Monday, August 29, 2022

Radio Monday Dreck Patrol With Nauseating KNBR "Smurph and Smack"; "Papa and Lund" Mildew; "Tolbert and Copes" Blather Too; And KGO Hangs On a Thread; Barf Alert

TORTURE was evident if you happened to listen to a portion of dreck that is the "Smurph and Smack" show on state radio, (KNBR) --a miserable Monday morning made even more miserable by a guy (Brian Murphy), Marin fan boy who treated listeners to an endless odyssey of stories detailing his Giants-subsidized weekend trip to Minnesota to watch his Larry Baer bears.

Insufferable. Boring. Complete with Murphisms as never before described with the usual painful beer stories and ass-kiss plugs that epitomize Murph and his middle-aged poopfest. Not to be outdone, sidekick moron --fake Jersey accented "Paulie Smack", who sings songs because KNBR thinks he's a wacky guy, was equally obnoxious and nauseating How these two insufferable schmucks are allowed to yack endless nothings should be cause for a federal investigation.

*KGO Radio is hanging on a thread (financial), that would be downright serious were it not involving an albatross AM dinosaur that nobody listens to or cares about.

KGO has a bunch of people that the payroll at Cumulus can't support longtern and only gets by because the Clouds sent a new debit card to the office but it has a firm expiration date. Listen closely to KGO's ads during the afternoon --really more remnants ads, PSAs and unfunny promos that make jokel Nikki Medoro sound like a fool. Yeah, ha-ha, penis jokes!

*Smurph is taking an extended vacation next week and moron "Powlie" is headed to Italy: can we hope these clowns get sent to a Rome Rikers--Smurph gets stuck in a Mill Valley Motel 6? Yeah, yeah, yeah!

*When consuming even a few morsels of Smurph and Smack the body becomes nauseated and the natural reflex occurs take note, Bay Area listeners.

*Then there's the other dreck on Knibber; really, the rest of the day with insufferable "Papa and Lund" (Greg Papa and John Lund), the latter who found a desperate, divorced Miami woman even more toxic than him (John Lund) and a beef jerky, (Papa) who thinks endless stories about his travel itinerary makes for good radio.

Papa jumped the shark about ten years ago. Ask Comcast.

And Lund? Darwin was wrong--"like you said."

*The midday blather--on life support after a decent few months--"Tolbert (Tom) and Copes (Adam Copeland) is a hopeless, lousy, unfunny BORE --with a guy (Copeland) who hyena-laughs every two seconds and a partner, Tolbert, who long ago was relevant and now is there to talk about his beer collection and want to eat pop tarts every day.

And nobody gives a crap about your Anaheim Angels, Tommy.



  1. Murph is desperate for attention, just like his quasi-boss Baer. Best to ignore both of them. Did Murph recount every awful loss? He’s such. A bore.

  2. I’m waiting for Pappy Copeland to come in wearing his lawn jockey outfit.

    1. Is Brian Copeland Adam's dad? If so, nepotism is alive and well. Even though KGO fired his "dad" and he lost his lawsuit to KGO for ageism and racist behavior. Brian sometimes is in Crush Comics in Castro Valley. He is a huge comic book fan which is cool!

    2. 4:45 — Brian has a cameo in Venom 2.

  3. Not sure how anyone can listen to the lousy ad-libbing by all you mentioned. Movie reviews? Hair-Doos? Restaurant reviews of where they have been? Garoppolo sightings? Gud-Kriced!! Not one of these clowns has any idea about Sports. Even Tolbert’s rehashing his glory days as a 2nd stringer has been baked to dust. All of these weaklings need to be shipped out to Kalamazoo, where they can pontificate the plusses and minuses of Michigan State vs Big Blue. Oops, my bad - these jocks do not know college football. But Paulie Mac knows and loves the band KISS, which only proves his musical tastes are lame too. WHEN will management clean house and put folks on who actually can talk about sports? The entire crew from 6am to 10pm are about as witty as a failed Whoopee cushion. Pure dreck!
    Where’s Mr Ono when we need him?

  4. Do Smurf & Smack pay KNBR & Cumulus to be on the air and keep their "jobs"? Bring back Frank & Mike in the Morning...

    1. Frank and Mike were the best on KNBR.

  5. I could only manage about three minutes of the M&M Minneapolis food stories this morning. Murph droning on and on and Mac injecting some psychobabble about every three seconds. I think getting water boarded would be less painful.

  6. Maybe Adam Copeland can enlighten us with more stories of SFPD and other Bay Area Police Departments who "racially profile" him while accusing him of being a "guy who fits the description" after leaving the balpark. The funny thing about all this are guys like Lund, Copeland, FP (maybe), Dieter Kurtenbach (BORING!), Willard would never have even sniffed the ON AIR microphone if Bob Agnew and creepy Tony Salvatore were still there. Agnew was a huge proponent of honing one's craft in smaller markets and then maybe getting a shot years later. Roxy Bernstein thought he'd be on air "talent" someday at The Sports Leader but that never happened. He was on the Lame for like 5 mins but his lispy saliva filled mouth voice is annoying and his sports knowledge is lacking if it doesn't revolve around California Golden Bears Football, Basketball or Rugby. Another "daddy's boy" like Bob Fitzgerald who used his dad's money and sphere of influence to play pretend sportscaster. The truth hurts... and everything I said here is true. Book it!

    1. What influence did Fitzgerald and Berstein have or had care to elaboarate.

    2. You answered your own question... they have no influence. The Warriors felt sorry for Bob so that's why they keep him on as play-by-play "announcer" on TV. Can't kick a guy when he's down. Bad look for the Dubs if they did. However, viewership on Warriors games was way down last year. Roxy will be doing the late Play by Play for Pac 12 bottom of the barrel games late on a Saturday night that no one watches. It's well know in the industry that their dads helped grease the wheels to get them on air. Roxy's dad donated a bunch of money to Cal so Roxy could be the sports director at the radio station as a freshman. The senior who should have gotten the job was passed over after putting in his time. Not cool! Bob's dad was the mayor of Foster City and played golf with Bob Agnew, KNBR PD at the time and creepy Tony Salvatore the GM of the station. That's how lil' Bobby got the job. Neither Bob or Roxy wants people to know how they got to where they are. By using daddy's money and stabbing people in the back. Ask Greg Papa about Bob.... and Papa is no angel either.

    3. Your story about Roxy is complete BS. I know because I was on the KALX sports staff with him, in fact, I was the co-Sports Director his sophomore year, my senior year. He never called a game his freshman year, he earned his spot like everyone else. He did the grunt work, like running the board back in the studio for games. I assigned him his first game midway thru his sophomore year. He didn't become Sports Director until his 4th year.

    4. Fitz calls Warriors games on TV for NBC Sports Bay Area and calls Olympics for NBC. Roxy works for ESPN calling College Hoops with guys like Bill Walton, also does MLB, NHL and College Football. How exactly are they pretend sportscasters?

  7. They pay Tolbert high six figures to talk about beer and Pop Tarts & how he's "great friends with Steve" so Kerr will call in every week during the season to keep the Warriors relevant on The Sports Leader. It's time Cumulus swallows the hard pill and fires Murph & Mac, Papa & Lund (both of those clowns should be gone tomorrow), Tolbert and definitely Copeland. He's like Chester from the Spike the Dog/Sylvester the Cat Looney Toon cartoon. (Adam: "Anything you say Tom! [insert hyena laugh] Because you & me is pals right Tom? We're jolly ol' chums aren't we Tom? Through thick and thin!") Clown!

    1. What voices will fill the hours if Cumulus cans everyone? It’s one thing to show them the door, it’s another to suggest what voices to replace them with.

  8. Toolbert has been mailing in the show since he has been on the air. The ending of his show had “Anothers man meal is another man bile “ was so crude and surprised it aired for a long time.KNBR should have let him ago with their recent purge.

    1. Exactly 12:11pm! Because he can't carry a show himself. I don't think his heart has been in it for 5+ years. But he keeps cashing those Cumulus checks every two weeks while he "quiet quits".

  9. What’s Ted Cruz doing with Tolbert?

  10. They should just insert fake laugh drops in place of the fake laughs. Copes/Lund is either stoned to the bone - everything draws a laugh - or he responds to mindless chatter with mindless laughter. Not sure who’s running the show, but they deserve the ol’ heave ho too.

  11. Let’s be real here. Sports talk radio has never been geared for anyone with an IQ over about 85. It’s supposed to be “entertainment.“ But Instead you have loudmouths such as Jt the brick, hyper active know it all‘s like Chris “mad dog“ Russo, wise cracking smart asses such as Gary Radnich anf annoying egotists such as the late Pete Franklin and Warriors TV voice, ( WHY is this guy on Warriors’ telecasts?!) Bob Fitzgerald. ‘Brilliant’ programmers hire these guys because they think they can get listeners ( specially with young demographic ( as programmers and bean counters like to call them,) to tune in. That translates into ratings and revenue to pay these cretins For their “services.” But hey, it’s still seems to work. There are enough board, dumb people out there who have nothing better to do than listen to this tripe. Junk food for the kind. LJunk food for the mind.

    1. JT the Brick is a mercenary! He's a self proclaimed NY Giants fan but since the Giants suck he's become a pseudo cake eating Raiders fan because he broadcasts out of Vegas. He won a Jim Rome on air contest once and turned it into a job even though his sports knowledge/history is extremely lacking. Pete Frankin was a great guy especially off the air! It was all part of his schtick. Not an egotist but I can see how you think that based on his on-air persona. Radio is dying and so are local sports "talk" (non-existent) shows. That's why these clowns talk about beer, travel, Game of Thrones, sex and whatever else is hot in pop culture. Truly doomed!

    2. JT was a homer and screamer was his schtick. Guess under Mark Davis no longer employed with like he was previously side line reporter for pre season games.

    3. Jim Rome is the biggest joke on the air and cannot understand his schtick and popularity all these years.

  12. Tom Tolbert became unlistenable right after the bosses fired his sidekick The Razor’ Ralph Barbieri from KNBR over a decade ago (may he Rest In Peace). Barbieri was very outspoken and often harsh on the Giants and I think that didn’t go over too well with management being as it’s their flagship station. But he at least made the show interesting. ‘What about Saltamacchia??’ - Classic Barbieri line that always irked Giants management Larry Baer et. all when they were on. lol

    Anyhow…Since then they’ve tried to pair Tolbert with every local sports talk host you could imagine to no avail. Yawn. Just plain unlistenable at this point. And half the time they don’t even talk sports. Must be nice to have a gig where you can basically shoot the sh:t with your friend for a few hours hours and get paid quite nicely. Oh…and talk about men and sports and sports and men every now and then. No homo. lol Seems to be the trend at all the sports stations these days. Meantime teachers remain underpaid and schools understaffed. But…GO TEAM!!!! Priorities, I guess. Meantime most people can’t even remember or care who won the Super Bowl last year. Society. Doomed, I say.

    1. Spot on regarding Tolbert and the Barbieri! Ralph was a force of nature, had a goofy voice and was always highly opinionated (right or wrong) -- but never boring. Tolbert was like the laid back straight man -- we could relate to him and he would balance out Ralph's high strung intensity. It just worked. Hasn't been the same since they broke up the show. Throw in Radnich, Tony Bruno, and Kruger for the sports nerds out there -- KNBR had a nice run. When Brian Murphy first joined the station I appreciated what he brought to the table from his background in real sports journalism -- but he has turned into a raging, annoying a$$. No thanks.

  13. Rich ... It's your job to listen to this dribble and report back to us what's going on. It's not my job to listen to these people so I don't. But guess what ... my blood pressure is at near normal levels and I sleep well at night. In the long run it's just not really that important. As far as being an entertainment value, it isn't. So life goes on.

  14. I i only listen for 20-30 minutes in the morning to M&M. They are enjoyable. Rich, you complain about everyone but you rarely have specific ideas for how a station could be better. I enjoy your blog!

  15. Thank Goodness for Sirius XM. I’ll only tune into the local radio occasionally when driving for traffic in the 8’s.

  16. Greg Papa was once a good talk show when he was on 1050 1-3pm
    but that was because he was doing it solo and none of juvenile humor

  17. Well give KNBR credit at least for not bringing back Eric Byrnes back
    Mr Caffeine since MLB Network let him go.

  18. Byrnesy (not to be confused with the great former Sharks defenseman) clowned his way out of Seattle, all while collecting a huge paycheck. He was making millions and he simply trashed his relationship with his team, teammates, fans. Certainly NOT a Professional. Kind of like the KNBR Hosts, mailing in a lame show day after day, month after month, year after year.
    Will these idiots try to hone their craft? No they won’t, they are lazy, spoiled, sophomoric, and clueless.
    In the Wide Wide World of Sports, we get saddled with this smelly dung. And not entertaining in the least. KNBR: the 50,000 Watt Crap Tosser !!!

    1. Yeah Byrnes is a joke. Last I heard he's working for the Savannah Bananas and that lame way they play. It's like Base-ketball! Lame and unwatchable... kinda like Eric Byrne' career. This shows you how much of a rocket scientist Byrnesy and his St. Francis education did for him. He proudly tells people he tried to talk Tom Brady into playing for the Montreal Expos and ditching Michigan footbal.

  19. Traditional radio is dying a slow death. The drip has been attached to its arm. What's taking so long?

  20. Go figure why he got job with Fox Sports national for quite awhile.

  21. Copeland is softer than shit.

    1. And creepy as hell.

    2. Big time! Brings nothing to the conversation. You can't just say you grew up in the Bay Area but have zero (0) sports history knowledge and awareness. It's sad they even put someone with no "talent" on the air. Copeland & Carmen Kiew would be an amazing pairing. I'd rather listen to paint dry.

    3. Carmen will be busy when the Giants fire kapler and make her the new manager

    4. Yeah Carmen can play her boyfriend Brandon Belt every day. But only if Farhan tells her to and the analytics, star charts and astrological signs point to the best line-up statisitically that she be in the starting line-up. But she can change things up when the opposing teams changes pitchers and messes up the Giants "Mighty-Line-Up O' The-Day". This season is a perfect example of what happens when things go completely off the rails. But don't worry! Carmen & Marty Lurie will tell you up until the last week of September "The Giants still have a chance at a Wild Card spot". LOL Most of us will have laready moved on to the 49ers & the NFL.

  22. I can fix KNBR......

    First I purchase Sirius radio or whatever it's XL called. Then I listen to Pat McAfee, Chris Russo and kids bop (knbr sister station on Sirius)

    1. Sorry, my dude. McAfee told Sirius to f-off today.

  23. “And nobody gives a crap about your Anaheim Angels, Tommy.” Neither did Disney nor Anaheim evidently. Would be nice though to have at least one of their 2 stars on the Giants. Otherwise, soon Giants’ fans will find places to make out at Oracle Park like the couple watching (or not rather) the other disaster of a baseball team across the Bay.

  24. ALL local sports talk radio is a joke--not just here in SF. They're all "homers." I was recently in Seattle, and the local hacks were all saying something along the lines of "A couple of good breaks here...the continued mastery of the offense by Geno--with Lock
    also ready to go if needed...and you know what? The Seahawks may just be the surprise of the NFC this year!" LOL!!

    THis is why I gave up on KNBR and The Game LOOONG ago. I listen to the national radio shows & podcasts--because they are not beholden to one particular team.

  25. Joe Starkey has to reschedule his retirement party due to (again) another termite infestation at his home..Pacific Coast Termites is too busy cleaning all the homes Pat Thurstons long lost best friend "Sherod" has sold

  26. I am appalled at the level of criticism of Jessica Burch on this board. I think she presents relatively well on TV (I haven't seen her that often), but I am VERY glad to hear her voice on KCBS in the morning. A younger voice, pleasant, and I'm still young enough to understand if she speaks rapidly as time runs out on her segment. Seems like a lot of the commenters on here dislike station management's error in attempting to capitalize on her military service, which I couldn't care less about. Again, her voice and delivery work for me, fine.

    1. Hi Jessica! You need to learn not to be triggered by comments on the internet. Instead, spend the time learning how to salvage your tv career. Your national guard thing is completely irrelevant to this discussion.

    2. WHOO AHHH !!!!

    3. What I find offensive is the KPIX knucklehead management uses her military rank in their station promotions. When she is referred to Lt. Burch and they show her in uniform walking to her helicopter is wrong. Delivering the weather for KPIX IS NOT an official military duty. I am surprised that California National Guard, the Department of the Army and the DOD have not called out KPIX. I would think this is prohibited by the UCMJ.

  27. 3:42 here. I'm not LT Jessica. Just a middle-aged radio listener who thinks a young voice is a pleasant variety. Turned on KPIX very early this morning and damned if they're not still listing her as "LT". The pervasive lionizing of the military is nonsense ("America Strong!" on ABC every night), second only in nonsense to whoever at KPIX thought this charade was a worthwhile distinction. Jessica, you deserve better: ask them to toss the LT on your TV chyron and just go with your meteorology and delivery. No need to subject your career to ridicule, even if it is childish.

  28. Copeland is the WORST radio hack/announcer on the air, did he pay for the gig? As for the Greg Papa fellow, he may know a lot but he suffers from a run-on mouth that somebody needs to shut up, as in working a puppet. How do these bores get on the air: Inside connections:
