Saturday, August 27, 2022

KPIX Shuffle Post-Mortem: Hey, They're Trying; Goodrich Gets Big Raise; Betty Yu Primed for Weekend Anchor?; Liz Cook-Yamamoto No Spin; Donchey Survives and Gets Better; Dan Ashley Pay Day Nearing at Circle7; Vern Glenn Gets 49ers-Show Gig Plus #1 Sports Anchor Gig; Scott Warren Next Move: New Set; Baer/Giants Meet with Bob Costas; Saturday Scrambled Eggs/Coffee Schmooze

YOU'VE ALL been critical of KPIX's new moves--I thought I was too critical.

I'll give new GM, Scott Warren, credit. At least he's trying. And frankly, that's a good start. At PIX, they have nothing to lose.

By the way, Juliette Goodrich, even in today's marginalized TV News domain, is still regarded as a star. She's by no means the gospel but easily PIX's MVP and she was wasted on the weekend.

They finally coaxed her out of Siberia to work weeknights and gave her a pretty good raise--roughly $300K yearly.

Who replaces Goodrich on weekends? My best guess is either Brian Hackney anchors solo or Betty Yu gets consideration but it's not known as of now.

*Yu is a proven commodity but I'm not sure of her chops as an anchor--I like her more as a special investigative reporter in the field. I'm sure PIX brass feels the same.

*I'm hot and cold on Hackney, who likes to give the impression he's the smartest person in the room--and that's a major turn-off with viewers but he does anchor well and he has local roots.

*Sorry for the local sages who love to spin their own yarn, but Liz Cook and Ryan Yamamoto being moved to 5 PM is no promotion. It's Warren's way of trying to be the good guy in a no-win situation.

Cook isn't especially liked at 855 Battery --and more importantly, by viewers. And Yamamoto is pretty much a disaster--I guess at 5 o'clock he's (and PIX by extension) being placated, for whatever reason but it's still the same: viewers don't care for him, especially women.

*Sara Donchey, I'll give her credit, has improved, which explains her newfound confidence --I didn't get the "too-LA-looking" vibe she got from viewers--but as an overall anchor, she's decent and she reads well. It's likely she's more comfortable now and it shows on the air. In essence, she's like a SoCal version of Liz Cook only a lot more effective.

*Vern Glenn will not only become the #1 sports anchor at PIX but anchor a 49ers-related highlight show --PIX hasn't announced it yet, but I just did.

I hope Vern tones down the Radnich (Gary) shtick and anchors his own style and 86s the shuffling-papers act, it looks loopy and silly.

*Any day now, I hear through my vast grapevine of contacts, Dan Ashley will sign a "massive" extension--at least by Disney standards--Ashley isn't talking both publically or privately--he hates talking about his personal business --but the Bay Area wants to know, Danno. And the local mousies should be lauded for taking care of their face-of-station. Now if they could only do away with the clown in the morning at ABC7 that everyone can't stand. Rhymes with "veggie."

*Scott Warren's next BIG project: to rip apart the old, pathetic-looking set at CBS-SF and get a much-needed new look for both PIX and its CBSN platform. The current news set has all the appeal of a Martinez Arby's. It's old, grainy, lousy and unimaginative. The cost of a new set will be roughly the same amount of an Elon Musk visit to the local Nordstrom.

*Probably not a big deal but maybe significant nonetheless--either way, you should know: Bob Costas was inside the Giants' stadium/compound last Monday and talking with Larry Baer (so goes the story)--none of the Giants' press corps said a word and state radio, (KNBR) was too busy yapping about beer and the 49ers to tell --maybe the Giants are finally examining 2023 broadcast plans and Costas might be in the picture.

Just a hunch.


  1. The Giants won't pay for players. They certainly aren't going to pay the price that Costas would demand. Besides, why would he take the demotion to broadcast for a local team? The only local team he would even consider would be his hometown Cardinals. "Nothing to see here."

  2. When I saw the plate of scrambled eggs, my stomach growled.

  3. KPIX basically got the discount deluxe news set design bundle package compared to its sister stations.

    Meaning they only refurbished their set while keeping the skeleton framework of its 2012 design.

    It was a soft launch during Super Bowl 2021 Weekend and the last days of Ken Bastida.

    They only got new anchor desks, wallpapers, they ripped out the weather center for that monitor wall which was updated again a few months later, got rid of the traffic center for a couch set you rarely see, added another row of 4 monitors behind the anchor desk to finally make it look centered and matching the other sister stations set up.

    Sacramento and Miami being the smaller markets got the full treatment set design.

    KYW in Philly just updated their look not too long ago this year and it’s a very different set design compared to LA, NYC, CHICAGO, SAC and MIAMI. Could this be the new standardized CBS News Set updated O&O look?

    Don’t count on KPIX getting a new set for a while since this updated look is only a year old.

    1. Not only that but KPIX is the only CBS station that is using CBS local music, which some call a downgrade from the Enforcer.

      All other stations like LA, NY, Chicago, etc are still using the Enforcer music. Wish they brought it back; some of the CBS local music sounds like ‘clown music’.

      In the early days of their new 3pm newscast only their coming up segments were using CBS local (a preliminary sign that they would switch to that whole package)

    2. The "Enforcer" is the downgrade...I thought it was cheesy when the CBS affil in Philadelphia used it in the late 80s. Whatever PIX is using has to be better.

    3. The morning show music is the worst out of all the tracks in that CBS local CD they are using. It’s too soft and Sounds more like a Local Affairs program.

      The Traffic Music bed when Gianna is reporting sounds like a bunch or metal pipes falling from a staircase. Ouch.

    4. And it’s not only that time they use that music but also Thursdays & Fridays at 11PM after commercial break and the live view. All other days at that same time they use the ‘clown music’

      The previous music they used was more upbeat.

      Maybe I’m referring to at least NG3 or the ones used after 2013; like the Topical, Headlines, Primary Theme ones that were used before switching to CBS Local. Take a look at newsmusicnow and the Enforcer Collection and you’ll know what I mean…nothing from the 80’s or even 2010, something more like used in 2013 and after.

    5. True, the previous music especially one of the tracks they used sounded more like James Bond on the bumpers and rejoiners that’s still being used for the opens on KCBS and WCBS.

      The only decent CBS Local Theme track is the Noon and 3pm closing theme.

    6. I couldn't care less what the music sounds like, the set looks like, or who's anchoring. I just care about the news content of their broadcasts, which isn't all that great. The same goes for any station. I get tired of watching burning fields for five minutes, followed by a story informing us that there's a drought, and then having to watch a long, boring story about someone overcoming adversity. That seems to be the pattern on all the local news broadcasts.

    7. They should bring back their 80s music - easily identifiable, still modern, some urgency to it.

      Heck roll out the set…beats what they have today and makes the talent pop

  4. Liz Cook should be working for ABC. Her demotion means CBS has something against the mouse station and they decide to take it all on Liz who has some connection with the mouse station. She might be a consideration on KTVU when Julie leaves, rumor Heather will take 10:00 and Liz might get the chance if KTVU is interested on Liz.

    1. Well her husband works at KGO. Conflict of Interest?

    2. Not really, Lawrence K, KRON weatherman and his wife Sharon Chin both worked on KPIX, Brett Cannon and Laura Garcia anchor together before the nasty divorce, Grant Lodes and Justine Waldmam still on KRON

    3. No drama Heather should take over 10 o'clock.

  5. Suzanne Phan wife of Brian Yamamoto will be yelling at him for moving to the Bay Area. She comes, he got demoted, how long will Brian survive at KPIX? Brian has a lot of explaining to do.

  6. Martinez Arby’s? Ouch! We were just on KTVU Zip Trips. We are a happening place. A more appropriate comparison would be the Martinez Burger King.

  7. How can anyone take Vern seriously?

    1. What the big deal about Sports people anybody can do it last night both alternating Rendon and Brooks J read the sports segment. What happened to Joe Fonzi rarely see him except for Sunday night show.


  8. "... Hackney, who likes to give the impression he's the smartest person in the room--and that's a major turn-off with viewers but he does anchor well and he has local roots."

    He doesn't turn me off because he IS the smartest guy in the room AND he has a sense of humor. Darren Peck also has a high opinion of his own intelligence but it's not clear that he's smart about anything other than weather -- and he seems humorless, which is always a turnoff for me.

    1. I have personally seen Brian Hackney to be good in both anchoring & weather. Not only do I like his sense of humor (a couple of times he subbed for Paul, I really laughed in a couple of occassions on weather jokes based on what the anchors asked) plus gotta like his great city/weather trivia while doing weather. Some of this knowledge I never knew and was a bit fascinated by it.

      Today he was talking to Peck while transitioning to the weather at the 5PM hour and while Peck was smiling, he didn’t seem to care about the news item on Monday’s space launch and instead said “I digress” (which often he does) and gets into the forecast. The same conversation you would have with Paul or anyone else, they would talk about it a bit but still transition to the weather smoothly. Agreed, Peck has no sense of humor (not a hint of time I have seen it) and in some cases like maybe when he’s in the 3PM newscast, at the end of the newscast when the anchors conversate with us and ofc ask him, he’s totally uninterested and sometimes has no opinion (but sometimes he does).

    2. Thanks for your thoughts, Brian........

  9. I personally like Donchey’s look (hot enough for LA, works for me) and Liz Cook has grown on me but those other PIX talent anchoring are a mess. Since when does dressing in Chico’s get rewarded? No male viewer wants to tune in to see chubby or amateur talent. Rich you said it before, Betty Yu is underutilized there. From the viewing sidelines it appears to me that being an attractive woman at KPIX is a massive liability.
    Walnut Creek

  10. I LOVE Betty Yu. She has journalistic chops, she is smart, cute, and cool. She is qualified to be at KPIX on the news desk or in the field. Betty rocks.

    1. Betty Yu is a fashionista. She's not a good match with Hackney. She belongs as a reporter for ET. Doesn't come across as a serious reporter or journalist.

    2. I'm unimpressed with her too. She comes across as shallow and not real sharp.

    3. In other words, a prettier version of Carmen Kiew

  11. Tuning in to KNBR expecting to listen to sports, makes about as much sense as tuna fishing with a trombone. You get “skunked” every time.

    1. Nobody is listening to KNBR with the Giants being so mediocre. This will continue if the Trey Lance experiments fails and the Niners have a horrible season. Bay Area media love it though cuz then they can rip on Kyle Shannon John Lynch and Jed York. Bay Area doesn't deserve the Niners. Boycott KNBR!

    2. 7:00 PM I wish I understood that 'tuna fishing with a trombone' joke. I really do. I'll bet it's funny.

  12. Hackney goes solo on weekends. Betty Yu is a lightweight interested in keeping up with the Kardashians.

  13. You have to remember that Krukow and Kuiper are both 70, have health problems and seldom if ever make road trips anymore. The Giants now use a minor league announcer who sounds like a triple a announcer whenever Dave Fleming is “ on assignment” or Jon Miller, who is also 70, needs an off day. Both guys also help out w TV but ‘Kruk and Kuip’ have been a celebrated team for nearly 30 years. Kuiper’s health issues are much more serious than
    Krukow’s. Costas is also older, ( 70,) so broadcasting perhaps 50-60 road games for a few seasons, and the occasional home game when needed might right up up his ally. The guy loves baseball and did a terrific job years ago when he was s regular national baseball announcer on NBC. Plus he loves SF and after hiring another guy with lots of National experience.
    ( Jon Miller,) he would be s perfect fit. I don’t think broadcasting baseball on TV in the country’s largest market with a large audience and one of the game’s historically important teams would be s step down for Bob Costas.

  14. Ktvu needs to stop having Jesse Gary do the sports segment. It’s obvious he doesn’t know the first thing about what he’s reading, not to mention he constantly mispronounces the names of well-known athletes. He sounds stupid.

    Tonight Cristina Rendon did sports and I was impressed she correctly and naturally pronounced player names from different sports. Either she’s a big sports fan or she actually did her research ahead of time.

    Props to Cristina and shame on Jesse Gary.

  15. I meant SF is the 6th largest market. The top 5 Media markets: NYC, LA, Chicago, Philly and Dallas.

    1. They may be the 6th largest media market but they're #1 as far as open drug use. Huzzah!

  16. Betty Yu is better suited to do a weekend 1/2 hour fluff show on where she buys her clothes and restaurants she goes to. Dare I say it but maybe team up with Liam.

  17. Costas is talented, but it'd be weird to hear him doing Giants games, parachuting in with no affiliation with the team previously. He knows the game's history very well but no Giants history or connection and he's in his twilight, odd time to start with one team

    1. The Giants tried the same thing with Tim McCarver in 2002 when Jon Miller was away on weekends working for ESPN. Costas is a far better broadcaster but I just don't see it working. Baseball is a day in day out sport and you need that local connection with the broadcasters.

  18. I appreciate Betty Yu breaking a number of important AAPI stories that effect our community and helping to get the word out on hate crimes against Asians.

    1. If she doesn't break those stories, then Dion Lim will. I don't think Betty's all that interested in AAPI stuff even though she's Chinese. She's just doing it because if she doesn't the competition will

  19. I don’t get how Betty Yu went to Berkeley and Columbia School of Journalism but still isn’t taken as a serious reporter. She’ll never want or get the KPIX weekend anchor gig. It would take her away from
    all the “look at me” Instagram posts.

    1. I Agree a weekend job would take away from her influencer lifestyle.

    2. The one time I saw Yu anchor with Brian Hackney, she acted like a teenager who couldn't wait to get away from the boring grown-ups at the dinner table. And Hackney was polite but seemed quite ready to let her be excused.

  20. Martinez has an Arby’s!!

  21. Betty Vu belongs on Entertainment Tonight.

  22. Please KPIX management, DON’T promote Vern Glenn to primary sports anchor. He is a pompous, insufferable asshat. They can change the news anchors, but it will remain the Titanic with Glenn. I don’t understand why Andrea Nakano has not promoted, too. She has a very pleasant on-air demeanor, knows sports, and very attractive.

  23. Hackney also solo anchored today. Looks like small changes and signs leading to the larger signs. Don’t know if the changes will exactly be immediate or happen next month but we’ll see.

    Since Goodrich was not there this whole weekend wonder if she will come at all this week…We’ll see once this week starts.

  24. LMAO, Donchey is so awful is comical. If you ever want a laugh, check out her eyes when the other anchor is speaking, she is actively reading the other anchor's copy and looking for her cue.

  25. KPIX needs to get rid of Da Lin, Devin Feeley, and Anne Macevic. All three speak like their whispering and Lin looks and acts like a chimpanzee. And this NOT anti-Asian: other Asian reporters like Kenny Choi, Betty Yu, Kiet Do, Mary Lee (she needs to return to doing the weather - Jessica Burch is lousy!), and Andrea Nakano are fine (Nakano and Andria Borba need to lose weight though)
