Wednesday, March 9, 2022


FOUR YEARS AGO this morning, I lost my best friend, mom.

It feels like yesteday.

The pain never goes away. I miss her. Every time, every moment of the day. She would tell me to get over it and move on. But I can't because it hurts. I have no way to exactly describe it, but it hurts. I miss mom so much.

I miss her laugh, her hands, her face. I miss her being there when things aren't going so well. I miss taking her to the Butter Cup for breakfast and watching her sip coffee. I miss taking her to the doctor's office and cheering inside the car when she has good news from the lab results.

I miss her telling me how good the chopped liver was at Aunt Claire's house. I miss her look, even when she gets angry. I miss her her lectures, even (smile).

Mom would have told me not to write about all this. You all come here to read about media. But I'm sorry, I had to get this out.

A tough Brooklyn mother like no other.

RIP, Ms. Anne S. Landau.


  1. Prayers for you and your family Rich as you reflect on your Mom's life. Thank you for reaching out with your kind words when MY Dad passed last week.


  2. I loss my Mom in January and same here, the pain just sucks and it creeps up on you. your good and then tearing up. No warning.

  3. God bless her! I have these same fears. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Always remembered, still missed.

  5. We all process things/death differently. Mine, whom I loved very much, told me not to fret when she passed and to instead remember all the good times. So my heart does as she wished, to do otherwise is to dishonor her.

  6. I'm glad you remember her so fondly and had the joy of her in your life for so long Rich. May her memories be a blessing.
    Pat Thurston

  7. So glad you had a great mother Rich. I feel the same way about mine, she is still living, and I do everything for her that she wants. That is my duty but when she goes to heaven, there will be a huge hole as we spend all day together and at night we watch Wheel then Greg Gutfeld. It is scary for her to get old and be in pain but she is never alone.

  8. That was beautiful, Rich. I've been thinking about what you wrote since I read it yesterday.

    Thank you for sharing the lovely memories of your mother.

  9. Mom. The only woman a guy can 100% trust.
