Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Ask Rich Lieberman

ANSWERING YOUR RADIO/TV/Internet questions. Please, name and city always gets to the front of the line.

You can also follow me on Twitter and Facebook.


  1. Hi Rich,

    Since KGO and KCBS are pretty much gone down the toilet is there any local AM/FM music stations worth listening too?


    Frustrated East Bayer!

    1. KCSM, 91.1 FM is a can't miss --great jazz and 24/7.

    2. That's a good station or KDFC 90.3 for Classical music. Radio is a wasteland these days.

  2. Do you write John Handlery's jokes for him? If you do, would you please stop.

    1. If I wrote that crap I deserve a whipping, I have nothing to do with that guy, but thanks for the laugh.

    2. Oh man he is the worst. I noticed that he hasn't been plugging his "Daily Grill" restaurant and is now offering people who stay at the hotel discount vouchers to some eatery around the corner.

    3. Rich...is it worth paying for the undercoating?

    4. He has a horrible voice,his jokes suck,his delivery sucks and I don't know anything about his hotel,so wont comment on that

  3. Hi Rich: What happened to Kyra Grogan and my favorite Azenith Smith? Ronnie San Francisco

    1. Azenith pretty much was tired of the business and left. Kyla Grogan left for MSNBC.

    2. Azenith had a son and named him Asony. Har har....

  4. How'd you swing that big Vinny deal with roundtable? I love to get a pizza named after me, do you or did you get free pizza

  5. Pretty much lucked out --a guy saw me and thought I would be a good character--the rest is history. And no, the pizza was never comped but whatever. Blame Round Table.

  6. I am not surprised that KGO-TV (ABC7) had an across-the-board WIN during the Feb sweeps. The weekend crew of Dion/Spencer/Chris is a winner. I would just like to see Dion anchor more during the week. Why has this not happened already, and why is Spencer now only on weekends?

    1. No idea but I think Spencer is beginning to want to work less in his sunset years. Dion is good, Chris Alvarez? Yawn.

  7. What's up with this Maria Cid Medina suddenly? Who's "Cid"?

    John in Piedmont

    1. Her son, who died, was named "Cid." She left the business to concentrate on her own life is pretty much I know.

    2. The son was Rylen Wyatt Medina Antone. Cid is her husband's last name.

    3. Saunders Shaw????

  8. Darya doesn't seem to slut it up as much as she was 3 or 4 years ago. What happened? The cleavage used to be on display extensively.

    1. Rahma (very good, Rothmann) Darya seems to recognize it's no longer 2006, but 2022. She also seems more pragmatic if that counts anymore.

    2. More like sugar daddy left and she has no one to put out for

    3. She's pushing 60! Her outfits aren't as appropriate.

  9. Two topics:

    What do you think of Oakland's waterfront ballpark proposal? "Doable," or just too grandiose?

    And I notice that Sara Donchey has been off-air at PIX, in the last week or so. That seems a little unusual, for a new hire.

    1. Last first, I agree. Maybe something is fishy, I'll call my 5spy...the Oakland waterfront park will happen when I become the new Batman.

    2. Sara doesn't look comfortable. I haven't seen her do a story yet that she owned. I know she's new, but with a good reporter you should be able to get an idea by now. I don't see any life in her eyes. She's just total blandness, total meh, or as Rich would say, Melba toast (with margarine).

    3. Sara Donchey appeared on the 5pm news show tonight and seemed the same as ever. I hadn't paid much attention to her previously, just thought she did an OK job (except for the obviously dyed BLACK hair that should be cut or worn up because she's not 10 years old). But tonight, she covered the story about the cow that escaped onto a freeway somewhere in S. Calif and referred to the cow as "he"! So now I've lost all respect for her and whatever school she attended for basic biology class.

  10. Larry Krueger is joining Grant Cohn's (Lowell's son) YouTube channel every Wednesday at 3.p.m. Thoughts?

    1. Oh, I'm just gonna stop everything and look. (Wink) Look, I wish Larry well, but wake me when he gets real.

  11. Hi Rich: This is the 3d week in a row that Alex Savidge has seamlessly co-anchored Channel 2's Sunday-Thursday evening newscasts.
    Though lacking somewhat in "gravitas" Savidge does reads the teleprompter very well in a nice smooth delivery. More importantly I noticed both Julie Haener & Heather Holmes feel very comfortable working alongside Alex. Now that Mike Mibach, with his contract demands, apparently for the time being blew his opportunity to be KTVU's Number One Prime Time Anchor, is Alex Savidge perhaps now the leading candidate to take over for Frank S. or are the Fox bigwigs looking to hire someone outside of the Bay Area Market such as Channel 5 did with the awful hiring of horrible Ryan Yamamoto. Rich: You have the Best Blog in the Bay Area! Cary SF

    1. Hi Cary, it's not that Savidge isn't good, he is. It's just that a dominant personality he is NOT. He's more just average in terms of being a PRIME time guy. Maybe not his fault, but at 10 PM you'd like to see more of a presence and I don't think Alex Savidge is that person. Yet.

  12. Is Nikki Medoro working without a contract? Why would they renew that program?

    1. I have no idea but I can't listen to that garbage anymore.

    2. Nikki medoro's kids will write her new contract for her or better yet give the time slot to the best of john rothmann,except it's actually live and nobody knows it he can do it from the basement of steve moskovitz office

  13. Saw you scooped the self proclaimed "BAY AREA SPORTS GUY" Steve Berman to the kruegger news by an hour. Yet he still didn't give you props. Tell him Silky said to shove it! Congrats Rich.

  14. I have internet radio and Sinus and listen to BBC every now and then and I am amazed at how good BBC is. It is so sad that local radio (both music and talk) is so bad. Is it all because of cost cutting and money? Your thoughts. Also, what happened to low wattage strictly local radio stations, are they still out there. Lastly what do you think of KALW?

    1. Great post, Jeffery.
      BBC is, as you point out, superb. Love their international reporting, especially Ukraine-Russia war...Local radio is just been down and out and hasn't recovered...Local radio, KCSM (Jazz, 91.1 FM) awesome --don't listen much to KALW but I will now.

  15. I’m a huge fan of Elissa Harrington on KTVU. Solid reporter. I’ve been pleased with her increased exposure in recent weeks. Plus she’s very easy on the eyes. I’m sorry but this is a visual medium and she just has something that appeals to me deeply. Your thoughts….
    Mr Lobo in the Oakland Hills

  16. Rich,

    I was at the warriors game tonight and Mark Ibanez announced his retirement before the game started. They had a nice little tribute to him. He was sitting court side.

  17. Hey Rich - I know this station or show isnt usually on your radar....Any news on whats up with JV (Mornings on Wild94.9) He's not been on for months?

  18. Any word on the "nasty one" Christine Craft I wish you'd ban her

    GIANTS4EVER in Petaluma

  19. Looks like Hammer is all in on the KGO idiocy that is thompson and Medoro? Do you know why? Is it just that solid talk radio is so old school?

    1. Thompson has good numbers, Nikki does NOT.

  20. Mark Sz, PleasantonMarch 9, 2022 at 5:23 PM

    Turned on KNBR the other day and listened to Tolbert and Copeland driving home. Two instead of three works a lot better. Unfortunately because both iterations of the afternoon show revolve around Tolbert it was more of the same old schtik. Is Tolbert the Ronnnnnn of sport radio? Seems like the guy is bullet proof and will never be removed.
