Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Old-School Vic Lee at Old KRON

Vic Lee --a 70's KRON stint with "old-school" written all over it.

I miss Vic, another gritty, professional, reliable retired reporter that epitomized the legendary old KRON and then some.

Lee went on to KGO and was his usual sturdy self at Cirlce7.

I MISS those good old days.


  1. Great guy! Vic was an Assignment Editor at KRON in the early 1970's as seen here. He had developed solid contacts for several years before becoming a reporter.

  2. Vic was A #1 always. Him, David Louie, and Rigo Chacon. I once found myself eating sushi in San Mateo one table over from Vic.

  3. The pic of Vic looks like he'd "Walk a Mile for a Camel"

    for the youngsters that was a slogan for Camel Cigarettes...

  4. It’s so sad to read about all these great guys and gals who were the Norm in our once much respected profession. They are like the dinosaurs. After many years they finally all died off or were shoved out the door or retired. Many of The frauds and hacks, newbies and inexperienced bumpkins that replaced them are the norm. It’s a far cry from the true Broadcast journalism from trained pros who knew how to present the news. That was pretty much the norm back in the 1960s, 70s, 80s and even into the 1990s and early 2000s. But no more. But then, very few people watch local TV news anymore and very few people listen to the radio anymore. There are finding most of their news on their cell phones or listening to Spotify for their music. Or they are texting, emailing, taking selfied and putting them on social media or twittering. Anyone can be a “star“ or a celebrity these days, no matter how dense and juvenile they are. Twitter is nothing more than a dumbed-down version of an annoying radio call in show. Twitter is mostly comments that sound like a bunch of mostly grade school level children. The embarrassing treacle is NOT entertaining and there is so much misinformation that it’s alarming. That certainly goes to Facebook and Instagram as well.. Trump proved that point with his absurd rants. 90 percent of the ca-ca on Twitter is nauseatingly repetitive and petty.

  5. Miss seeing old schoolers like Vic and Lloyd Lacuesta out in the field.

  6. Please NOTE the shoe leather that Mr Lee is propping up. In the past, reporters went after stories and dug deeply for the the entire story. It was characteristically called “workin’ the leather” (shoes!) chasing down a story. Reporters have a tough job - one has to ask the tough questions, and dig deeply. A one minute blurb on the news is the tip of the iceberg. An insight and developing story are the bread and butter of journalism.

  7. Is Vic daughter married? She wrote a book or memo one time sharing she once broke off her engagement.

  8. Great reporter and an even better human being.

  9. Yes I miss bay area reporters like vic ,also miss solid newspapers that had news and best Sunday editions. Nothing like sf chron and NY times Sunday magazines(weekly) listening to prairie home on the radio before 1pm niner game. Good old days kids
