Sunday, August 28, 2022

Haener's Unwavering Support of Somerville Still Draws Ire at KTVU

IN ADDITION to her other issues and drama--and there's a lot--Julie Haener is attempting to fight off a bigger problem: her steadfast support of fallen co-worker/KTVU anchor, Frank Somerville.

Frank has been gone now over a half-year but the repercussions are mounting: Julie's support of Somerville even when he was given multiple chances to get his act together and not just personal but professional too.

KTVU staff were more than fed up with Somerville's wanton disregard and when his transgressions began to pile up (the on-air slurred speech and DUI arrest), Julie was the only person to stand behind Frank and that resulted in a negative vibe with the rank and file who felt there was a double standard. And by extension, "privileged" Julie was acting as an aid and abet to Frank's ills.

*In a more recent move, Haener has been trying hard to figure out the leakers of her possible LOA (leave of absence)--although she's been showing up to work now over a week and hasn't missed a day off. My, what a coincidence.

Wonder why.


  1. Do the math.
    The "core" 4 are more.
    As a result, ratings are tanking. And will continue to tank, as KRON steps up to be # 1
    If you have a drunk on payroll, you simply move them to "part-time" so they can deal with their personal issue. Cutting 2 of the 4 was a BAD move, not to mention the bumbling weatherman. Retirement.
    Core 1 ? ....

    1. > as KRON steps up to be # 1.

      That is so scary, like a kiddie park besting Disney World.


  2. Frank Somerville is the hill Julie was willing to die upon? Why? What a train wreck! Frank has gone "Coocoo for Cocoa Puffs". Have you seen his social media channels lately. Yikes!

  3. Maybe she needs to be a mommy to feel fulfilled. Frank needs a mommy.

  4. “All publicity is Good publicity, even Bad publicity”, or so the story goes. Maybe the “leaker” is none other than JH herself. Drum up some noise, revel in the publicity. Not the first time that has ever been attempted. But Frank’s problems are common, and while HIPAA laws require silence from employers, his actions were his downfall. As we all know, none of this stuff happens in real life. I am sure glad I never made a stupid mistake (more than 3 times!)

  5. The solution can be found in the movie The Anchorman. Ron Burgundy was fired for using profanity that was written on his teleprompter. The station stumbled along in his absence. Then there's a big story and all of a sudden they realize they need Ron. He cleans himself up and shows up with microphone in hand to report the birth of the baby pandas!

    We don't have a big story like that to bring back Frank. But he deserves another chance. He would start with a five-part series detailing his self destruction. Then he would return to the anchor desk and get a big kiss from Julie. Lastly, they should give him an opinion segment where he does a monologue and has a panel of guests. Ratings gold!

    1. I cannot imagine a more boring and irrelevant way to waste one's time than to have to sit through punishment like this.

    2. Go drink some Scotch... Scotchity Scotch Scotch! This will NEVER happen. That was a movie and Frank coming back is a pipe dream.

    3. Will the Thrill wins this thread! Isn't booze what got Frank in trouble in the first place? On more than one occassion from what I understand.

  6. Julie, ask the weather woman/fashionista with the creepy photographer friend about who the leaker is. She knows.

    KTVU Newsroom staffer

    1. Pam Cook!!!!!!

    2. The Cookster Strikes Back.

    3. > Pam Cook!!!!!!

      Um, no, dummy.

    4. Inquiring minds want to hear more about Rosemary and her creepy photographer. What is the background on that story Rich? What gossip is there about Rosemary that we don't know?

    5. Piss off @11:58pm. Call me a dummy to my face weakling. It is Pam Cook. Said "weather person/fashionista" HATE each other with a passion.

    6. A few months ago Rich reported Rosemary got in some deep trouble with HR when she brought one of her clothing line photogs into the studio and he ended up getting into a strange confrontation with a female staffer.

    7. "Weather person/fashionista." Any retard could figure out that's Rosemary with her "clothing line."

  7. What does unwavering support even mean? She goes to work and reads the news. I’m not sure what her unwavering support for him means in this context unless she’s constantly complaining about Frank being let go whenever she’s at work.

  8. Frank is nicer than Dennis who is getting his punishment after retirement for being a bully to his co workers

    1. Dennis was a prick, but he never drove his car into another vehicle and nearly killed some pedestrians on the sidewalk.

  9. I read this weekend that NBC plans to stop programming the 10-11 PM hour of prime time in 2023. It's likely that NBC Bay Area will move their 11 PM news to 10 PM, bringing a direct competitor to KTVU.
    KTVU needs to do something to stop the bleeding at the 10 O'clock News before then. Perhaps it's time, as 3:28 mentioned, to bring Frank back. That would also ensure that Julie will work most ot the newscasts.
    Sometimes it takes a second chance to right the ship.

    1. REALITY CHECK: Nobody is ever bringing Frank back. He's lost his marbles. He's on social media rambling about things that don't even pertain to anything, while he's awaiting court dates and looking at his revoked license. (Although someone told me they could swear they saw him driving in Oakland recently. With no license? I wouldn't put it past him.)

      They should cut Julie too and bring on Heather, who seems hungrier and more reliable. For all the dissing she gets, at least she *shows up* and *does the job.* And they need to hire better people, not rejects from Fresno or the Chronicle.

  10. Female news readers are such airheads. Julie has regressed and is phonier than ever!

  11. KTVU is a snake pit.

  12. Does "News Director Amber" stay in the station thru the 10pm newscast? Or does she blow out before the 6pm show?

    Ohhhh That's right....she "tapes" the show and watches it later because she is sooooo overwhelmed.
    Guess what a tru-pro ND would do.

  13. My ire this morning is watching KTVU and seeing f-ing Peter Doocy on there.

    1. Haha, Peter is the only one who asks real questions, not softballs. What's wrong with that?
