Friday, March 11, 2022

Friday First Hit: Vic Lee's Old-School Response To Question About Reporting From Ukraine

"HELL YES!"--those are the two words legendary reporter, Vic Lee, said to me when I asked him over the phone if he'd be chomping at the bit to be right there in Ukraine at the scene of the ongoing war with Russia.

I had a cool conversation with Vic; hard to believe it's been over two years since his retirement from KGO-TV, and an earlier run with the old KRON. Over 50 years of dedicated service and reporting in the field, locally, nationally and even on foreign turf.

Lee has seen it all, done it all. He covered numerous profound stories like the Moscone-Milk murders to the fierce, embattled political state of SF politics for decades.

While on an international assignment covering the war in Sudan, he and a cameraman were detained for almost 24 hours but fortunately released.

I told Vic I love his old-school technique. There are few people like him left around in this town. Lee has a quick wit, an engaging personality. Covering City Hall you have to have a sense of humor, especially in San Francisco.

Vic Lee is a mensch.

*photo: SJ Mercury News


  1. OH YES! Vic Lee is a REAL JOURNALIST. If Vic Lee says something, you believe it. That is certainly not the case with most journalists of today. Sending Vic Lee over there even now, as a special correspondent, would be a cool thing to do for some news organization...

  2. Vic Lee is a legend. Nowadays we get our political coverage from that creepy guy on ktvu with the strange mustache, and the bubbly 20-something on KRON more focused on being an Instagram sensation than covering politics.

    1. He kind of looks like a Russian Gerraldo Rivera from the 90s. I always expect him to end with "What a country! Hah-hah-hah!" or something.

  3. If there was a better TV journalist / reporter than Vic Lee, I'd like to know who that person is (or was). The only ones who come to mind are (1) Belva Davis, (2) David Louie and (3) Rollin Post.

  4. What is Vic daughter doing these days? I know she is a writer calling off her engagement one time.

  5. Old School reporters were generally pretty darn good... obviously some better than others but today's group can't begin to compare.
