Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Mark Ibanez Last Broadcast on KTVU Thursday Night; Fake "Retirement"; Diluted Fox2 Loses Another 10 PM Anchor; KCBS Continues AM Drive Quagmire; Brooks/Culross Yuck; KPIX New Boss, Warren, Should Clean House; Hump Day Open

10 PM product dillutes; KTVU- Fox RATINGS wane; Ibanez "retirement" fiasco

Mark Ibanez will anchor his last (on KTVU) sports broadcast Thursday night. Too bad all the lovey-dovey you'll see tomorrow night won't be genuine.

It's all a charade, actually, not Ibanez' doing.

Ibanez will leave the Fox2 studio because The Firm wouldn't extend his current arrangement. He's been working without a contract for a year. Fox made the decision to do away with one of its major Bay Area personalities offering Ibanez, instead, a financial buyout to "retire"--an arrangement Mark decided to accept, reluctantly, but he did so thinking family over his own individual needs.

And even though he's still at the top of his game and as solid as ever.

Ibanez leaving will lead the station's storied "10 o'Clock News" now missing two of its prominent anchors--Frank Somerville was booted from KTVU over his various personal transgressions in February after 31 years.

Ibanez will leave the scene after nearly 43 years at 2 Jack London Square. That's a lot of human history to replace. And suddenly, KTVU is feeling it.

Only Julie Haener and weather anchor, Bill Martin, remain.

KTVU has seen ratings plummet; although it remains the dominant leader at 10, KTVU viewership is significantly down across the board and KTVU lagged during the recent February Sweeps.

KTVU and Fox will attempt to show on Thursday night everything is peachy and rosy--Ibanez, in fact, has an NDA agreement. He can't talk publicly about his financial package nor the details of his formal going-away from Fox, but according to my sources, although he's happy leaving KTVU, he's still open to working somewhere, maybe in the Bay Area.

By the way, as I reported here, Joe Fonzi, will take over for Ibanez, beginning next Monday.

*KCBS and its morning follies contined this week--the all-news Audacy outlet (740 AM--106.9 FM) trotted out yet another fill-in (for retiring anchor, Stan Bunger)--Melissa Culross paired with business reporter, Jason Brooks, to deliver the AM-drive news from 5-10 AM.

Predictably, it was awful.

Brooks, as I've stated, has ZERO emotion and no presence. He is not ready for prime time. Maybe the bosses at KCBS think they have a diamond in the rough. They don't. Brooks is adequate, (barely) at anchoring business matters, but he's not a news reader and has no personality.

Culross is equal no presence and reads as robotic as ever. She's more suited for weekends or some other slot, just not AM drive.

*Scott Warren, I'm told, is not only a good guy with local chops, but someone who has the news accumen to get KPIX out of the dungeon.

The new GM at CBS-SF has a lot on his plate. He certainly needs all the help he can get. He can start by cleaning house at PIX. There's nothing to lose.


  1. I disagree that Culross "has no presence and reads as robotic as ever" contraire....she is WAY too PERKY, speaks too fast, and, IMO, is FAR more annoying than Holly....

  2. The problem with Scott Warren is that he has local roots and therefore will be hesitant to clean house. It would be far better to have someone who can genuinely look at the slop mess and FULLY clean house including the stodgy old anchors who have been there forever. He won't do that. He's new to being a GM and will be playing don't rock the boat for the first 2 years. He knows he's not qualified for the job he just started and he'll want to keep it.

  3. What kind of an idiot lets Ibanez walk out but keeps Bill Martin? That place is a mess.

  4. Yet another reason NOT to watch KTVU. Wishing Mark Ibanez all the best. Enjoyed your work Mark!
    Frankly he's probably glad to be done with FOX and their pro Putin network garbage. KTVU has gone to hell since Cox sold them. I can't watch it.

    1. Agree. The Fox News Channel garbage really does stain everyone working at this station. They even run the national Fox pieces on KTVU now. Such a difference from when it was run by Cox and had different management.

  5. Business news at KCBS is non-existent, they farm some of it out from another station that is 100 percent business. And in this area where the business world is so interesting. What a joke.

  6. KTVU sold its soul to Fox. The inclusion of Fox News segments on the 10 O'Clock news stripped away any integrity on the broadcast.

  7. Just toss KTVU headfirst into a wood chipper and be done with it. Air some quality programming in its place, like episodes of Charley and Humphrey!

  8. KCBS is feeding the anchors too much caffeine. I guess they want them to talk faster so they have more time for commercials. The once go to place for local news, traffic, sports, business and commentary has gone kaput. What a shame.

    1. Greg Brady ...on steroids.
      (Says Rich)

    2. Actually he called him Peter on steriods..but greg or bobby or even mike would be interesting too

  9. Paulie mac in the side pocket for the win

  10. Through the charade Ibanez has looked classy even after the old footage and fake “homage” paid to him by Haener and Millcoat on Wednesday’s broadcast. What a screw up! His contract should’ve been renewed PERIOD!

  11. Did FOX also put in a Non Compete Clause into his exit package???
