonight from LA and Mike Krukow and Duane Kuiper will work the NBC Bay Area TV broadcast. I can hardly wait.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Back on Friday

How to Write an Effective Out-of-Office Message | Robert Half

I'LL BE BACK on Friday.

Midday Quick Three: Holly Quan Probably Will Replace Susan Leigh Taylor on KCBS

Holly Quan | KCBS 740AM | 106.9 FM
Holly Quan /KCBS picture

On Friday, Susan Leigh Taylor will officially retire and now the speculation begins: who will replace her on morning drive on KCBS? My hunch is Holly Quan. I'm not a fan of dull Quan but she'd been there forever and knows the drill. Plus, she has the nod of partner, Stan Bunger, if that counts anymore. I guess it does.

*Oakland mayor Libby Schaff's house was vandalized (graffiti) early Tuesday morning; in addition to her garage door being spray-painted, several rounds of fireworks were set off--you know the story.

How 'bout this? Later Tuesday, some idiot out-of-town news anchor on KSFO gave out Schaff's address in the Oakland hills! I'm not a Schaff fan (I live in Oakland) but giving out her street name is a brutal move. That idiot reporter needs a talk.

*Fox News new slogan: "We have horny white males and we report, you decide."

See ya later

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

415 Media Exclusive: NBC Bay Area (San Jose) About to Get Cut Up by NBC NY Net

KNTV - Wikipedia

NBC's chain of command is about to cut massive and mostly staff from its "O and O" division (San Jose included -the owned and operated stations)

Staff cuts will include all personnel--including on-air talent, writers, producers, editors, etc. The people making over $100K a year are the major targets. No one is immune.

The cause of the cuts is the Coronavirus --once I get details, I'll fill you in.


It's Official: KCBS Veteran Anchor Susan Leigh Taylor Retiring Friday

Susan Leigh Taylor | KCBS 740AM | 106.9 FM

IN A STORY I REPORTED BACK in April , it is now confirmed today:

KCBS anchor, Susan Leigh Taylor is retiring as of  Friday.

The notice was formally read this morning by broadcast partner, Stan Bunger.

415 Media Exclusive: Michael Krasny is Being Forced Out at KQED

Forum' host Michael Krasny writes on faith, God and 'Spiritual ...
Michael Krasny

Michael Krasny has been hosting "Forum" on KQED Radio for almost thirty years. He also was a nighttime host on KGO in the late 70's and mid 1980's.

A highly-placed source at my media hive tells me a few powerful powers-that-be are working feverishly to force out Krasny from his position at Forum.

In fact, Krasny's hours (from 9-11 AM) have already been shortened to a mere hour. I'm hearing station high-ups want a more younger, "enthusiastic" voice and that Krasny, in his mid 70's doesn't fit that equation now. Looks like the ultimate power play in effect but Krasny has a bevy of allies at KQED.

Krasny has built a program filled with noted authors and leading news guests and celebrities. Not that long ago, he got a call from Robert Redford and had interviewed renowned author, Philip Roth, on multiple occasions. Roth died in 2018.

Asleep at the Wheel: KCBS Gets Scooped on Gabe Kapler/Giants' National Anthem Kneeling in Oakland Monday Night

KCBS and its cheap-fisted policy of using taped sports reports bit it in the ass big time on early Tuesday morning.

The news that Giants' manager, Gabe Kapler, and several of his players had knelt during the playing of the National Anthem in Oakland on Monday night, was a big deal on almost all local and national platforms.
Giants' Gabe Kapler, several players take knee during national ...

Only KCBS not only didn't report the story but was scooped by its own CBS Radio hourly news at 1 AM. Worse yet, KCBS editors didn't bother to check the wires, so a lame-brain anchor, Dan Mitchinson failed to report a big local news and sports story that was all over social media and the national news domain.

You want mucho embarrassment? How 'bout the Kapler event was posted on KCBS' own website via the AP yet KCBS didn't say a word. Just plain comical.

How extremely embarrassing. Not only for Mitchinson but KCBS, the so-called, "all-news" station. that was asleep at the wheel and AWOL on a huge story that escaped its coverage.

Monday, July 20, 2020

Susan Leigh Taylor Un-Retires and Comes Back to KCBS Monday with Bunger

Bunger, Taylor lead KCBS to top of ratings - SFGate

Susan Leigh Taylor showed up this Monday morning on KCBS--she's been away since early April--and has been subbing for Rebecca Corral on the 10 AM--2 PM time slot.

Before the pandemic, Taylor was about to retire. She held off when the bosses asked her to delay--that way she could solo in mid-morning and Stan Bunger would isolate in studio from 5: 30 until 10.

Taylor rearranged her retirement --when she does hang it up it'll be forever. This pandemic has thrown a monkey wrench into everyone's details.