Tuesday, February 22, 2022

415 Media Exclusive: Mark Ibanez All But Done at KTVU; Veteran Bay Area Sports Anchor Exits on March 31st; Fox2-Ibanez Contract Extension Ignored

BARRING A MIRACLE, a last-minute offer from his bosses, veteran KTVU sports anchor, Mark Ibanez, is done at the Bay Area Fox O and O.

Ibanez' last sportscast is March 31st. He will exit Channel 2, where he's been since 1979.

Ibanez has been working without a contract for nearly a year. While he's been on the desk, sources close to the Channel 2 personality, say he had hoped to get a last extension and end his career. A broadcast source indicated to 415 Media Ibanez was told by Fox management that his status at the station, "would be addressed after football season."

Ibanez never heard from KTVU. The source also told me Ibanez left open the possibility of reaching a deal but was not optimistic. Ibanez will likely retire or was said to be considering an offer from another station in the market (Bay Area)--"he has a home in Napa. He really doesn't need the money. He just feels he's worthy of an extension. He could just simply retire too."

Ibanez began his KTVU stint in 1979. He's one of the station's most popular personalities. He has anchored mostly sports and news. Ibanez has won numerous industry awards and hosted SF 49ers pre and post-game shows.

415 Media Exclusive.


  1. KTVU knows how to eff up a good thing. In a sea of inconsistency and stupidity, Ibanez was one of the few rocks. Yet another reason why I'm glad I don't watch local TV news, read the local newspapers or listen to the local radio stations. The slogan for every media outlet in this market: BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE. Just like San Francisco, the media in this area is a s+++hole.

  2. How much money do these people need,? Ridiculous for wanting more

    1. Seriously!!! Anyone reading RL's blog have too much $ in the bank? Please let me know, I'll advise you of my Paypal. USD only please...and thanks.

  3. Again, I'll do it for 100k. I can see it now "24 hour dub parking coming to you from the basement" it sounds way better than hipster ibanez and his shitty record collection. I don't know anything about sports though.

  4. Jesus Christ! You've had a great career and don't need the money, enjoy life! Screw the VU and that vegetable in the WH.

    Tomorrow is not guaranteed!

  5. Ibanez a true Bay Area news sports legend he never resorted to the Don Rickles act like the Bloated one who thankfully finally retired. Ibanez always fresh and succinct. My only complaint was that they kept cutting his air time. Even now I think he barely gets 3 minutes in per night. If he’s done at KTVU hopefully someone else picks him up. The Constipated one better pay attention KTVU ain’t giving any rides not even to a true legend. Btw props to Ibanez who looks like he’s in great shape.

  6. That's the sporting life.

  7. He has no contract now?? Why wait ditch TVU now!!
    Give Joe Fonzi the gig, for $475000 a year!!!
    Or Andrea Borba will do it for $77k

    1. Will she use her serious concerned voice to do sports?

  8. His first clue should have been when he went nearly a year without a contract. They NEVER intended to resign him, they just simply waited him out.

  9. Just retire and live the good life in Napa, man. To hell with KTVU. That commute out of town is only going to get worse, anyways.

  10. this station & associates have committed the 7 deadly sins so often they've been downgraded to venial sins.
    An Examination of Conscience is highly recommended now.

  11. Just because someone owns a house does not mean that they don't need income.

  12. It's sports reporting on broadcast TV. As witnessed on every other broadcast station in the area, almost ANYBODY can do it. Mr. Ibanez should be grateful he's made what he's made for doing a most unessential job, and quietly fade away.
