Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Morning Schmooze with KCBS and KGO Radio Breakfast

OPENER : black coffee with a little low-fat milk.

The KCBS newsroom (what's left of it with fewer personnel) are awaiting a second round of layoffs (thanks Audacy) and growing angst with a no-confidence in the alleged ND.

Breakfast: onion bagel, toasted twice, lite cream cheese.

*KGO Radio brass had to wait on some actual cash from Cumulus last week so they could pay a vendor --I heard the boss wanted to buy some sandwiches from across the street for a few staffers but the house credit card was devoid of funds--so he actually had to buy the grubb himself. What a caring person.

More coffee.

John Rothmann was so excited for his ERC schmooze from Steve Moskowitz he called Richard Nixon and Dwight D Eisenhour's ghosts to party hardy.

*Check please.

KGO senior engineer, Karen Reid, got into the act by playing a violin virtuoso with the Kars4Kids orchestra.


  1. Wonder how Bret Burkhardt is doing at audacity? (KCBS)

  2. He's very happy. Check out his twitter.

    1. That makes one happy person under that roof.

  3. 2 Shots Tequila, a jug of Red Mountain, and a handful of antacids, are required to listen to the dreck coming out of KNBR.
    Hairdoos, Movie reviews, past glories - it amazes me that this noise actually generates revenue. These morons make KGO and KCBS sound like Titans of Radio. SF GIANTS, 49ers, just buy KSFO and separate yourselves from these lumps

  4. KGO should just play Coast to Coast AM and Art Bell reruns 24/7

  5. Toasting a bagel is sacrilegious.

  6. KGO's early morning drive-time show, suggest if children on-air to tape that segment w/post tape edit, rather than live broadcast. Some awkward moments otherwise. As far as the ERC thing, radio listeners receive no monthly invoice from the station, adverts instead. That's workable, no complaints. But the question of PPP/ERC's relationship to inflation would seem a topic worthy of discussion.

  7. OPENER: "Black coffee with a little low-fat milk" is *not* black coffee.
    The problem at KCBS is not the news director, it's the parent company. Audacy is about 18 minutes away from filing in bankruptcy court. They were the maroons who looked at how the Cloud clowns overreached in acquiring the Cap Cities/ABC stations from Citadel and said "Hell yes, CBS, we'll buy your legacy stations at an inflated price. What could go wrong this time?"

    Breakfast: "onion bagel, toasted twice" is incinerated toast.

    Leave Karen Reid out of it, she's a nice lady. (She plays a mean board.)

  8. So sad to see two legacy radio stations circling the toilet bowl with the rest of the toilet paper, urine and feces. Thanks Audacy and Cumulus, or should we call you
    “ oddball” and “Cumulitis”. That sounds more appropriate, don’t you agree?

  9. KCBS 4.45 pm sports report no mention of As game or SF scores but a report on WNBA game played last night. VZ was doing the sports.

  10. What's this WNBA thing? Do you mean the station in Baltimore?

  11. I believe that comment was referring to the Womens National Basketball Association.

  12. The NBA plays a much better brand of basketball, more watchable and entertaining than college women’s’ hoops or even the WNBA. No knock on college nennoecwinen athletes, but I don’t watch any more college football, mens’ basketball and certainly not women’s basketball anymore because I just get frustrated. Unless you go see a game in person, on TV it really pales in comparison to the pros..It’s like watching mediocre theater as opposed to Broadway shows. You get spoiled by the higher quality.,Yes, the women’s game is “old school” with a more selfless style; lots more passing, screens being set, and play that rarely resembles the kind of ‘playground basketball’ we sometimes see in the NBA. But unfortunately, no way even a top woman pro player could play on college men’s team with perhaps an exception being a small division three school. But we shouldn’t expect them to be on the same level as the men’s’ game. Men are bigger, faster, stronger and more dedicated to the sport in terms of the numbers of male athletes who compete.. The women college and pro players should be given plenty of respect as they work just as hard as the men and set a great example for young, athletic girls. But generally speaking they are not very popular with the casual sports fan and there’s a reason for that. Most of The hard-core sports fans, might or attend women’s basketball games or watch on TV, but your casual fan is only going to watch perhaps two games at the most a week. Unless there a hard-core fans or women’s basketball fans , 95 perfect of them them will watch the NBA, the NFL, the MLB plus pro soccer and hockey. Also, Part of the reason for that is that the aforementioned sports have mostly been in the American mainstream for 80-120 plus years. Highly competitive women’s sports has been only modestly popular since they late 1970s abd early 1980, , shortly after Title Nine mandated more funding for college women’s’ sports.
