Tuesday, August 23, 2022

It's Not The Politics That Make a Watchable Person, It's The Show; Brian Stelter/CNN For Example; KTVU is Screwing with Cristina Rendon and She's Tired Of It; KPIX Amanda Starrantino Vanilla Wafer

I WATCH and LISTEN to good content/radio/TV, not based on any political bent, but whether a show is good or not.

The late Lee Rodgers on KGO/KSFO is a prime example: although Rodger's politics were not my cup of tea, I nonetheless was an ardent fan because the show was such a gem and appointment radio. Who gave a darn about politics, Rodgers was a must-listen figure.

So too the case with CNN and former NY Times media writer, Brian Stelter, whose "Reliable Sources" was canned last week despite good ratings and lots of interesting guests.

Of course Stelter (who I interviewed on KSCO a few years back --(He wrote a book about NBC's Today Show) was decidely left of center and made a habit of ripping Fox News --it got predictable and waned on your senses. But Stelter was watchable because of his takes and his guests were often quotable and interesting to observe --plus, for a live show, Stelter made it chock full of timely tidbits.

I guess the new guy at CNN was not impressed.

*KTVU continues to royally SCREW UP and do so on a consistent basis; this time it's an anchor issue.

Cristina Rendon gets short thrift and is routinely passed up by the suits for any long-term, primetime placement. Rendon is a mere regular fill-in and anchor on KTVUPlus --Fox2's sister channel.

Rendon is not a great anchor by any means but she's more than an average voice and her appearence is so good she lights up the screen and has obvious star power. KTVU doesn't think so and has taken advantage of her --not thinking pragmatic and making more usage of its own personnel. Rendon is of that ilk and she knows it and so does the Bay Area industry folks.

Rendon has turned down offers from Bay Area outlets (like NBC) but now is openly considering interest from others. And KTVU is left in the dust with another pathetic decision from its inept so-called leaders. Better take care of Rendon before she slams another door on your face, Countess Eikel and The Firm.

*If Amanda Starrantino is not the most fluffiest superficial woman on TV News, I don't know who is.

Then again, KPIX is so fraught with nobodies and insignificant human blather...Starrantino is so worthless and inconsequential, the camera aced off her look last week and she was caught shaking her head off-screen. The people in the back were laughing. At her.

Sad PIX.


  1. Starrantino can begin by ditching the ridiculously fake tan. Her boy-toy may have a overdone spray tan fetish but for the rest of us it just looks weird.

    1. Have you seen the non war paint pictures? check out her instagram. It may be much but she is very skilled at the make up and we should all be thankful.

    2. I guess that is the main difference between NorCal and SoCal... we like the tan and sun bleached outdoor look vs. the pasty white indoor look.

  2. Cristina Rendon can make the network level right now. She has the professionalism, talent and the look.

    1. KTVU wouldn't know good talent if it hit them across the face. Truth hurts.

    2. Network level?!?! What freakin' network are you talking about? NewsNation?

    3. Cristina can make it on any of the big 4 broadcast networks or CNN.

    4. No she can't.

  3. Those of us who work with Amanda Starrantino have a nickname for her: ‘CC’ which stands for constantly commando. Use your imagination. We have no complaints.

    1. Sin calsonez? Oy Christo!

    2. No wonder she's smiling in that photo Dickie Lieberman used in his post. That gust of in-studio AC...or something else...going up her skirt/dress...No lines, however.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. It sounds like @2:18 has been hiding out in his mom’s basement way too long and has conjured up quite the fantasy. Sorry to burst his bubble but his comment about ‘CC’ doesn’t pass the smell test.
      Having worked in broadcast news my entire career and I can tell you right now that female anchors don’t go ‘commando.’ Anchors who frequently do stand up shots such as Amanda wear spanx. Every single one I have ever worked with. Another reason anchors don’t go commando is because getting mic’d up for a show frequently involves having to run wires along their back, under their dress. I’ve seen plenty of bras and spanx. Never once have I seen or heard of an anchor being completely nude under.

      Sorry @2:18, just because a woman is hot that doesn’t mean she’s an exhibitionist.

    5. “Dickie Lieberman” LOL!!!

    6. 4:48, ok Dr. Killjoy.

  4. Rendon deserves to be the top anchor at KTVU.

    1. If average deserves the top spot, yes.

  5. Give Starrantino credit. I understand all the make up. It makes her look at lot better.

    KPIX is a dead last newscast. they should be trying other things since nothing has worked to this point. Its not like when Greigo was there they were at the top of the ratings.

  6. Stelter and "good ratings" don't belong together.

  7. Um, Richie, can you watch “good content TV” if the content is bad?!?

  8. You may not think Rendon is a solid anchor, but I beg to disagree. She's not flashy. She's not into botox (hello Heather). But she has a beautful smile, comes across as sincere and has my attention when she does the news. If she's smart, she blows this fruit and vegetable stand and moves on to a better, more appreciative, market. This market stinks to high heaven. How the mighty have fallen.

    1. Rendon is not prime time material. She just isn't. She may be solid but that doesn't differentiate her from anyone else at KTVU. If she tried to jump her options would be limited. She's not better than Daetz. She's not better than Aguirre. She's not better than Liviakis or Moore. She's not better than Cook. She would be better than anyone on KGO's morning team and may be better than Garcia at KNTV. But outside of mornings it's mostly a push or the other female anchor is better. And that's the hard truth for Christina Rendon. Which is why she's still at KTVU.

      And Heather Holmes doesn't use Botox. She doesn't need to.

  9. I caught part of Monday's (8/22) morning broadcast on KPIX -- are they calling it "The Morning Mix"? Sounds FM-radio-ish.

    They had this thing at the end of the 5am hour where all of the on-air studio talent stood together behind the faux desk and Starrantino's tan stood out like a LED billboard on Hwy 101.

    And what is this love affair with having the talent stand and showing a head to toe view? On NBC Bay Area's Today in the Bay on Monday, there was a segment where Laura Garcia and Marcus Washington were standing together and it looked ridiculous... Made Laura with her Freddy Krueger hands look like a garden gnome as Washington TOWERED over her.

    1. If Laura snapped, Washington would not last 5 min

  10. Why does that picture of Amanda instantly make me think of that Aqua song; "Barbie Girl"? C'mon Barbie... Let's Go Party!

  11. 2:18, do you really work with her? I think she is cool and does a great job.

  12. "If Amanda Starrantino is not the most fluffiest superficial woman on TV News, I don't know who is." Amanda, meet Ms Haener...

  13. Stelter is not a bonafide journalist. He’s a DNC talking points whore who fit in with the old Jeff Zucker CNN. He’ll likely end up at another propaganda factory but will never be legit because of his twisted, hyperbolic one-sided takes.

    1. Stelter is a bonafide journalist. He's also too far to the left and his show reflected that. Both things can be true at the same time.

    2. Unfortunately, they are not. He's not a journalist. He's a joke.

    3. How’s that frontal lobotomy working out.

    4. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.

    5. Wondering if you'd also describe Fox News as a propaganda factory whore.

  14. One big problem with both Brian Stelter on CNN’s now-defunct Reliable Sources and that show’s predecessor host, Howard Kurtz, on FOX News’ MediaBuzz: They both by and large turned their respective shows into covering how media handled Trump or Trumpian issues in the past seven days.

    There’s plenty of media-specific issues in the U.S. and abroad that just never got covered. For that, one has to go to NPR’s On The Media.

  15. Why did they decide to have all the staff in the morning on Channel 5 stand up together doing the news? They look stupid and awkward. They have Barbie (Amanda) and the grossly incompetent bleached blonde LT who always is boring. Can they get one decent person since Len Kiese left?

    1. Starrantino and LT Burch may seem dull and news delivery at times but I have to admit they are both beautiful.

  16. Stelter became too concerned with being a Twitter star. On his show, he clearly wanted to overshadow his guests. He always had to have the last word, and he always had to be right. Good riddance.

  17. LOL...all of these pro-Trump/pro-Fox people...complaining that CNN is biased?? LOL! LOL!! LOL!!!

    1. Doesn't matter where it comes from and who says it, truth is truth. Cable news is dead and really who watches? The Big Media clique. They are like the the jock clique in school that thinks they are the most important thing, but no one else cares. Their inflated self-importance does not match ratings and viewership which numbers in the hundreds of thousands. If you watch these "channels" you apart of a very small minority.

    2. CNN is done. Wax on that.

  18. I really think Amanda Starrantino is an attempt at a Zuckerberg-type robot. Vaguely human, but that's it, and made mostly of plastic.

  19. What a racist remark “Vanilla wafer”

  20. Starrantino is just a de-aged Juliette Goodrich.

  21. Geeziss! No lie about what miracles a good makeup kit can do. Amanda Starrantino Instagram pics are very revealing. Dear Gawd in Heaven, put some makeup on that skeleton.

  22. How many filters were used on the camera that took this pic? Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgb5qbmgjR7/

  23. I love Christina Rendon. I can't say that about the other ktvu ladies.

  24. Scarantino doesn’t even look like the same person on her Instagram. No resemblance whatsoever to the person we see on TV.

    Shame on KPIX for allowing her and the incompetent bimbo dunce LT to embarrass themselves each morning for hours at a time on live television.

    1. You’re not allowed to state the obvious and say that the LT is grossly unqualified for the tv job she has … she knows how to operate a helicopter after all.

  25. Speaking of KPIX, any word on how Sid Medina is doing? Last I heard she’s trying her luck at some 9-5 desk job after it finally occurred to her that she was a total failure at the tv thing.

    1. Sid couldn’t hang with the big boys so now she’s fetching coffee and making copies in a cube farm.

  26. As of now KRON is better than KTVU.
