Thursday, March 10, 2022

Exclusive: The "Retirement" That Really Wasn't But That Makes Sense In the End: Mark Ibanez's Exit from KTVU --The Inside Story


It was nothing sinister; Fox made a decision and it's a decision made every day in business, not just involving the sports anchor desk.

But you want the real story, the inside dope because in the coming days, you might be watching something entirely skewed.

Mark Ibanez wanted one more contract extension. He was still at the top of his game. I agree. His contract was up and he'd been working without a deal for a full year, but confident KTVU (Fox) would see the light and offer him a re-up. He was ultimately wrong.

KTVU execs never made a move. Never so much even contacted the 43-year veteran; in fact, did or say nothing. Ibanez was caught off guard. He figured he was due one last extension--in fact, he'd even anchor both news and sports but it never materialized. Fox didn't bite on anything. They did, however, appear to be willing to keep Ibanez on the anchor desk, but weren't willing to offer him another contract. Initially angry and miffed, Ibanez moved forward and explored the idea of simply retiring.

Which he did by accepting a generous offer from KTVU that involves a pretty good financial package befitting a guy with 43 years service to the company. And Ibanez surely deserves what he got but Fox will have you believe it was all warm and fuzzy.


Ibanez will broadcast his last sports report on March 31st. He could very well have carried on and continue to anchor the sports at KTVU--he'd have been great too. He's a Bay Area guy with Petaluma roots, a huge Giants and 49ers fan. He is a very nice, engaging guy with a heart of gold and treats people very nice which is why he's one of KTVU's most popular personalities. But Fox wasn't committing long term.

In fact, Fox, its billions involving networks, media properties, TV News stations like KTVU, etc, has a sole new agenda. Fox is phasing out sports on its O and O stations, including KTVU. It simply isn't interested in that dept. and maintaining any highly-paid sports anchors and divisions isn't in the books. I'm still surprised KTVU has three (now, about to be two--fitting) sports anchors. But that will change.

Ibanez had a pretty good run. He will leave and be happy. His "retirement" wasn't all his doing but in the end, it makes sense. For both sides, only unfortunately, the Bay Area loses out and KTVU loses another of its core4 anchors.


  1. Congrats to both Mark and the Fonz, who is very capable and affable. Ibanez's retirement saves KTVU a lot of money while it continues to phase out sports and maximizes profits in a greatly diminished news broadcast. Ironic, isn't it?, how KRON has passed all but KGO in quality. KTVU has sadly deteriorated over the past decade.

  2. Meanwhile, the Game's team of Willard-Dibley is utter shit. The most boring sports talk show ever. They make Radnich look like Jim McKay is his prime.

    1. Radnich was the best in his time. Some people say The Razor but they were an easy 1,2. They brought in eyeballs (or in this case ears) because of their personalities. And they just plain entertained.

  3. I am happy for Mr. Ibanez and his well deserved retirement. He served us so darn well over his many years. Maybe he could do an 'instagram podcast-type' of thing like Frank S. and maybe he will actually engage and interact with his viewers and likers+++ instead of just throwing his analysis and opinion out there - ya know, like have an intelligent exchange of thoughts and views, etc. I think this is the future for these personalities leaving the rapidly dying medium of local boob tube news. I have hope for these dudes, and I will logon. Peace.

    1. Maybe him Krueger and Brooks can start a podcast. "IKB". Ibanez, Krueger and Brooks.

  4. I'm totally not in to watching the local news for sports. When the sports comes on at the end of the hour-long news, that's the time I turn off the news or change channels.

    If there was a sports even I truly want to know about, with today's and even yesterday's recording equipment, I'd have already recorded the game/match/competition; or else, it may also be available by streaming/On-Demand. The sports anchors do show the most emotion/excitement which is something lacking with regular news stories, along with regular-news anchors (not to say an individual anchor can't show more emotion; it's just not customary or customarily appropriate. (Perhaps this is something good about Darya Folsom, as she can & does show excitement/humor/emotion; whether appreciated or not.)

  5. So they're paying him to go away and not work for a competitor, is that it?

    Other than perhaps a justifiable feeling that he was being disrespected, what was so important to Ibanez about getting another contract? I could understand it if he was 20 years younger, but given that he's already at an age where most people are ready to retire, why not just keep showing up for work and cashing the checks for as long as the station would let him?

  6. Heather Holmes, did Mark ever hit that?

    1. I'd love to see a list of the reporters Mark has bagged in his time there. Leslie alone puts Mark in the HOF.

    2. Ticket to ride what? Mark's ding-a-ling?

  7. >>Fox is phasing out sports on its O and O stations, including KTVU.<<

    Hey, why not. They're already phasing out news. (At least actual, real news.) Then they can phase out weather, and just air 90 minutes a night of auto dealer spots, with a headline and weather crawl, like they do in the AM and Nooner. So much more efficient, cost-effective. No more expensive, demanding talent, no more wasted space for studios and control rooms, just a guy at a computer keyboard to update the stab and slab and scores and temps. Wow, a win-win-win for Rupert and everyone left there. Would the last person out of 2 Jack London turn out the lights and check that the doors are locked, please?

    1. Preach. Exactly where it's going.

  8. Man, Rich, While it is certainly an accomplishment on Ibanez part, for his longevity, I am quite sure he could retire and be totally happy, although some people just want to continue working, even though they don't have to. I think that is the case with Ibanez. But I DO have to say, that as someone who grew up when sports heroes were just regular guys, and not millionaires with massive egos, I have to say that I really have no interest in today's sports. I look at it as whether the local team wins or not, it will not affect my wallet in the morning after their big game, so why should I care? ANd notice too, that sports are always on at the last tailend of a newscast, with almost hardly a mention really. They usually get a couple of minutes and that is about it. So to pay someone 100s of 1000s of dollars a year, for a couple of minutes a night on the news, well, I can certainly see from a business point, why it just doesn't make sense. And if there IS anything big of a sports nature, it usually get reported in the news segment anyway, such as when the 49ers were in the playoffs but choked in the end. Ibanez could probably go to KPIX in a heartbeat, but if he knows anything at all about local media, meaning, if he reads Lieberman's blog, he will know quite well NOT to get involved in the mess over at KPIX!

  9. It's a good business decision by Fox. Ibañez had a truly great run. While he didn't get the last big contract, he is getting a nice golden parachute--and a three-week sendoff. Good for him.

    It's also a good move by Fox to get rid of sports from it's O&Os. I am a HUGE sports fan. You won't find a bigger one than me. Which is why I watch ESPN and Fox Sports West for my sports fix. I haven't watch Ibañez or any of our local guys for some time now. Every station usually has a reporter or two who are big sports fans...and can thus handle any sports-related stories. And let's face it: If our sports teams ever find themselves in criminal or financial type of stories, we sure as hell wouldn't want a 'sports" guy or gal to cover this kind of news.

  10. Mark is one ofc the nicest people you'll ever work with. Treats everyone with dignity and respect. Happy he's out of this hell hole run by the insane Peppermint Party clueless nightmare ND.

    1. > Mark is one ofc the nicest people you'll
      > ever work with. Treats everyone with
      > dignity and respect.


      Uh huh.......

    2. "Mark is one ofc the nicest people you'll ever work with. Treats everyone with dignity and respect."

      Righhhhtttt. Whatever you say pal...whatever you say lol

  11. Mark had a great except for that Leslie G affair

  12. Sure, he had a great run during the heyday of local news, but no one is going to stop watching ktvu simply because mark won’t be doing his sports reports at the end of the newscast. Ratings won’t change one iota.
    Joe Fonzi is equally as competent, equally as knowledgeable and, unlike Ibanez, actually does sports analysis. Hope Mark has fun playing records in his Vinyl Room…bring on the Fonz!

  13. Good-bye Mark (and his shitty record collection!)
