Thursday, March 10, 2022

Thursday Streets of SF; KTVU Bosses Exposed; (Sort of); 95.7 FM "The Game" Has NO Leader; Willard-Dibley Dreck; KRON Needs Another Jolt; But Darya Folsom Finally Reads the Room; Acknowledging "Our Claud Mann" and Elaine Corral


KTVU EXECS thought it be wise that someone close, someone in front of a certain story involving the latest patient to leaved the hospital, would be sort of foggy about what actually transpired behind the scenes but I really didn't take the bait.

Thus, YOU guys didn't either.

*95. 7 "The Game" (FM)'s so-called "team leader", its alleged PD, the brand manager who couldn't lead a sailor to a strip club, has a HUGE problem: the BIG boss said to him that unless the latest gem of misfits register something other than a blip on the radar, he should begin apartment huntings in Reno.

*Yeah, that Mark Willard-Dan Dibley combo is a can't miss. The buzz?, just nothing short of the kind of move-the-needle material one gets while trying to swat a fly off the blinds.

*Good news for The Game: Willard bringing in an additional 10 listeners, all the counter clerks at the Marin Trader Joe's.

*Dan Dibley: gotta have pictures.

*Willard gets jobs because he's essentially harmless and safe. He's the kind of benign, middle-aged guy that management loves: a hipster, wanna-be who really doesn't bring any jolt to the menu but is perceived by corporate as a "creative" and "funny" dude; in reality, nothing more than an insipid wasteland of sweet nothing-ville. Willard, a former KNBR retread, to his credit, called on Audacy/SF and pitched his "magic" (none) and "virtuoso" (bland) and they bought it. A diseased yak could get more traction at incompetent The Game but whatever.

*KRON's semi-serenity was a good, short-term situation. They got rid of the former ND canard and had initial warmth for the new GM but the honeymoon is effectively over. The natives are, once again, restless. While the news product, by KRON standards, has vastly improved, and the overall product has a more fresh and professional look, the anchors (and reporters) are frustrated over the direction of the operation. A KEY KRON contact tells me it's time, once again, for the GM to have a meeting, buy the staff lunch and go over missives. Nextstar is rumored to be considering pouring in a few extra millions to beef up its Bay Area station but so far, nada. If KRON has a desire to ramp up a 2022 Bay TV, then it better get the troops fired up.

*NO, Darya Folsom didn't get electric-shock therapy, she simply read the room and decided to tone it down for her own good. When she's not acting like an A-grade yenta, she can actually deliver decent news and read a teleprompter. She has cred; long ago when she really did try to be legit and caring, Darya read the news and didn't embarrasss herself and KRON. It's when she thought she had complete rule and power did she run off course and become the DIVA she emerged as, with help from a certain Napoleonic figure she's living with. That said, I'm impressed now. Countess Darya seems more calm, relaxed, contrite and serious. God, I can't believe I said that but yes, I did. Darya isn't nirvana just yet but the more she ages and understands her limitations, the more I'm allowing her to graduate.

*In short time, maybe even today or tomorrow, SFGate and/or The Merc will report a story about KTVU's Mark Ibanez retirement. A story I've been in front of a long long time. Not a big story but a story nonetheless. Yet SFGate will LIFT the story (from me) and utilize its greatest gift: allow its pimple/genZ brigade to conceive content without crediting the original source of the story. It's a speciality. They hate me because I SCOOP their ass on a regular basis. You have been forewarned.

*Larry Baer had a delicious breakfast the other day of Brian Murphy scrambled eggs and Marty Lurie coffee.

*Baseball is back: yawn.

*Ibanez lasted 40plus years in the Bay Area. That alone, he deserves high marks. I'll give him that. He didn't kiss ass at the beginning or at the very end. He did know (and knows) where the bodies are buried at KTVU. He took his wares from Gary Park and Dennis Richmond and got justifiable coddling by a great, if flawed, GM like Kevin O'Brien. At first, I wasn't an Ibanez fan but he grew on me. He could also, like Park, write a tremendous two-minute copy. Just damn good and entertaining. Ibanez exits with a little dirt on his pants and some gravy on his shirt, maybe a smidgen of tar but I get it. Nobody's perfect.

*Old gratification dept: the image of the great old KTVU Claud Mann and Elaine Corral: it's trite and trendy to talk about the good old days of pre-Fox, KTVU, but as a 70's lad, all I ever watched was them and KGO's news. Mann was just plain solid; a beacon of seriousness when apparent and a sense of humor to boot when we needed it. Corral, the pro of pros was one of the early KTVUers who could do great work not only in the field but on the anchor desk as well. Miss 'em both.


  1. Hey Mark, remember me? The lady you gave the middle finger and said F off to at Whole Foods in Napa? I remember you. I hope you fail.

    1. I used to work at a restaurant near Jack London Square and Mark Ibanez would sometimes come in. More times than not he a certain air of superiority about him, like he was better than everyone else. He had the same reputation amongst my co-workers as a customer who never said thank you and had a generally unfriendly demeanor.
      I'll never forget the time as I was bringing their table drinks (two glasses of red wine and a cocktail), Mark turned around at the wrong moment, struck my arm and the tray of drinks spilled all over my uniform. He didn't say sorry and didn't even offer me his napkin. All he did was laughed. To their credit, his two dining companions (who I didn't recognize) immediately offered me their napkins and felt bad.

    2. Considering how bitter you are and how long you've been holding onto that one I'm guessing you deserved it LOL! News flash when you work for 40 years in a top ten ya aint failing, you're counting your piles of money.

    3. 4:03pm, karma’s a bitch when you choose to treat people like shit :)

    4. I think Ass man was referring to Mark Willard.

    5. @4:03
      Newsflash: "piles of money" do little to assuage a bruised ego. Your buddy was tossed out like day old garbage and the "40 years" you crow of apparently meant very little to most.

    6. How genuinely pathetic to disparage someone here for some crazy ass thing where you dumped a drink on them years ago. The thing that gives me joy on this blog is watching the crappy people here scrap for the last word in a pathetic attempt to gain some upper hand. Oops. Ya didn't get it Bitter Barney. But I'm guessing you check back here hourly. So you'll keep trying. Get a life friend.

  2. Darya Folsom is the one who should retire, too much exposure on and off camera doing clumsy stuff, too hard to watch.

  3. Darya still does that thing where she pushes her elbow back past her waistline whenever she's standing in front of the camera. Kind of a flex of her bicep. It's an awkward stance. She's been doing it for years and I assume it's to show off her muscularity. I noticed today however that when she was sitting reading the news she's starting to get what all of us get as we age, and that is fat in her arms.

  4. Do you think Darya toned it down simply because she's not fucking the boss anymore and lost that power?

    1. Yep.

      However, she still sees him on her breaks.

      She goes down to the local Starbucks and he makes her a low-fat medium soy latte.

  5. Dan dibley has been toiling around a long time,and he's just bland, nothing really compelling about him..mark willard ditto..put them together, well would rather listen to the worst voice ever given to a human being,john handedly tell everyone about 10 percent off parking at his hotel

  6. Is it my imagination or does Willard take at least a day off a week? Didn't he just start at The Game?

  7. Damon Bruce on 95.7 is the tops, in my view. His taking on Fisher's A's is spot on. I have transferred to the Giants, they are so better in managing both players and respecting the public. A's fans are hopeless. The location the team has been after is impossibly impractical. And they have talked up gondolas to move people there??? Bruce has the guts of a great sportscaster.

    1. He throws out simplistic hot takes. He's always calling for people to be fired. Not a fan of his. Since his stroke, he has lapses in his memory.

  8. yes 415,''copes'' did NOT agree with happy talk of baseball settlement -all white guys are celebrating but copes said we will not forgive Manfred fans wont forgive him. so ''copes'' did not ''go along to get along'' Tolbert just ''hemmed and hawed'' and did not address what copes said. that's the kind of thing you thought ''Tolbert and copes'' would be.some disagreement rather that the ''yuh yeah'' agreements of Baer and Fleming and Tolbert' copes, ''doing his expected job'', to be a ''different'' view due to his background.

  9. > He did know (and knows) where the bodies are buried at KTVU.

    Hell, he was the shovel man for some of them.

    1. Shovel Man? Hell...he was the TRIGGERMAN for a few.

  10. I'm cool with Willard and Dibs. Yeah, the show took some time to get used to, but I think they're good.

    Another cool thing about the show is Dan Dibley will post in the Youtube chat during the show and interact with the people who post in the Youtube chat during the livestream of the show. Dibley is a good dude and it's great to interact with him on the Youtube stream in the chat during the show.

  11. In the words of Mark Willard, what are you doing? LOL


  13. Huh? What? Why so cryptic? Your first item is why this website can be so frustrating at times.

  14. Dibley has an edge. I remember when he was working with Radnich on KNBR he used to get under Gary's skin.

    Ibanez is great on the radio. Maybe he can resurrect one of the two sports stations.

  15. Dibs and Willard suck. Bland junk centered on doughnuts, what are you doing?, sensation shtick, and pick your battles. Sawdust material.

  16. well mr Lieberman,tolbert and copes were really going at it ,continuos back and forth commentating, saying their thing,thats what was expected to be the Tolbert and ''copes'' show. well after awhile sure enough, it descended into ''TKB''ism!
