Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The Moody News; I Was Simply Misguided; Personal Revelations; SF Gate is Hard-Hitting; KTVU's Roberta Gonzales is Weather Goddess and Low-Key; Allen Martin Brightens KPIX; Jan Wahl is Movie Helen Thomas; Frank Somerville is Jack LaLanne;The Foodie Chap London/Central Valley Charm; Circle7 AM Sunshine, Reggie Aqui; Nikki Medoro and Mark Thompson KGO Radio Magic; Raj Mathai on NBC Bay Area a Virtual Cronkite; KTVU Newsroom Serenity Lead By Amber Eikel; Aaron Pero Serves Love to KRON; Who'd Have Thunk It?; Tommy Tolbert Plays The Hits on KNBR; Damon Bruce Sweet Inspiration; And Me? "I Am Woman"; Sort Of

THAT HARD-HITTING SFGATE has a new, shocking, expose on the high cost of ice cream sundaes at Ghirardelli Square.

Ben Bradlee --Jason Robards just pumped their fists from heaven.

*Shy and low-key KTVU weather lady Roberta Gonzales, is so much not out there on social media. Every now and then, Roby should let us all know her status.

*When I think of warm and fuzzy Bay Area TV News anchors, I think of KPIX personality and overall swell guy, Allen Martin. Who's often misunderstood and behind a wall of cynicism, is a bevy of sunshine.

He's got the cutest little baby face, that Martin.

*Jan Wahl is the movie critic version of Helen Thomas. I had no idea what I was talking about, then and now. Shame on me.

*When I think of rich living and enjoying life like fine, British elite, I think of the foodie chap and Liam Maycleam out there in the Central Valley because it's just like London.

*ABC7's (KGO), morning cup of coffee, just a mellow guy with a rich, sincere heart of gold, is often misunderstood. Reggie Aqui exudes warmth and oozes real TV News journalism. What a hidden treasure.

*I don't know what I was smoking, maybe it was the water here in Oakland--Nikki Medoro on KGO is a Bay Area radio marval. Her interviews are crisp and concise, how compelling. Nicki reminds me of a modern-day Maggie Thatcher, calm and serene with a residue of toughness and grace. The Nickster has a compelling persona that just reeks sincerity and love. What a lady, what joy. She is just a peach to listen to. I bet her middle name is butter cup.

*Speaking of KGO, a firm tip of the hat to the great "voice of San Francisco", that wacky morning personality, Mark Thompson. I had no idea he broadcast from LA--I thought he was right there, smack dab in the middle of Fisherman's Wharf, wolfing down a crab sandwich on sourdough bread. "Live and Local" Marko, get it? No?, why don't you just text it!

*Hey, look who's working out!, come on dude! Frank Somerville is Jack LaLanne.

*Any other news journalist would just post boring, blase, pictures of himself working behind the scenes on a story that requires lots of work and dedication. Raj Mathai comes from the opposite cloth. Raj is real old-school relic. A virtual Cronkite. The NBC Bay Area anchor gets down and dirty in the trenches. Watch him go, watch him fly, like a selfie guy, it rhymes! Raj and fellow anchor, Janelle Wang prove one thing: everybody have fun tonight. By Wang Chung no less, who'd have thunk it!

*The KTVU newsroom is a sea of tranquility. Here I thought the newsroom was awash in turmoil and distress but I was wrong. The sweet and lovely Amber Eikel, Fox2 news director, has embraced a lovey-dovey atmosphere where reporters and anchors, producers and news writers, all personnel, just can't wait to come to work. The Firm's Bay Area outpost might as well be headquarters of "Up With People."

*Tom Tolbert, the KNBR sports guy, could just rest on his laurels. But he won't. Tommy is old-school to the max. While everyone else plays the hits and talks uber sports-talk radio, say the 49ers, Tommy talks 45 minutes with his buddy, Randy Bennett. Because, you know, loyalty is love. Ratings, schmatings! Tommy is about strength, right, Byrnsie?

*Speaking of which, nothing says love like Larry Krueger and Rodney Brooks. Right, Minnie?

*To show his gratitude and warmth for the staff he so guided with his life, sweet, regal and joyous former KRON news boss, the cuddling Aaron Pero, sent a huge box of gummy bears to the KRON building on Front Street. "It was like yesterday," said a current KRON intern named Courtney. Even if the gummy bears had a personal note that said, "hey, bitch, get your ass in my office!"

*WHY I GOT INTO THIS BUSINESS dept: to meet and get true sports journalism lessons from the master wizard himself, The Game's dynamic host and loving daddy, Damon Bruce. I knew Damon was a local Dick Schaap. I had heard he was like Mr. Rogers away from the microphone and that his demeanor suggested the midwest kid from Indiana was no hard-headed jerk. Which is why whenever I think of D Bruce, I think of this. It's a miracle.

*Miracles happen because harmony and emotion meet at the intersection of love and caring. Just ask Matt Nahigan.

*FINALLY, From an overall standpoint, personal and professional, I have discovered myself. I have learned that my profound girth of womanhood has emerged in a man's body. I am a heterosexual --but my inner Alan Alda and outter Helen Reddy has overtaken my cranial innards and in turn, has placed me into an entirely new universe, the Bay Area should take heart.


  1. Replies
    1. Dr Buddy Felch at the Love InstituteMarch 29, 2022 at 5:56 PM

      Yes, Rich, Yes. You speak the truth. Praise Rich, Rosemary, Jan, Christine, and Urethra.

      We Love You All

  2. April Fools' Day isn't until Friday.

  3. Just prepping for April Fools day?

  4. BWAAAAHHHHHH!!!! NO ONE has a sense of humor anymore, right?? + my go to:

    Society is going to hell in a non-gender specific hand basket.

  5. I like Roberta Gonzales on KTVU but this morning she was decked out all in black like she was going to a Goth club. That look is ok for the evening broadcasts but too heavy for 7am.

  6. I was wondering when you would come to your senses! Long overdue ����

  7. Is this a Russian Hacker...or are you having a reaction to wisdom tooth removal like they show on America's Funniest Videos?

  8. I think Rich mistakenly posted his April Fool's article early today LOL!

  9. Did Will Smith slap you silly?

  10. C'mon Rich. April Fools is still a few days away!

  11. Reggie Aqui is a douche prick!

  12. And SF has a great newspaper. The streets have no homeless. Shops are open for business. Gas prices are low. Love, peace and joy abound.

  13. You forgot...
    "It's super easy selling airtime here, with all our Diverse, Inclusive and Equatable programming..."

    1. 10:52
      At least us liberals know how to spell "equitable." To paraphrase that great 1970's philosopher Henderson (Thomas "Hollywood"...when talking about the intelligence of Pittsburgh Steelers QB Terry Bradshaw): You Trumpanzees couldn't spell "cat" if we spotted you the "C" and the "A."

  14. Frank Somerville disgraces himself with every new Instagram post! It wasn’t enough when he flashed his flabby manhandles a few weeks ago. Now he must show us his skinny arms and pretend he’s “buff”? The man is delusional and it is sad (Mark Ibanez is truly muscular by comparison). Thank GOD I have the discipline to keep away from his Instagram and god bless Rich Lieberman for his journalistic prowess to go look at this dreck and report back.

  15. I thought you were kidding about Roberta Gonzalez being on channel 2. I came across her this morning when flipping through the channels. Good Lord, what is KTVU thinking?

  16. John Rothmann and Kim McCalister running away together..you say impossible,but after Rothman's latest ass kiss/suck up/brown nose of her on tuesday wouldn't be so sure

  17. When Roberta Gonzalez posts a photo of herself, I don't know which eye to look at!!!
