Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Asleep at the Wheel: KCBS Gets Scooped on Gabe Kapler/Giants' National Anthem Kneeling in Oakland Monday Night

KCBS and its cheap-fisted policy of using taped sports reports bit it in the ass big time on early Tuesday morning.

The news that Giants' manager, Gabe Kapler, and several of his players had knelt during the playing of the National Anthem in Oakland on Monday night, was a big deal on almost all local and national platforms.
Giants' Gabe Kapler, several players take knee during national ...

Only KCBS not only didn't report the story but was scooped by its own CBS Radio hourly news at 1 AM. Worse yet, KCBS editors didn't bother to check the wires, so a lame-brain anchor, Dan Mitchinson failed to report a big local news and sports story that was all over social media and the national news domain.

You want mucho embarrassment? How 'bout the Kapler event was posted on KCBS' own website via the AP yet KCBS didn't say a word. Just plain comical.

How extremely embarrassing. Not only for Mitchinson but KCBS, the so-called, "all-news" station. that was asleep at the wheel and AWOL on a huge story that escaped its coverage.


  1. Until overpaid professional athletes shut up and “bounce the ball” there is no reason for sports and all sports should be discontinued at once.

    1. I have to laugh. If you think of it, grown-ups playing a child's game that are overpaid, under-educated, one-dimensional narcissists thinking what they personally say and stand for resonates with many people, they're fooling themselves.

    2. yet here you two dopes are commenting also. So, why not athletes? Free country, all can comment and dissent.

    3. @8:57 That's quite a broad stroke you're painting of athletes, who, like most professions, have a variety of education levels, intelligence levels, and personalities. Sports may not be your thing, but many people, including young, more impressionable people follow sports enthusiastically and may well in fact be impacted by viewpoints expressed by players.

    4. If you feel this way about athletes, then I assume you also want to tell all of these goddamn pastors, priests, and televangelists to just pray--and stay the hell out of politics!?!?

  2. Jackass move by the former marketing genius and company to take attention off a certain managers previous transgressions related to the ladies and sexual assault in the Dodgers organization.

    Sexual assault? Turn a blind eye. Throw the wife around? No problem. Virtue signal the current hot cause of the moment? We're all there!

    1. I agree, plus the way they mistreated Bobby Bonds, Dusty Baker - releasing IRS info, Barry Bonds, and Pablo Sandoval. They have a lot to cover up.

    2. "We kneel only to almighty God."

    3. 12:30 Karmas a bitch. And we're all going to die and face the next phase.

      Go ahead and mock it. Better you than I.

    4. Not sure Gabe Kapler is the pied piper we should follow.
      In 2014, on a medical blog, he sang the praises of coconut oil -- especially while masturbating. True story. Google it.

  3. Only collaborative spineless pussies kneel. Unless it's God himself, I kneel for no man or cloth!

  4. Why not just dump the national anthem before sporting events altogether? Who needs it?

  5. That's it, I only kneel to God, don't give a damn about football and baseball for quite a while now, don't miss it.........

  6. Go to War, then if you want to kneel, that's your business. I doubt that would ever happen!!

  7. Grab some pine, meat! Isn't three (3) World Series crowns in a single decade enough to compensate for everything else, especially passing tempests in a teapot?

  8. 1:01... You can't say p*ssies on the radio or in public forums like this. Shame shame shame.

  9. 4:31. Messing with me? LOL!My bad. If not. Pound sand! The internet is a shity interpreter. These clowns buckled again tonight. Kapler is a weak Soy Boy!

    He'll have the team running in women's high heals by the end of August!

  10. Sporting events are for sports. Keep your political views to yourself!

  11. Whoa! kapperdink originally didn't kneel because of police on blacks, he was indoctrinated by his muslim girlfriend who hates America; why kneel when anthem is playing? My Father served in WW2, my cousin lost both legs in Nam and nephew served during Iraq war; I'll be dogone if I'm going to support this new giants mgr who kneels because he wants to be "successful" with black players but I'm not buying it....

    1. 8:09...Since I am an ex-Naval aviator I sometimes assign people a call sign. I recently gave Rich the call sign, 'Straight Shooter', he is one of the few left.

      You have to earn your call sign, they are not given out randomly. The call sign I have given Gabe Kapler is 'Coward.'

      I should tell him about Frank, our radioman, part of a ten man crew flying recon patrols out over the South China sea during the Vietnam war. We made sure no one snuck up on our Carrier's operating off the coast of Vietnam. Takeoff at dusk, fly all night and land as the sun was rising.

      Frank had recently married just before our deployment. More than once Frank had told me he was really looking forward to getting home and starting a family, during our long patrols out over a dark sea.

      Frank didn't make it home. Upon landing one of the engines malfunctioned causing the plane to run off the runway. Nosegear collapsed, three of the props on our four engine plane hit the ground shearing off the engines. One prop sliced it's way into the plane where Frank was sitting.

      Crew 7 took off at dusk on another all night patrol, 10 of America's finest on board. They never returned...MIA.

      Home of the Free, because of the Brave!

      Gabe Kapler...you are a coward. You have earned your call sign.

    2. In ending my post I forgot to end it in the way I normally do...The Women Are The News.

      Go Navy.

    3. 7;23, you are a true American Hero and I totally agree, Kapler is a spineless coward that obviously has never answered the call but reaps the benefits that guys like you provide them by your bravery and service. God bless you and thank-you for allowing guys like me to live in the greatest nation in the world in safety and peace.

    4. As an ex Marine Semper Fi Brother!!!!!!!!!!!!

    5. 7:23 and 8:46...Thank you!

      The winds of fate favor the ablest aviators but do not blow at their command. And those who fly missions long and demanding are sometimes sacrificed to their deeds.

      But that which was worthy of their death did not die nor can it die. And we who remain must have sufficient strength to endure misfortune and continue their purpose, leaving the rest to God.

      God bless America...Never give up.

      The Women Are The News.

  12. Gabe, please GFY, you are a thousand times lesser a manager than the previous midgets manager (midgets now because they follow this idiot so called manager for kneeling for what? Marxist and destructive group called blm funded by george soros? get f#$%*#%g real....
