Monday, August 22, 2022

Exclusive: KTVU Newsroom Growing Sentiment: If Haener (Julie) Goes, So Should Eikel (Amber) Too; Growing Unease at Jack London Square; Vaunted Ratings Further Erode; The Firm Hears The Boos

NEW Monday Reporting

The VAST MAJORITY of news staff at KTVU have a common feeling: if Julie Haener were to leave and suddenly retire, (or simply split for whatever reason, maybe a prolonged leave of absence, etc) then News Director, the wildly unpopular Amber Eikel (pictured below) should also leave, whether it be resignation or outright termination from The Firm's (Fox) corporate suits, according to well-placed sources who know the various inner-workings at Fox2 and have said as much to me.

Haener's waning influence and esteem has taken a dramatic turn of late with my reporting that her friends at KTVU have urged Julie to consider retiring. And while it was more symbolic it was also practical advice. One, to leave the premises and rid herself (and maybe the entire place) of the current drama that permeates the newsroom. Second, and this is far more evident, to allow for a "new change of scenery" (as one newsroom source puts it) to take place at KTVU.

This development; actually it's been pretty much the sentiment for months now, is more than ever the prevailing wisdom at Channel 2 and it has Eikel and her lack of direction and influence at the station at the forefront. Fox, from the corporate level knows it and has put off any movement --formal or otherwise--because it felt the many issues that currently befall its Bay Area O and O (owned/operated), would blow over and disappear.

It has not.

Moreover, Haener's growing demise is now the talk of the newsroom and has Eikel herself at the center of the storm. This has been the case at KTVU for ions now but Eikel has fought off internal strife largely because KTVU still possessed good ratings and lead the Bay Area news wars but all that is history. Fox has a multitude of reasons now to rid itself, (and KTVU as a whole) of its embattled Oakland news director.

Eikel, for one, isn't helping herself with a lack of communication with the staff and a profound lack of direction and presence --even her closest allies (few) admit she's incapable of running the operation and now, they have ample proof.

Fox knows and they moved on it.

KTVU's ratings are still at the top but they frequently erode to the point where they commonly get BEAT during their once-dominance at night and even at 10 o'clock. Eikel's and the staion hierarchy decision to place Mike Mibach in the anchor seat on The Ten O'Clock News has been a certifiable dud. Again, Fox higher-ups has seen the residue and it's not a pretty picture.

Haener's exit, however it would evolve, would be a further devaluation at 10 PM and would deal KTVU's signature newscast a significant hit --a newscast that has lost major might and veteran talent--through the firing of Frank Somerville and the forced retirement of sports anchor, Mark Ibanez.

All of which has taken a toll on KTVU's news prominence and overall demeanor. And which has played a significant part in Haener's ongoing personal drama.

It's not Eikel's fault in that respect because KTVU was bound to experience a natural letdown following Somerville's transgressions and Ibanez's inevitable (although forced) farewell but Eikel hasn't been able to guide the ship and plan a new transition, and her no-confidence aura in the newsroom is still quite telling and evident. Again, The Firm, knows this now all too well.

The feeling now at Jack London Square is Eikel has to go and there's growing sentiment that if she's somehow able to escape the wrath of Fox's suits, then Channel 2 news will have an all-out rebellion on its hands --a real drama that will make the current Haener trauma look like a day at the beach.

*Rich Lieberman 415 Media EXCLUSIVE


  1. Evidently the higher ups at Fox got the message. We will now have JLo and Ben on CCTV 24-7 Sun-Thurs, and a Kardashian and current partner Fri-Sat, with pronouncements by King Trump on the hour, every hour. This will be Must Watch TV. Stay Tuned

    1. Between Gasia vandalizing the toilet and Andre getting rid of the Cleveland Steamer on his chin, today’s been a good day so far.

  2. They should just run those stupid Prop 27 ads with the California Native Americans all day, they about do anyway.

  3. What was KTVU's slogan years ago...
    "There's Only One 2"
    and you today
    "Three, Four Out The Door"

  4. Get rid of all of them, hire new anchors, young, cheap, desperate to get on camera like KGO 7, ratings will go up. Wasting $$ on the current anchors, low average ratings is a waste. Even the weekend anchor is a mess adding anyone on air. Another KGO Trixie management kicking back while the slaves (anchor) work work work.

    1. I agree! Why waste money on expensive "readers"...when no one is watching anymore. And this goes for TV news nationwide--the numbers show that the audience is dwindling. The Bay Area has some excellent colleges/universities with great J-Schools. Here's what I'd propose for all stations--as a new business model:

      -Let go of all anchors, producers, writers. Keep a couple of photogs and editors, as "group leaders" or mentors, or whatever the hell you want to call them--and get rid of the rest.
      --Let the college grads do everything else.
      --Sign up 80% of kids for one year, at minimum wage.
      --Sign up the other 20% for 13-months.
      --at the end of that year, thank the 80% for their work...and let them go. The 20% group will stay a month to help with the transition. At the end of that 13th month, bid them goodbye...and hire replacements.

      This is a win-win for everyone: The stations save a hell of a lot of money--and the kids get to work on their craft and build that all-important resume tape. The viewers aren't gonna care. Hell, we all get our news from other sources, anyways. This new model is a cost-efficient way to merely show what's going on in our community.

  5. I feel like we've been hearing this for months now: KTVU is in shambles; Amber Eikel is hanging on by a thread; staff have no confidence; Fox higher-ups are prepared to make changes; expect mutiny.

    Sure, the Haener stuff is the latest twist in the pathetic shitshow otherwise known as KTVU, but I'm beginning to think no one really gives a damn and nothing will change. This despite the fact that anyone with one eyeball and one ioda of brain cells remaining knows that place needs to be gutted from the top down and rebuilt from the ground up.

    1. Same with KGO7--- 'in shambles... hanging on by a thread.. staff have no confidence...expect mutiny'. And yet theyre still here.

    2. Right, it needs to be rebuilt, but as Rich and others don’t seem to get, there is no money for this. “Ad tech” has diverted all the money from television to the internet, where their ads are just ignored anyway, themes to ad blockers. But they *feel* like they’re doing something, the ad techers are telling them they’re doing something, and that’s good enough.

  6. Look on the bright side, KTVU is going to air a one-hour special tonight called 'Whatever happened to Richard Simmons?'

    (you couldn't make this stuff up if you tried)

    1. Wrong again. That's TMZ doing the special, not KTVU.

    2. You my friend are wrong again. It is on ktvu from 8-9 :)

    3. I'm looking forward to that.

      Also, technically it's on KTVU but it's national FOX in that timeslot.

    4. 4:14 Yes dummy, it’s on KTVU. So is The Masked Singer. Doesn’t mean KTVU makes it.

      TMZ is carried by Channel 2 in the Bay Area. Duh.

    5. Hey Dumbass (aka, 11:20am), where did the OP state that KTVU made the Richard Simmons special? LOL! Learn how to read and take two seats, foolio.

  7. Part of a news directors job is to cut cost and save money. If Amber can get the newsroom to lean on Julie then it's a win for Amber if Julie leaves. Save money first. All TV stations in the BA are tanking worse than the rest of the country. Amber is going to squeez the drams king and queens OUT of KTVU. The FOX creedo is "Everybody Is replaceable, and there are no stars."
    So called "Stars" have giant egos, and giant heads that must be "popped".
    Each step is calculated.
    That's how FOX rolls.

  8. The lying media is in its death spiral. The long knives area already coming out.

    1. 10:00am I hope you're also include Fox news as part of the lying media. Otherwise, you're just spewing that same old, tired Republican crap.

    2. 10:32 You are right on, but expect Fox viewers to acknowledge that. The word hypocrite is not in their vocabulary.

  9. I suspect Julie Haener wasn't planning to work last night. She looked hungover and didn't seem entirely put together. I wonder if KTVU cancelled her day off or if she cancelled it herself after feeling pressure mounting.

    1. So why, in your analysis of her motivations, based on your private investigative skills, did you determine she wasn't "enitrely put together"? What the hell does that mean, jackass?

    2. @10:59 if you want your comment to maybe be taken seriously and illicit a proper response, you’ll need to put jackass in caps. That’s the proper way to express fake anger online. I can’t guarantee that’ll work but it’s far too amateurish as-is. :)

    3. and there you have it folks. if there was ever a doubt as to whether Julie or family read this blog, @10:59 has put those questions to rest. Any further defensiveness or doubling down by 10:59 will further prove that point.

    4. She looked like the standard issue Julie to me.....Nothing different, not "hung over."

    5. Wow, well now we know what triggers Julie lol you can talk about her work ethic (or lack thereof), attendance, and gossiping but apparently she draws the line when you talk about her appearance. Shocking.

    6. > she draws the line when you talk about her appearance.

      I doubt that was her, but there was nothing wrong with her appearance. She was the usual Julie Haener. Some people say she's dragging herself around a bit lately but to me she never seemed like the type who jumped out at you and I think most of the difference people see is in their heads. And yes, people who like to stir up the muck just to stir up the muck are jackasses. And no, I'm not Julie either.

  10. One of the more significant of KTVU's infinite number of problems is their sickening reliance on Fox News stories for much of their newscasts. Sorry, but in the Bay Area this isn't going to work. Assuming this is a directive from FOX corporate, then shame on them as you think they'd grant some kind of exception for the ultra-blue markets such as ours.
    I suspect, however, that while there is some direction from Fox corporate, Amber goes completely overboard with the Fox coverage because, in no particular order: it's easy; they're lazy; they have way too many newscasts; not enough reporters, not enough competent reporters; absolutely no knowledge how to build a newscast for the market.
    So what we see is a hollowed out, gutted shell of a newscast which is essentially a digest of Fox News coverage interspersed with low hanging fruit local stories that ktuv learns of from police press releases and other media releases that get fed to them.

    1. In other words, the same formula the other worthless Bay Area stations follow in parroting the big media talking points.

    2. Yeah, in northern California the masses want to keep their heads buried in the sand while the world burns around them...only woke/fake news will suffice!

    3. Agreed. Amen 3:34. That's one reason I can't watch mainstream news much anymore. They have such a burning agenda it's pathetic. They hold their snoots in the air over Fox News, but they are exactly the same, while being 180 degrees opposite.

  11. Rebellion? Seriously, Rich? What are they going to do? Except for an elite few they live hand to mouth and there aren't exactly a lot of jobs out there right now in this field. And probably never will be again.

    They'll bitch privately but they'll come in and do what they've been doing for 20 years. And Eikel will go on to collect her gold watch.

  12. They should make Brooks Jarosz and Greg Lee anchors. Cristina Rendon is great and she deserves one of them to be her co anchor. Not Greg Ligging or James Torrez or Whoever else is auditioning. Greg and Brooks are Good people who are the present and future at Ktvu and they need to be rewarded.

  13. Julie Haener is a nice person. Please be nice to her.

    1. Agree, beautiful lady to look at

    2. Of course, she wouldn't deign to wipe her shoes on your supine body, but whatever...

  14. Julie has worked two days in a row now!

    I guess that means she's due for a month's vacation.

    1. LOL!!! Best comment of the day.

    2. It time to crown HH. She will be the new Queen!

    3. I love Heather too.

  15. Leave Julie alone! You're lucky she even anchors the news desk for you bastards!

  16. No Rich, Julie is not going to date you. Now stop picking on her like a 2nd grader who teases and annoys the girl he secretly has a crush on.

  17. No mas on JH! She’s a vapid news reader.
