Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Van Amburg

REPEAT AGAIN: He was and STILL IS, the BEST. The best ever then and now.

NOBODY is even remotely close.

Van Amburg was the heart and soul of KGO (Circle7) --news savvy, chops galore, the quintessential professional and anchor of Happy Talk.

If it bleeds, it leads.

Hell yes, those were the days my friends.


  1. He was also a sharp elbowed raging egomaniac alpha male prone to passive-aggressive temper tantrums...only a few degrees of severity removed from Pete Giddings. Let's not forget that side of the coin when talking about the man...

    1. Sounds like you're describing Dennis Richmond... A true 1st class a-hole

    2. Definitely old school. Refused to use the teleprompter, which is fine, however when he was working, no one else could use it either.....

  2. A true Bay Area journalist and anchor. THE GOAT!

  3. He's what Tom Vacar could look like if Tom learned how to smile.

  4. Ehh...I lived through those old dinosaur days of TV news (I'm 62---been working in the biz for 36 years). I like what we have now. The fact that I don't know any anchor names, I think, is a good thing. Sort of like an offensive lineman: You only remember them if they commit a penalty. And NO, anchors are not the QBs. The real stars are the stories...and the video. Gimme good video--and I'll listen to anyone narrating the video.

  5. Wrong! Jan Wahl and her hats & Carmen Kiew are the best! Where is ol' Jan & her horrible movie reviews. Can't get paid to talk movies anymore if you're irrelevant Jan and no one goes to the movies anymore.

    1. This is astounding! Appointment radio Friday evenings on the John Rothmann Progrum. There’s no place I’d raaather br.

    2. John Rothmann is currently writing biographies on Steve Moskovitz,his dentist, George Reeves, his plumber,Liz and Dick Cheney and Ron in Richmond..

  6. A lot of people don’t remember that Van Amberg had his own talk show on KNEW 910 in Oakland in the late
    1960s. He was also Bill King’s color man in the Raiders’ booth from 1966-68.

  7. There will never be another Van Amburg. While many criticized KGO News Scene's emphasis on "happy talk," it's a damn side better than the crappy content that passes for journalism these days. Many people today won't understand Van Amburg's impact in this market. It's a shame. Van was THE MAN and knew how to grasp an audience. No one can touch him in this market.

  8. I miss Pete Wilson and Dave Mac. Dont know about them as men but I miss old school journalism. Also, Dan Rather, Mike Wallace, Ed Bradley- the GOATS of CBS!!!

    1. Don't forget Morley Safer. Always thought he was the best of the 60 Minutes crew.

      Dave Mac was a gentleman through and through. He was one of those rare cases where what you saw on the air was the real deal. Pete could be a gruff jerk, and he had a big head, but I think a lot of it hid a very shy and timid guy. I was at KGO his last night, before he went off to have surgery. He was doing a *lot* of joking but I got the undercurrent that he was scared. Later I found out just how much.

    2. You need to go further back than Dan “What’s the Frequency” Rather. More like Edward R. Murrow, Walter Cronkite and Eric Sevareid. Add Huntley/Brinkley from NBC to the GOAT mix.

    3. worked with both dave mac and pete wilson. One was a cool and kind gentleman. The other died during joint surgery.

    4. Morley Safer was my favorite 60 Minutes reporter.

  9. On a different note, Julie's been on KTVU four days in a row!

    This might be a record...

    1. So Rich does a multi-part exposé on Haener and she immediately begins showing up to work. Coincidence? Me thinks not.

  10. Van Amberg was like the Johnny Carson of Bay Area News anchors. He stay on top for a long time.

  11. you mean estes and ritzo arent the greatest?

  12. Back in the late 1960s, Van Amberg
    had a daily call in show on KNEW 910 AM in Oakland, and he was the great Bill King’s sidekick in the booth during the early ‘glory’ days of the
    RAI-DUHS’ from 1966 through 1968.
    Many do not know this. But by the 1970s, he found his niche as a TV news anchor on KGO. As you point out Rich, Van Amberg was simply one of the best!

  13. He could never hold a candle to the great Roger Grimsby.

  14. Ditto on Grimsby 1961-68 KGO
