Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Jan '22 Radio Ratings; KQED/KCBS/K-101 Winners; KGO Eternally Flatline; Rothmann Screw-Up; Steve Moskowitz Owns 810 AM; Bay Area TV News Dysfunction Central; Mark Thompson Doo-Doo; NBC BA, Raj Mathai; KTVU Rob Roth Finally Retires; Tom Vacar Still Won't; KTVU Misery: Heather Holmes; Wednesday Wash

JAN, '22 Radio ratings --KCBS, helps to be a monopoly; K101; a good morning show pays wonders; KNBR; 49ers playoff push; KGO; flatline central dreck; The Game: nothing ever works, nothing ever will. Blow it up already.

*Ukraine-Russia on brink of war; the USA and NATO possibly engaged; the World is teetering on collapse; pandemic' inflations and climate change--so what does DESPERATE KGO Radio program? Taxes with Steve Moscowoitz. He spent a full hour Tuesday with Pat Thurston who sounded a litle too happy for my taste. What the hell has KGO become? An out and out schlock factory that is no longer worthy of anything even remotely credible. There's no place I'd rather NOT be.

*Good of John Rothmann to, TWICE, interupt both the news and traffic reports, Tuesday night, both of which are sponsored, one of KGO's few non-remnents/PSAs advertising. Rothmann is hopeless.

*Greg Papa has been missing more than a week on his KNBR sports-chat show. A major family issue, that's all I know.

*Unlike a WFAN and WIP (NY, Philly) which can survive just fine with its mostly capable and entertainng talk hosts, KNBR without the Giants (MLB lockout) would be like Scoma's without any fresh fish.

*I've never seen more dysfunction at Bay Area TV News stations than what's taking place at KPIX, KTVU, KRON, (sort of) and KGO-TV (to a lesser degree)--oh and NBC Bay Area about to can a whole bunch of tech people. Those Olympics were a BUST nationally and locally but we got Janelle to China.

*CNBC is sending some of its BIGGEST bigwigs to town to see whether it wants to invest MILLIONS in a new studio in the Embarcadero, or, as rumored, pay KRON to use one of its seconday studios. The problem? The KRON studio is about the size of a 70's phone booth. Get out the checkbook, NBC.

*Mark Thompson simply CANNOT have a simple conversation. Everything is gimmick, everything has to be laughs and everything has to be chock full of shtick. It pains him to just plain talk, converse. HE CAN'T. He is outright devoid of speaking which is why he doesn't take calls and why all his fuss amounts to playing YouTube bits and having to rely on his "Wow!" butthead, Bret Burkhart.

*The next Bay Area news anchor to feel the effect of 2022 new business era is Raj Mathai, who's been coasting for a long time. Mathai might regret he didn't take the 30 Rock offer a few years back.

*Men without hats: KPIX's Allen Martin and KTVU's Mike Mibach. Inside joke.

*Rob Roth, the veteran Channel 2 reporter finally retired. Roth began his KTVU stint when George Washington was elected POTUS.

*Tom Vacar, who looks and sounds about 105, still has NOT retired. Vacar is rumored to possibly split KTVU sometime in 2078. He still hasn't smiled since the last days of the Johnson administration.

*Heather Holmes: the woman who should have utilized the Kyla Grogan game plan: leave and get a better gig only HH thinks she has mass appeal outside the Macys San Leandro cosmetics counter.

*For those of you that need to know, Kyla bascally told KTVU, "fuck off" and is now enjoying freedom and love at MSNBC.

*Speaking of cosmetics counters, KGO (ABC7) Sunday irritant, Liz Kreutz, was promoted! She's now got the women's shoes mgr. gig at the Walnut Creek Nordstrom.

*Lisa Argen: mumbling and stumbling, the female Bill Martin.

*KTVU (Fox2) has decided to keep its weather guys doing the weather from home because Fox and the Murdocks need extra cash to pay for Sean Hannity's hookers.


  1. So nice to hear that Lez Krauts got a promotion! Go Lez!!

  2. Kyla is LEGEND! We all miss her here at KTVU, such a bright light in a sea of darkness. Go get em Grogan.

  3. A glammed up Heather Holmes wearing her CFM shoes is posing just below the comment about Sean Hannity's hookers. LOL! What are you getting at here, Rich?

    Seriously though, is there some story about Sean Hannity seeing hookers? I'm not aware of that one, so do tell.

  4. It's tax time, Rich, you know, time to do your taxes. I heard that show with Pat and Steve. There were tons of listener callers with complex questions and he gave great advice. This is not evil.

  5. KGO...drops to 1.1
    KSFO...climbs to 1.8
    Harbinger of a 2022 mid-term wipe out in congress.
    No, no Republican will win locally, but easy money bet that Pelosi is not speaker this time next year.
    Expect her to resign in the middle of her next term.
    Then the "in crowd" Democratic party will try to foist her daughter on the voters to "fill out" the rest of the term.
    Just say NO to nepotism.

  6. Nielsen hasn't been tunring over the ratings panels due to a shortage in PPM equipment caused by supply chain issues. I wouldn't expect things to change until things return to normal.

  7. Greg Papa made very clear he took a call on the break that his mother was not doing well. The next week he said he was going back East to be with her.

  8. Tom Vacar is still working....good for him. Heather Holmes is awesome. KTVU is lucky to have them both.

  9. I think Heather Holmes is the most beautiful, interesting anchor in the Bay Area. She reads well, brings a solid attitude to her job, and is great no matter who she is paired with. I know a lot of people have it out for her but really, I did not start out as a fan-boy, and in watching all the shows over the last few years who is better? Really! She could be national if someone gave her the chance. I think her, Mark Ibanez, and Rob Roth (gone now) are all shining stars in the local airwaves.

    1. I agree with everything you said.

  10. Oh and I forgot one thing...

    The numbers for KGO are beyond horrible. This was THE Bay Area radio station when I was growing up and as a young adult. I listened to them from 7 AM to 11 PM. So interesting, now I can't stomach anyone on the station for more than 15 minutes. Fire everyone, program new anchors who are down-the-middle, take calls and then listen to them before answering back. Is that too hard?

    The KGO numbers again ... (Rock Bottom)

    KGO-AM News/Talk Media 1.8 1.1 1.1 1.1

    1. It’s been explained that the 12+ numbers mean next ti nothing in the modern radio landscape. These numbers include nearly 2 days of infomercials, which would obviously clobber the overall numbers. They’ve traded the anemic potential for weekend ratings for guaranteed informercial revenue. Weekend listening has always been weaker, so this a rational business decision. M-F ratings are MUCH higher and would obviously be the only segments of interest.

  11. Johnny is outraged again. Trump, Tucker and what they said about Ukraine. They are basically saying Putin schooled everybody. Johnny makes it political and he is just outraged. Patty is the same way. Hate both parties but Patty and Johnny can't talk about the situation without being political. Lee Hammer and crew suck.

    1. Pat and John are talk show hosts, they can be biased and political. Of course, John and most sane people would be outraged when an American praises Putin, considered that he just invaded a country without provocation. A country that we consider a friend of the US. I can just imagine what the right wing and Tucker Carlson would say, if Obama did the same? The right wing, especially Hannity, went ballistic when Obama was not wearing a flag pin. The hypocrisy from the right makes your head spin. As someone mentioned here Bloomberg is straight news, if you don't like someone voicing their opinion just listen to them instead of KGO.

    2. I would hope that EVERYONE would be outraged to hear Trump supporting Putin and bashing President Biden at a time like this. It doesn't matter if you're a Democrat or a Republican, everyone should be able to recognize that Biden is doing the best he can right now, certainly better than Trump would be doing. It's disgusting that Fox News is riling up their viewers to be angry at Joe Biden right now instead of Putin. Tucker Carlson should be fired, and Fox should be ashamed of itself. I should hope the hosts of KGO are outraged. We all should be. I, for one, am sick to death of the division coming from the right wing. We need to come together as a country.

    3. I wrote the blog at 1:22, I totally agree with you. Not sure why Rich thinks John's outrage is phony. Does not make sense, Rich use to write posts how John should be on the air given his knowledge of politics and world affairs. Called it appointment radio. Now that John is back full time, Rich is writing negative post, several times a week, it seems. Makes it kind of hard to understand where Rich really stands.

    4. Whenever I hear Pat opine on the war in Ukraine, I think of the time she insisted Russia was part of NATO. Callers told her she was wrong, but she did the typical KGO thing. She turned down their audio, talked over them and cut them off. What a stupid woman! I was amazed she kept her job after that. Now she has an opinion on the war. As Rich would say, Oy Vey!

  12. Rich or anyone else. What is your take on Alisa Clancy that has been doing some fill in's on KCBS?

    1. Alisa is great doing the late night gigs. She has a lilt in her voice. I sure wish she could do some jazz stories from her experience for 35 years at all-jazz KCSM FM.

  13. Thompson is the King of the Superflous. How many times do we need to be reminded of the cast? Boring weather boy!

  14. Its put up or shut up Rich on the hookers. Well?

  15. Maybe CNBC could rent some Embarcadero studio time from Bloomberg. I haven't been in their studio but it sure makes Emily Chang look good.

    1. I listen to 910-Bloomberg Radio every day. Non-biased. Straight reporting. Excellent anchors and guests. A lot of Bay Area anchors work there. Not going back to anyone else.

  16. Tom Vacar is always cranky and comes off like he'd rather be at home watching reruns of Perry Mason. I know a lot of people don't care for Heather Holmes but I've never been bothered by her, yeah sure her delivery style needs some work but stacked against most news anchors these days she's really not so bad.

  17. I heard Steve Moskowitz on KGO and it sure seemed like he was drunk or high on something...

    1. Usually he sounds like somebody woke him from a long slumber..he must have an orgasm everytime the ertc is mentioned..more intense then rothmann berating people for saying democrat/democratic party which is always something to look forward to

    2. He's old. Do you ever see his TV commercial. His dyed hair, trying to look young.

  18. Vacar always looks so miserable I wonder why he doesn't just retire. All the joy has gone out of his reporting, and he comes across as that crumpy old coot who sits next to you at a diner who you wish would go away.
