Wednesday, March 9, 2022

415 Media Exclusive: It's Official: After 43 Years, Mark Ibanez Leaving KTVU; Joe Fonzi Expected to Take Over as Lead Sports Anchor; Ibanez Likely Retires and Takes Deal from Fox

What I already reported became official last (Tuesday) night:

The Bay Area's longest-tenured anchor, sports-director, Mark Ibanez is LEAVING KTVU to pursue other interests.

Ibanez's departure was announced by fellow Fox2 anchor, Joe Fonzi, on the 10: 50 sports report --Ibanez told friends at the Warriors' game he was leaving KTVU. And it looks as if Fonzi will take over the new lead sports anchor position at the Bay Area O and O (owned/operated).

Ibanez will depart KTVU at the end of the month.

Ibanez, who began his stint in 1979, has been working without a contarct for a year. He had hoped to get a one last contract extension, but KTVU management never offered any serious negotiations. In fact, Ibanez was rebuffed by KTVU to the very last moment. He'd been told by Fox2 suits that his status would be addressed "after the football season."

Only not only was his contract extension, status not addressed, KTVU brass never reached out to Ibanez directly or even indirectly. It was an amazing show of indifference by a KTVU already trying to move forward from the loss of veteran news anchor, Frank Somerville, who was dismissed in late January.

Ibanez, a Bay Area native, has told friends, he's inclined to retire but left open the possibility about going to another station in the market.

On the other hand, as I learned too, Ibanez might simply retire and might have made a deal with KTVU to exit and take a financial package benefitting him and his family.

Ibanez's last broadcast on KTVU is March 31st.



  1. The Fonz has been around the lot a few times with KPIX and a station in Salinas, I believe. He's more than capable. It's just the way a legacy on-air talent is getting treated that's in question.

    Now let's see if the local media gives you the credit on this. Probably not. Too bad. Screw them. Maybe if one stopped giving a high priority on publicizing restaurants and food and more on relevant news, things would be different.

  2. What a shame. How stupid. The idiot KTVU news director strikes again SMH.

  3. Classless KTVU. Owned by Rupert Murdoch afterall so not surprising that this is how they treat people. Yet ANOTHER reason NOT to watch KTVU. That place has really fallen into the crapper.

    1. Yes, because KTVU had to consult and have Murdoch sign off on this. Blame the fact that no one wants to pay the money that Ibanez wanted. Notice the lack of other offers he has. But by all means blame it on Murdoch.

  4. Let me fix that headline for you. Incompetent fool Amber Eikel chases another staff member out the door. The applause when they finally throw Amber out on her touchas will be thundering. Thanks for all of your great work over the years Mark. We appreciate you even if your boss doesn't.

  5. The easiest thing for a news director to do is renewing a talent contract. When the talent is a long-term employee in a highly visible position, not renewing a contract is a decision made not by the news director, but by a general manager in connection with her bosses in NYC. The GM is likely under pressure from the suits as you call them, to reduce the overall cost of the operation. Eliminating a large expense is an expedient method to accomplish that objective. It is likely that average viewers will never miss a departed talent.

    I have no stake in this, but through a 50+ year career, I have been a reporter, producer, news director, GM and a contract negotiator on both sides of the table (at different times).

    I know how the game is played both from a closeup and wide angle perspective.

    1. Then give this msnagement team an award because they barely have any talent left. Reduced costs alright. Took a powerhouse station to its knees now run with the dregs of Fresno freelancers. Good for KGO that they're gaining ground. Makes perfect sense if this is the "philosophy". You do indeed get what you pay for.

    2. Why pay for an A-list team when a B-team will do just as well ratings wise? KTVU is competing against rookies, amateurs. They obviously feel that paying rookie league salaries will work. It has so far.

  6. there is nothing evil about retirement...

  7. Pair him with Tolbert and partner Copeland up with Murph.

  8. Life is short. Thanks, Mark, for all of the great work and memories over the years. Press play and go....into a well-earned well-deserved retirement.

  9. "made a deal with KTVU to exit and take a financial package benefitting him and his family."
    If he is retiring, why would KTVU make a deal?
    Please explain the kind of "deal" they'd make and what would be their motivation to make such a deal?

    "I'm quitting, now give me a parting gift of $250,000, or I'll stay"

    1. It might be some legalese written into his old contract related to the fact that they never negotiated a new contract and mark had been working without a contract for the past year

    2. Maybe it is to not work in the market for one or more years?

  10. All the best to Mark. Sure wish they'd treated him better.

    1. That's ridiculous( treating him better). He worked there forever. That's extraordinary in any broadcast career.

    2. @5:54 - Sure, he worked there forever and that's great. He was able to work there for so long because he did his job very well, not because KTVU were being nice to him. Though I grant you it's not exactly like he was screwed over, it's also true that they could have handled the end of his time there better.

  11. Good luck to Ibanez on his retirement. It is well deserved. He has had a long career at KTVU which I think is unheard of in the news business. I wish him well.

  12. Joe Fonzi? As in Joe "I'm VERY important. Seriously... I really important. Like REALLY IMPORTANT. C'mon... stop laughing. I'm important!" Fonzi? Ugh.

  13. Retirement for Mark Ibanez is a good move for him. KTVU’s corporate management made the decision so he leaving with grace.

    Joe Fonzi is a reliable sports reporter and anchor. He has a proven record working at KSBW in Salinas, KPIX and back-up at KTVU.

  14. Fonzi has always been better than Ibanez. Better knowledge of local sports. More personable and none of the Ibanez smarm.

  15. Good move by KTVU. Save money. Now watch the ratings stay the same. Nothing will happen. Joe Fonzi, blah. Fine. All this makes no difference whatsoever. Mark had a nice run. Congratulations.

    1. They're already down this past month. I have an idea. Fire Amber Eikel and save money that way. Now that would be smart. But Fox is in charge so. She'll stay until its nothing but Amber's Embers left.

  16. I'll miss Mark as I think he's a good dude and dedicated to Sports! Like his relationship with music/album covers!
