Thursday, August 25, 2022

KPIX Weather Guru, Paul Heggen Is Thumbs Up in My Book; Sylvia Chase/Bob Jimenez Symmetry at Old KRON; Dennis O'Donnell KPIX Update; Darn Right The Good Old Days Were Magical; Tribute To My Mother

NORMALLY I wouldn't care about a guy like KPIX's weather anchor, Paul Heggen--too robotic for my taste. And a little too wooden.

But Heggen has a wry sense of humor. It comes out every now and then in his forecasts. He knows his role and understands he's not curing terminal diseases--he forecasts the weather and he puts out the info in a straight-forward manner without any gimmacky shtick. One of the few decent PIXers on the air these days.

And he's not even a LT.

*Old KRON royalty: Sylvia Chase and Bob Jimenez.

She was as classy and gritty as it gets and Jimenez was one cool anchor under heavy pressure but unflappable.

*Dennis O'Donnell is fighting a degenerative neurological disorder that has prevented him from coming back to the airwaves on Bay Area/PIX TV. He was last on the air about a year ago.

PIX can't say anything about him and his condition due to health privacy laws and Dennis himself has not offered to say anything publicaly. I thought I'd update his situation because many of you have asked me and the Bay Area media doesn't care to even remotely ask questions.

*A troll chides me for my frequent homage to the past--yeah, schmuck, when we had real reporters and anchors and when there was legitimate star power and gravitas here. Now, we're reduced to fake, insincere straw-hat POSERS who look and sound ridiculous and can't read or ad-lib worth a damn.

It's revolting and tragic. We've become anemic and numb to their wares. We've adapted to their mediocrity and succumbed to their god-awful ways. No wonder nobody gives a damn anymore.

I, for one, am here to never forget the great talent we once were noted for and describe the serenity that was evuident here on a nightly/daily basis.

Miss Bob Melrose. And Rita Williams and the late, great, Faith Fancher, (who died way too soon)--and damn right, the greats like Van Amburg, Jerry Jensen, Dave McelHatton, and Pete Wilson, will always get love from this site--as long as I write this blog.

You don't like it? Go to SF Gate and look at purple houses and burrito recipes.

*MY MOM, my best friend, Ms. Anne Landau, tough Brooklyn mother, and Oaklander for 46 years, would have turned 100 tomorrow (Friday) --she looked 75 when she passed four years ago--(she was 95)--every day, mom, I miss you and miss taking you to lunch at the Butter Cup and ordering your corned-beef and cabbage at Francescos after the doctor visits on Thursday.

Mom, be well and know it's hard to function without you and your amazing self.


  1. I enjoy Heggen’s weather reporting. He may not come as overly excited or verbose like Peck but he seems humble and knows his stuff & it’s not tough to understand. He presents the weather in a concise way. I also enjoy his Weather Extra segments which are very informative along with Peck. The guy before Heggen was good too (Paul Deanno).

    Peck is great too but as some people have pointed out, he can sound like he’s arrogant, rude or even angry (talking down to his viewers, and a few cases “Concord, I’m talking to you”). Whereas Heggen is more calm, kind and humble when presenting the same information. In some ways my family prefers Heggen over Peck even though I still think both are good to watch.

  2. Who is this troll putz schmuck? This person wouldn't know quality if it was smacked across the face. It also tells you about people these days. Pretty sad.

  3. I always admire the love you express for your Mom. We all should love and respect those who set strong examples for us and follow in their footsteps as we guide younger generations. God bless Ms. Landau.

  4. Sylvia Chase was a square peg in a round hole at KRON. A total mismatch from day 1. She had the journalism chops but was never anchor material...her sweet spot was on the ground investigative journalism not reading a 'prompter. And I still cringe the times she laughed at Wayne Shannon's commentary when he was trying to be serious.

    Bob Jimenez was always great. But Pete Wilson was better once he got to KRON.

    1. Paymar ruled them all.

    2. Which is why he wound up on FOX broadcast doing the network's first attempt at Investigative long form 20/20 type news programming. It failed. And who knows what became of Paymar after that...

  5. Hi Rich, I always enjoy your tributes to your mother. I just lost my mom in July, also 95, I now feel what you've been feeling, it really sucks but I'm grateful to have had her for so many years. Yesterday was my b-day, first time in 66 years without her. Like you, I miss her every day.

  6. She lived to 95? You had wayyyyyyyyy more years than most people get with their mothers. Appreciate that. God bless her.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Does anyone know where the LT was deployed? I’m wondering if we crossed paths during my two tours in Afghanistan.

  9. God bless you. Richie

  10. Paul Heggen is awesome. I met him and his Wife in a Hardware store one day. Hope K-PIX keeps him around for awhile.

  11. I love the tension between Hackney and Peck. Especially when Hackney tries to give him some sort of Pop Quiz when tossing to the weather 😂

    1. Devin Fehely also threw him some curveballs at the end of Peck’s full morning weather cast too (:15 and :45). Like the hottest day, something technically related one time, and hottest month. 😂

  12. Ruch, of all the things you’ve written, your homage and your expressed love from your mom touches us the most. All of us. Well, most of us. My parents, just like your mom were part of that ‘Greatest Generation’ who survived a decade long Depression and then helped America and England and Russia whip Hitler and his nightmarish Nazi scourge. My parents were 93 and 93 when they left is but they both had full, rich lives, as I’m sure your mom did. I know I’m gushing Rich but keep plugging away. MANY people, especially us folks in radio and TV and the newspapers LOVE reading your posts, even when many of them “go over the top.” You’re the bay area’s Walter Winchell or Hedda Hopper when it comes to local media.

  13. Thanks for the Dennis O'Donnell update. Feels like he's been gone for a couple of years.

  14. Poor O’Donnell. We wish him well.

  15. Peck is an arrogant jerk. Always giving the meteorology lecture

    1. @7:30 and 7:50 Also echo with them that all we can do is wish O’Donnell well. Thanks for the update Rich.

      @7:03 - Thats what I put above. Sometimes he sounds like he’s also angry in some cases (“Concord I’m talking to you”, his words not mine). And while it’s good he moves straight into the forecast, the transition between a news item & forecast isn’t that much smooth with him. Heggen as I said is more kind & humble in the way he presents much of the information. Which is why my family prefers Heggen to Peck; personality & presentation mainly. In some other thread, I did read Peck does have “little man syndrome” though I could be wrong.

    2. Dont think she would be proud of him insulting other jobs even in good humour and treatment of women.

  16. Can’t they just let Dennis go, wait, suck if watching another VDLC gone missing but name still appear of KPIX

  17. Rich, I love the occasional homage to your Mom. Hope you have a good day today thinking of all the great times you had with her.

  18. Peck is not arrogant, he just comes across as a swarmy used car salesman. I like Heggen..straightforward weather. Plus what’s the deal with Hackney’s hair??????

  19. Best local TV anchor of all time?
    Maybe Roger Grimsby who spent about 5 years here at KGO TV in
    the 1960s, then became a stalwart for many years in NY w the ABC affiliate as well as occasional work with ABC news.
