Friday, August 26, 2022

A 415 Media Exclusive: Major Changes at KPIX; Juliette Goodrich To Solo Anchor at 6 and 7; Sara Donchey Solo Anchors at 11; Liz Cook/Ryan Yamamoto Go To Noon and 5 PM; Warren Makes Moves at 855 Battery



I'VE BEEN SAYING FOR YEARS KPIX had to get its MVP in weeknight prime time and they've finally paid attention to my advice.

Juliette Goodrich will anchor PIX's 6 PM news, she'll also do its 7 PM newscast --with Nora O'Donnell in the CBS network slot at 6: 30.

Sara Donchey will anchor, also solo at 11 PM.

The new line-up begins in the fall.

Other moves at PIX:

*Reed Cowan will anchor the 3 PM newscast, also solo.

*Liz Cook will anchor Noon and 5 PM with Ryan Yamamoto --a demotion for both (my take)

*Anne Makovec will depart the morning and anchor PIX's night-time newscasts on the KBCW.

OVERVIEW: New GM, Scott Warren, has put his fingerprints on this new schedule--it's about time. As KPIX has seen its lean ratings get leaner. A shake-up was inevitable and now you have the new placements.

*Goodrich will get a significant raise for her new weeknight gig--around the $300K per-year area.

There's more new programming on the horizon and I'll detail soon.


  1. Did Brian Hackneyed approve this?!?! You might just see that that kitty has claws!

    I wonder if Juliette tried to bring him along?

    1. …with Gasia back on the can at 6:30am Mon-Fri. Only on 2.

  2. Brian Hackney has been anchoring alone on Saturdays even recently. This past Sunday though both Hackney & Goodrich were not there; instead Devin Fehely at 5 & 6PM, and Ryan Yamamoto at 11PM (On a Sunday?). My assumption is Hackney will anchor solo on both Saturday & Sunday evenings based on what I’m deducing here. Also I think Amanda Starrantino will just anchor the 5am and 6am news with Justin Andrews as is now.

    I could be wrong but based on what I’m seeing these small things already happening are a sign of things to come for the Fall. Keep us posted when you got more Rich.

    Is this new line up going to also affect the current meteorologists; Heggen, Burch, Peck/Hackney/Lee?

    1. Hackney and Goodrich have a real chemistry, the only one at the station, truthfully. But the suits and "consultants" probably still want to chase the young crowd, even though the audience is in their 50s-70s, so the Brady Bunch kids will continue to get the top slots and their most talented people will languish. It's how businesses are run today—chase what you'll never catch and ignore what's in front of you.

    2. With all of the streaming they are doing in the morning i think they split off the noon because the 4-12pm must be a long shift.

      Maybe Cook wants the Ming Sze day time shift so she can be with her kids in the evenings instead of being at the station until 1130 every night.

      Yamamoto just bury him where no one will watch.

      I can see Donchey wanting the 11PM so she can get that on her Resume then head back to LA.

  3. I haven't seen Andria Borba on-air, in the last couple of weeks. And the last time she posted on Twitter was on the 11th; a hiatus which is inconsistent with her normal tweeting pattern. Plus her last twitter post, in part, had a negative vibe. Are those just coincidences?

    1. Didnt she break her toe or foot?

    2. She tweeted that she broke a toe, and I'm sure that is painful and hampering. Pretty atypical for her, however, to lay off the Twitter entries for so long. I'm presuming that she doesn't type with her toes.

  4. Heavy on Estrogen, eh?

  5. I enjoy Goodrich’s and Cook’s presentations - and think all the moves are in the right direction. I am glad nobody got axed - maybe the new recipe will be a tasty concoction. Change can be a good thing.

  6. Not sure I’d call this a revamp…more like a cost-cutting move.

  7. Wow. You said this was coming, or that major changes were coming after the big meeting a short time ago. But I DO wonder, why in the world, would they have Sara Donkey anchoring the 11pm news? I mean, that is one of the bigger gigs, and so, shouldn't it have been someone better than Sara Donkey? And while I am questioning this, what happens to Amanda Starrantino then? Finally, why is Ryan Yamamoto even still there, and putting him on the noon news? Crazy!

  8. Someone will be leaving KPIX very soon? Either Liz or Sara, Amanda got demoted and what about that new guy accused of something at 5PM.

    Pointless change for the station. Get rid of Sara please, she look like a hard stone on air.

    1. I always feel she looks like what a Kardashian would look like if a Kardashian did the news.

    2. I think all three are getting benefits. Amanda a shorter day, Liz day shift so she can be at home with her kids in the evening. Donchey a shot at 11PM

      They dont have to replace Kiese or Martin. They can dump Yamamoto away from the real ratings driven hours.

  9. I thought Ryan Yamamoto's wife was moving from a Sacramento channel to KPIX? I haven't seen her yet -- where will she fit into this new schedule? And by the way: where's Kenny Choi lately? I hope he's not gone -- whether as an anchor or a reporter, he does a good job and I'd like to have him stick around.

    1. I also thought Kenny Choi was a good, solid anchor/reporter. Nothing flashy, but very steady. And his work seems to look better in the light of the "talent" that followed (Amanda, Sara, Ryan, LT. ).

  10. This is throwing crap at a wall and seeing what sticks. If this was an actual means to an end there'd be some kind of branding thought behind it. But playing musical anchor chairs with a different anchor in a different time slot instead of an early prime/prime setup, most likely means KPIX sees little to no traction station-wide from this move.

    This is all about seeing who drives the needle most. Then when the contracts start coming up for renewal, more upheaval in the rotation as the lower performers get jettisoned and the channel starts getting serious about a consistent lineup instead of the jigsaw puzzle mish-mash rotation it's been using (and will continue to use with this new rotation).

    1. Put Jocelyn Moran on the noon anchor desk.

    2. ......or Da Lin.....

  11. I’m not sure if I’m liking these solo anchor shows.

    Ryan and Liz at Noon and 3
    Reed and Juliette at 5 and 6
    Juliette and Sara at 7 and 11

    They should also hire another weather anchor. I feel like when one of them goes on vacation or takes a day off it really messes with their schedule.

    Darren gets the worse of it on weekends. He does the weekend mornings and evenings.

    1. And he fills in for Heggen as long as he does not do it in the morning the same day and if he is available. Besides Brian Hackney, Emily Turner used to be both anchor and meteorologist before she left back in 2020. Mary Lee has moved away and she has only covered news stories, not been a fill in for weather since March.

      Saturday mornings at 6am were usually covered by Devin Fehely and one additional anchor who would at times also cover the weather (or all 3 including Darren Peck would be there).

      You have a point they should get another meteorologist who has also done anchoring too.

    2. I can't believe in SF they have someone working morning AND night. How embarrassing for PIX that they're so broke and ghetto that they can't afford to staff properly. Ridiculous for market #6.

    3. I don't mean to sound nitpicky, but I don't think that Turner was (technically) a meteorologist. She was a hard working and versatile reporter, who reported material that a/the meteorologist(s) prepared. A "weather reporter," like Pat McCormick was at KTVU.

  12. Do the really need 2 ppl to anchor the news.

    1. Does anyone need an "anchor" anymore? Just click on links/touch a screen icon...and let a video package air--without an anchor introducing it (this can simply be done by writing a one-paragraph intro)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. What ever happened to Mary Lee @Kpix?

    1. Mary Lee is just covering stories in the field ranging from weather to food to anything science related.

      Remember the last day she was on the show, she did say she would be “filling in for weather when they need me”. Since March (one weekend morning both Sat & Sun) she did not fill in at all.

      She was a very good meteorologist who did a great job forecasting the weather. I miss her.

  15. There was a time in the distance past Kevin O'Brien of KTVU was at war with KPIX. Those days are over.

  16. What happens to their "stars," Sara Donkey and Ryan Yamamoto? You know, the ones they made such a big FUSS over?

    Good for Anne and good for Juliette. If they had brains they'd bring Brian Hackney in with Juliette and move Donkey and Yamamoto to weekends. Or fill-in work.

  17. While they’re at it, let’s hope they send the LT back to the unemployment line where she belongs. It’s time to swallow their pride and acknowledge that the blonde airhead experiment failed miserably.

    And with KTVU rapidly descending by the second, local stations have a chance to make big moves to reign supreme at 11. The Donkey at 11 is a huge opportunity wasted.

    1. LT Jessica Burch - KPIX’s weekday morning & noon meteorologist

    2. 3:13, the LT is just another unqualified number pointer. You’re not missing anything.

    3. Lawrence Taylor. LaDainian Tomlinson. Jessica Burch. They're talking about Burch, here. I don't know how good she is on the gridiron, but I hear that she flies helicopters.

    4. Jessica Burch is not bad. She’s terrible. Anyone who denies that hasn’t seen her weather reports. It’s channel changing time.

    5. Now I am seeing her consistently anchoring too along with weather in the mornings. But hey she is at least anchoring science related & weather related stories.

      Peck was in for Burch on Friday and he covered the drought story quite well. The only time I saw him anchor prior to the morning show mess was on May 2020 and he wasn’t too bad (def better than Burch).

      Today she was speaking with Skyler Henry on the space launch…I thought it would have been Amanda, Gianna or Justin…Don’t think Burch is good at anchoring at all.

  18. I'm surprised Goodrich even took the assignment, seems like she'd rather be covering bake sales in Pleasanton. Liz is getting the shaft.

  19. I think LT is doing a really good job. Smart. Professional. Plus, she is very cute.

  20. So they put Yamamoto on alone at noon. Poor thing. Imagine getting a fresh new prime time anchor gig in the Bay Area and finding out no one really likes you. Demoted. I’m sure he’s a nice person. Just doesn’t have that gravitas Rich talk about. His dad in his promos must really be hurting. But believe me, Kenny Choi was better behind the desk than Yamamoto. But that’s PIX for ya’. Management wants to make sure KTVU doesn’t dethrone them on a race to the bottom.

    Everyone likes Juliette Goodrich. Sweet and reads well. But she’s better with Hackney as her acerbic glassy eyed sidekick. Liz Cook sorta puts me to sleep. Which would make her perfect for the 11 pm slot. The rest of the anchors are sort of a hodgepodge of peiced looking for a puzzle.

    At this point PIX May as well just switch to computer generated anchors. Can’t be any worse. Sort of like baseball’s future with robot umps. Or the crazy driverless cars currently roaming the streets of San Francisco. Don’t fight the future. It’s on us whether we like it or not. It’s either that or bring back the Naked News. They’d have to go on a whole nother hiring spree though. lol

    1. "At this point PIX May as well just switch to computer generated anchors. Can’t be any worse."

      I hear Mark Zuckerberg is working on something.

  21. Something is up. Looks like we are seeing "auditions" being tossed arounf @ PIX

  22. Come on folks! This is not an upgrade. This is a "Reduction In Force"! Solo anchors on three major newscasts? No new blood brought in from outside the market to "goose" the ratings? CBS just told you they don't see ad revenues bouncing back anytime soon. Rather than investing money trying to make more money, they have chosen to cut expenses and wait for the economic recovery.

  23. Cook moving to the 5pm is anything but a demotion. Thats the newscast of record and where PIX has

    1. @5:37 you say 5PM is the newscast of record? I guess the others are off the record then. Many people are still working or commuting then by the way. You left us hanging at the end…where PIX has what? Sucked?

  24. Whoever had this stupid idea in mind should be the one fired and let go!! Might as well just fired all news staffs including morning crew and hire new ones at a cheap price. I don't see why any KPIX staff should be loyal to this station and its management. KGO has Trixie, KTVU has some female manager and now KPIX. I am tuning back to KRON 4 atleast Ken Wayne is on and Lawrence who got fired at KPIX is also on KRON 4.

    KPIX is already a bad station with it's staffs and management. They hired a single mom reporter with issues issues issues issues....when they knew about it, but still want to hire this reporter and guess what, never ever shows up causing a blood increase with Liz overwork filling in for this reporter. Next, a sports anchor who suddenly disappear and both should be let go if they don't show up in a year, the station still kept them and this is San Francisco, they can hold onto the job gone missing over a year. Finally, a morning shorty getting rid of Frank and Kenny not talking s#*% behind the anchor back who got let go or demoted and this staff not loyal to KPIX heading back home smirking their eyes on another station. This tells you how good KPIX is hiring the wrong station and believing staffs who they thinks is loyal, the end, a traitor.

  25. This is interesting move by KPIX management. Indeed this is a like an evaluation to see which anchor or anchors will stay or will be released once contract expires. Good for Goodrich and Makovic the well deserve promotion to weeknight anchoring...

  26. Judging from the many reactions you get on your posts on local TV news, maybe there are a lot more people watching than we thought!

  27. All the stories are shallow, woke and devoid of substance...

    But at least all the PIX ladies are pretty and fresh looking.
    All the other stations remind me of when we would visit grandma at leisure world. I am easily swayed by a pretty face giving me the temps...and no Miss Crazy Eyes on Channel 11...she rteminds me of the stalker "stabby-stabby" type.

    1. Yes.....Brittany Begley = Bug Eyes

    2. Quite frankly I feel that KPIX has driven diversity out of their anchor staff! And even the reporting. I see them getting the lower priority stories. I think its the least diverse local news of all the stations. It's almost a "white out"!

  28. Do you honestly think this will make a difference? Look at the ratings then to what they are in 6 months. I would bet my bank account there is no change. (given my bank account is tiny). Nothing here earth shattering. All lateral moves if you ask me. I don't know anyone who sits and watches a local newscast (unless I count the followers of this blog). Sit and watch?! Really?! Local news?! 80% of the viewers are over 50 and those under 50 who have it on are not sitting and watching but use it noise or to hear what is going on while doing other things.

  29. If KPIX wanted to make a big move they’d snag Loose Peña from Circle7. She’s trying to act like a serious journalist these days: she no longer giggles ~300 times in each of her 60 second news reports. She’s pared it down to somewhere between 50-75.

    1. Her name isn’t Loose…it’s Looth.

    2. I can't handle her scratchy voice and accent.

    3. I can’t either but she checks boxes with her accent and overly-theatrical pronunciation of her first name.

    4. 7:09, you’re wrong. Completely wrong. She still giggles a couple hundred times per report, and now finds a way to mention her Instagram in every live shot.

  30. Goodrich solo???? Dumb idea!

  31. Broadcast Journalism is dead. The fake media continues spewing propaganda which the people are tired of and have tuned out. The REAL news is not being reported and these overpaid script readers are all useless and inept. The alphabet networks could burn to the ground and nobody would miss them.

  32. Can they finally get rid of that bad wig wearing Donkey, the awful bleached blonde LT, dorkey Yamamoto and barbie (Starrantino)? That would be a start for sure.

    1. I agree, but you’re not allowed to criticize LT. We’re supposed to treat her with kid gloves…she knows how to operate a helicopter after all.

    2. Gee, she's a helicopter "operator"? I thought she was a military pilot who goes into harm's way to rescue/help others in dangerous scenarios.

    3. What does her ability to operate a helicopter have to do with the fact she’s awful on tv? Nothing. Why not just put everyone who knows how to fly a helicopter in completely unrelated jobs for which they are utterly unqualified.


  33. Hey buddy, If you’re gonna make iaccusations such as that, why don’t you back them up w some facts? Why is most broadcast news ‘fake’ Which outlets? Give us an example, please. You’re spewing the same nonsense we hear from people wouldn’t know the first thing about the basic, “who, where, what, why and how” that are make up the foundation of broadcast and print journalism. This kind of respected and mostly respectable journalism has been practiced in our GREAT country since radio first burst onto the scene in the 1920s and TV 30 years later. Irrationa thinking citizens strongly believe that ‘Fake news’ is ANYTHING that doesn’t meet their views. There are a hundreds of news organizations in the US besides ‘entertainment’ outlets such as Fox, and internet companies such as Newsmaxx who like to pander misinformation and push wild opinion based usually on ZERO facts..

  34. Goodrich is the best anchor at the station. Hackney is very good as an anchor and management probably Demoting Yamamoto was their only option other than firing him. He is truly the worst anchor in the Bay Area and my guess they should have bought out his contact.

    I would have preferred Kenny Choi returning to the morning news. He was sabotaged by the bitch who went to Denver.

    I do not understand why all the negative comments directed to Donchey. She is competent anchor who reads the teleprompter without stumbling. She is also easy on the eyes.

    The Peter Principle was used when Management hired Yamamoto and Burch.

    FWIW - Allen Martin was the best male anchor at the station. Period.

  35. Could Warren have someone in mind to join these PM solo anchors.. maybe Frank Somerville?

  36. Looks like whatever Rich has mentioned is taking effect from today (Labor Day)

  37. The only person I am not seeing at 11PM is Donchey but last 2 days she was only reporting from the field for the heat wave; 11PM was done by Hackney alone and yesterday by Andrea Nakano. Everything else is accurate but nothing has changed with the meteorologists so far. They just have to see new faces at different times.

  38. What’s with the vitriol directed at Sara Donchey? I think she delivers the news in a professional and competent manner. I enjoy her newscasts.

  39. Sorry, but a newscaster's draw should be on how s/he is delivering the news. Unfortunately, Sara Donchey's "style" (nails, vibrant colors, etc.) are very distracting. Tonight's vibrant yellow and glow green had me needing sunglasses.

  40. Not sure these moves are going to help. I would can Ryan Y. He has no personality
