Friday, February 25, 2022

Friday Happy Hour; I Pick on Everyone; KCBS Included; John Rothmann Knows A Lot of People on KGO Radio; Lee Hammer Factoids; Jan Wahl--Ukraine Trivia; Larry Baer Fun; KPIX Foodie Chap Item; Steve Moskowitz Tax News; Joe Starkey Says "Yikes"


I PICK on KCBS. If I were more sympathetic I'd hold my head and pity. They have become worthless and a certifiable joke. They have NO NEWS. Just artificial crap and 10 thousand commercials. Fraud anchors with fraud, idiot, innane reporters just off the bus from Fresno and Akron. Where do they find these people? Never mind.

Their latest morning missive have now a business reporter acting as anchor who thinks shouting and talking big is good. It's bad. He's supposedly hip on the Ikraine-Russia story but I don't hear it. Holly Quan? Never mind. Jason Brooks? I never was a Peter Brady fan.

KCBS sent some repoorter to Sonoma to talk to a woman who happens to be Ukrainian. I suppose it's the local angle in action. Excuse me as I am LOLing.

*Rothmann (John) would put a cot in the Cumulus break room and broadcast 20 hours if he could. He basically lives at KGO Radio. His wife makes conjugal visits every now and then. Rothmann, seriously now, does know politics. And I do listen when he's talking about pols, including even Vlad Putin, who he (Rothmann) knows. Rothmann also knows, in order, Joe Biden, Margaret Thatcher, Prince Charles, George Washington, James Madison, Malcom X, Pete Giddings, Steve Somers, Dorian Gray, Rube Goldberg, Claudine Wong, Steve Moskowitz, Donald DeFreeze, Bill and Emily Harris, Lloyd LaCuesta, Richard Nixon, Donald Segretti, Ronn Owens, Jack Swanson, George Moscone, Milt Kahn, Caroline Tyler, Lisa Argen, The entire Rehnquist Supreme Court, Jan Wahl, Ken Dito, Garth brooks, Chris Tucker, Art Finley, 50 cent, Snoop Dog, ...he knows a lot of people.

*I know Mike Pechner.

*The Chronicle and SFGate io about to throw seven pages your way: the history of the burrito.

*KCBS will debut Abe Vigoda's ghost next week on its morning news audition to replace Stan Bunger.

*Rothmann, I'm told, will have on Jan Wahl tonight. Subject: Ukraine-Russia musicals.

*Lee Hammer likes to walk around the KGO studios and tell the hosts, "if you play your cards right, you too can become the next Mark Thompson."

*Aaron Pero, the fired KRON ND, supposedly applied for the same gig at KPIX. Yo, Aaron, you have about as much of a chance at that gig as I have a chance at impregnating Halle Berry.

*Circle Summer 2022, "Bulletin from KGO: we interupt the beginning of WW3 to bring you, live and local, Steve Moskowitz, today Steve will tell you how your toe nails can be tax deductable."

*You know, Jan Wahl knows Halle Berry. She knows everybody.

*Liam Maycleam, the foodie chap, threatened to eat Wahl if he couldn't appear on Nikki Medoro's KGO show. To which Hammer said to Liam, "would you consider early Sundayt, say 5 AM. I'll ask Rothmann to come in and do an hour."

*KGO-TV, ABC7, in an effort to build a better Bay Area, is considering a live broadcast from the corner of Golden Gate and Market, to interview various people, the history of SF's most compelling wines.

*Larry Baer, in celebration of Opening Day, 2022 will invite the KNBR Morning Show's 'Murph and Mac" to his home where Baer will talk to the boys --then later? Larry will throws out the first bitch.

*Speaking of Murph, Brian will host a BYOB luncheon at Momo's the day after. Murph will go into detail on his first brown-toilet visit with Baer and all the 2001 junior Giants.

*BREAKING NEWS: "Renel Brooks, Larrys on line one with Hammer, can you do a 'Black History month discussion with Lamont and Tonneli?"

*Paulie Mac --in a new Cumulus special doc, "I touched myself while singing to an auto body gal in Millbrea."

*KNBR PD to Paulie: "can you make it into a podcast?"

*Laney college alum and Wheel of Fortune fan, KNBR host, John Lund, said on his show Friday morning that "I don't want to talk about MLB lockout news"then subseqoently spent 20 minutes talking about MLB/players labor news. Lund got a face lift in his ealy 50's. The procedure also included his brain.

*Here's what's trending now on KNBR: Rod Brooks tells Tommy Tolbert, "Tommy, everything you say is just so magical!"

*Joe Starkey just unleashed a box of termites on this column, YIKES!.


  1. You missed this beaut by Heather Knight.

  2. Rich I think you outdid yourself this week. Negative post about John Rothmann every day. Such interesting reading, keep it up.

    1. At least he backed off on Nikki Medoro. Last week he really had it in for her.

  3. I like how KNBR complains about the baseball strike, but never mentions the Giants ownership & players active role in it.

  4. "The Chronicle and SFGate io about to throw seven pages your way: the history of the burrito."

    Ha. Good one. And the Chronicle burrito article will be written by Soleil Ho, an Asian who says only Asian writers are capable of writing about Asian food.

  5. Rothmann you missed herbert hoover,raymond burr,Stephen breyer,mitt and george romney,Margaret chase smith,chuck percy,nelson rockefeller,john lindsdy,sam yorty,george mcgovern,spiro agnew,bill safire,alan ginsburg,jack london,steve McQueen,herb caen,lowell cohn,glenn dickey,john madden,Barry bonds,and emperor norton

    1. VIP's Rothmann knows part 2..
      Steve moskowitz,adam from anchor funding,Ellen rothmann ,kim mcasliter,henry Kissinger,gene burns,joe Starkey's termites,hubert humphrey,pat brown,earl warren,Barry goldwater,jan wall,jim morrison,lee marvin,the beach boys,shields and yarnell,pat nixon,jerry ford,alexander haig,george schultz,bill walsh,jimmy Davenport and the guy who opened cal mart

  6. Holy shit, it's the last hour of the Friday Pat Thurston show and the world is blowing up. How about the once a week meal ticket that is Tim Sika.

  7. I remember when SFBait's millennial ‘burrito editor’ while attempting to rate the best burritos in San Francisco, described one as ‘the most authentic burrito I’ve ever had outside of Mexico.’ Not sure what she meant considering burritos aren’t ‘authentic’ to Mexico, but what else would you expect from someone whose LinkedIn indicates she graduated from a college in the Midwest in 2018?

    This is the kind of bullshit ‘journalism’ that SFBait tries to shove down our throats on their silly clickbait website.

  8. Word on the street is K-O-F-Y Stereo TV-20 San Francisco *dog looks off camera* is going off the air next month. True?

  9. Rothmann shows his ignorance when he constantly compliments Boris Yeltsin on his show as he has the last few nights. I watch this pretty popular vlogger on Youtube, Bald and Bankrupt, whose schtick is he goes to all of the different countries, cities, and towns in the old USSR and shows us the cities and towns and how the people live. He takes public transit around the area, talks to the citizens, explores areas out in the middle of nowhere, etc. It's pretty interesting. There was a Boris Yeltsin statue in some plaza somewhere and he told a story about all of the corruption under Yeltsin and how he completely ripped off the people and the country for millions upon millions. He interviewed a woman in the plaza who was there with her child and she was telling stories about how bad it was under Boris. Yet here Rothmann is on KGO telling uneducated Bay Area listeners just how wonderful Boris was and how great of a leader he was and how he did so much for the country. It's terrible. Is he really as educated about foreign affairs as everyone seems to think?

    1. I visited Russia in the early '90s under Yeltsin and it was a total mess. There was basically no functioning government and everyone was on their own. People were out on the streets selling their household books, silverware, clothes, toys, anything they could just to survive. After that visit, I kind of understand why strongmen leaders like Putin appeal to Russians.

  10. > Aaron Pero, the fired KRON ND, supposedly applied
    > for the same gig at KPIX.

    Thanks for giving me the biggest laugh of the day. OMG!

  11. re: This is the kind of bullshit ‘journalism’ that SFBait tries to shove down our throats on their silly clickbait website.

    Jeez gonna give yoself a stroke gettin all upset about stupid shit like this....
    Haver a hoty dog and calm down.

  12. Speaking of the late San Francisco-born Rube Goldberg...maybe there’s a Rube Goldberg-type contraption that can rescue KGO from ratings oblivion.

  13. So glad to see a mention of Liam Mayclem, the Foodie Chap. I've had to mock him in virtual silence for years, so thank you Rich.

    To wit: 1) His public weight loss battle interspersed with greasy high calorie recipes like "pork and pino"; 2) Getting gradually more angry as lesser beings disagreed with him on Leslie Sbracco's KQED restaurant review show, Check Please Bay Area. C'mon Leslie, don't you know Liam's the only one who can talk about a restaurant. Keep the camera on the talent!

    And more recently, the main course: His gushing over the River Islands tract home development in beautiful Lathrop, gateway to Manteca.

    From :

    “If you like to paddleboard, kayak, or go boating, you can do it all here,” the Foodie Chap says, enjoying a sip of vino.

    Enjoying a game of bocce ball in the public court, Liam can’t help but compare the community to somewhere familiar.

    “Feels like we’re in Italy,” he says. “We could be. Close. We’re actually at River Islands.”

    Didn't think Italy featured the odor of a commercial cattle ranch interspersed with 40mph winds and a complete lack of hills. One more glass of vino Liam and you might just feel like you're in Hoboken or maybe Botswana.

    Still holding out hope, Rich, that I pick you up hitchhiking and Mr. Chap comes on KCBS touting the latest benefits of living off the I-5/I-205 interchange.
