Thursday, February 24, 2022

KCBS Tries To Cover Ukraine-Russia Invasion; Fails Miserably with Horrific Jason Brooks and Insufferable Holly Quan


Mediocre and jaw-dropping amateur hour central at KCBS with the latest crock of vanilla wafer fill-in in the morning drive: pathetic and HYPER-maniac, Jason Brooks, filling in the anchor chair at the all-news cesspool alongside lightweight, Holly Quan. The gruesome twosome. Welcome to high-school radio and the ensuing embarrassment called Audacy local.

Brooks sounds like Peter Brady on steroids. Slightly more giddy and obnoxious too, like a guy on his way to the senior prom with the cheerleader. What a total abomination. And Quan, who continues to ramble on and on with her lightweight announcing and lame interviewing--to think these nitwits could be on the mic that once featured Dave MceLhatton, Al Hart, and Barbara Taylor, is a JOKE.

Brooks, the alleged business reporter, tried to ask legit questions this morning to a Russian relations expert but failed miserably. It was KCBS trying to cover the Ukraine invasion story but KCBS hasn't a clue. Quan didn't dare ask a thing which was good to negate further embarrassment.

KCBS is virtually a monopoly on covering news in town. They have morphed into an AM circus with a bunch of newbie reporters who have NO CLUE and little knowledge of Bay Area culture and geography. A total wrecking crew and the band of misfits is audio Romper Room.


  1. Thanks for voting for Biden $6 gas. Sincerely, Everyone living in their car.

    1. 1. Biden does not control the gas prices
      2. Gas prices are up globally, this not a U.S. phenomenon.
      3. Price of gas in the US is significantly lower than most other countries.

    2. Trump and Tucker are cheering on Putin.

    3. Co-worker Peter Felch at KCBSFebruary 24, 2022 at 6:32 PM

      If Jason Brooks covers finance, maybe he can spend some of his finances on a decent toupee’. He looks like he just returned from Chernobyl.

  2. I feel so much better with Biden as Commander in Chief. Thank you Rich for your vote.

    1. Oh brother are you kidding me? This is what the kids refer to as a troll right? Good one!

  3. John Kerry wants to make sure Putin doesn't forget about climate can't make this stuff up. My biggest gripe with Trump was his dismal appointments but Biden has been just as bad if not worse. An administration of sycophants and diversity hires, all incompetant and a complete joke from the top down.

  4. John Rothmann came back on the air, after the news that Russia had invaded Ukraine. For 2 hours KGO either had Rothmann or live coverage from ABC. I don't care what you say about Rothmann, he is still the best on politics and foreign affairs. It is not the old KGO, but it is what we got right now, so I will take that over the other choices, which is basically right wing, or all news. I did try to listen to KCBS, but I agree with you, they did not do a good job. I quickly turn back to KGO.

    1. I agree and let's give credit where it's due. John Rothman stayed over last night on KGO and did a great job covering the Ukraine invasion. John might not know much about sports, but he does know a lot about world affairs.

    2. of course he stayed overtime, he had nothing else to do, he's been dying to do six hour shows for years..and rothmann has an ego as well

  5. Why even consider listening to KGO or KCBS for info on something happening in Eastern Europe? I stuck with the BBC feed and Deutsche Welle live streamed on youtube. If I want traffic or info on the Oakland A's, London Breed, etc then KCBS is fine. But it's 2022 and we don't have to rely on local outlets for everything.

    1. For those of us who listened to KGO does not mean we don't get news from other sources. I read and understand Danish fluently, I often go to Danish news station web site. I listen and read to other sources as well. Listening to a talk show host who takes calls, gives you an idea what other are thinking. I find it interesting for the most part.

  6. After KGO went Kaput years ago I tuned into KCBS. Now I cringe with the toilet bowl mess KCBS has turned into. Now what?

  7. Peter Brady on steriods,thanks that made laugh out for five miuntes

  8. I hope they have better coverage when Oakland invades San Francisco.

  9. I know some Russians who now live in America. They told me today they are ashamed to be Russian. That says a lot. Most of us Americans are ashamed to have the Nutty Old Professor in the White House. And waiting in the wings: The Devil Who Wore Prada. Sure, Joey Biden is a damn side better than Donald The Narcissist, but not by much. Joey lied to the American people about a lot of things associated with this pandemic and the economy. Now to really make this confusing, these sons of bitches are way better than the delusional Canadian dictator in training, Justin Trudeau. Sad statements all around.

    1. Biden is LIGHTYEARS better than the Tangerine Terrorist. How anyone could STILL support the Dumpster is beyond me. He's a fascist, a traitor, a Russian lackey. Anyone who still supports him is NOT a good American. They hate their country.

    2. 9:02 alot of people would say you hate your country for supporting Sleepy Joe. I'll pick one from the hundreds of ridiculous things to come out of his administration....Kamala saying a few months back, "If we hit Russia with sanctions they won't invade Ukraine". Just plain ignorance. They are terrible, ignorant leaders. Who elected these worthless people?

  10. We now are seeking the rubber meeting the road with the killing off of two top news stations! Johnny boy over on KGO Has President Trump living so rent free in his head he can't see Joe has been a disaster the last 13 months!

    1. Did it occur to you that not everyone think Biden have been a disaster? We all have different opinions, Biden is not the best president in my lifetime, but he is not the worst either. That honor goes to Trump.
