Monday, March 7, 2022

Monday PM Chatter: KCBS Anchor Gives Backwards Scores; Brooks is Not Ready For Prime Time; Susan Kennedy Is; ABC7 Dominates Feb Sweeps

On Sunday morning, a further embarrassment on KCBS: an otherwise above-average anchor, Lisa Chan, twice, gave sports scores BACKWARDS! --on both the 7: 45 and 8: 15 AM updates, Chan reported scores, "Warriors, 116, Lakers, 124." She also gave backword scores on the Stanford men's basketball game on Saturday night. You'd think an editor would have told Chan about it but they were looking at their Facebook accounts. In the grand scheme of things, it's no big deal, but it's highly dubious at best and shows a tremendous low point in KCBS's on-air misfits. Twice no less, Chan's gaffe was allowed and nobody corrected her. Just plain, wow.

*KCBS has either decided to go all-time with business anchor, Jason Brooks, at AM drive (5-10 AM) --with Holly Quan, or is merely not auditioning any more people. Brooks is simply OUT OF PLACE --he supposedly pitched himself to KCBS's vast incompetent management staff for the morning tryout. Maybe they wanted to impress Audacy's suits because Brooks is horrible and works for cheap too. He does do wonders for someone else: he makes Holly Quan sound like Christianne Amanpour.

*A GOOD anchor at KCBS: the versatile, professional, Susan Kennedy. A Bay Area veteran who worked at KGO and is still a superb, no-nonsense on the air, mostly Saturday and Sunday nights. Kennedy is steady and stable, a dominating presence of cool, calm, and collected. Her demeanor and delivery is crisp and sound, what a pro.

*KNBR is still, again, running Giants' ads/tickets for "upcoming games", including "Opening Day", which means Larry Baer doesn't care about some fans buying tickets to games that have been cancelled because of the MLB lockout/strike. Just inexcusable.

*KGO-TV (ABC7) had an across-the-board WIN during the Feb SWEEPS --more importantly, it BEAT, rather profoundly, NBC Bay Area, which carried the Olympics. Outside of Super Bowl Sunday (carried locally by NBC Bay Area), KGO outran NBC, destroyed KRON and KPIX, it dominated KTVU (except 10 PM).

*It is simply out of this world that KTVU can see its mighty 10 PM News audience DROP to such a number as to hear in industry circles, KTVU has "issues." Boy do they ever.


  1. Good. A ratings drop is the only thing that gets rid of Amber Eikel. Amd honesty is it any surprise KTVU is sinking like a stone? Rudderless ships tend to sink eventually.

  2. Totally agree with you on Susan Kennedy on KCBS. She is a joy to listen to on the air, with impeccable voice and timing. I'd love to hear her more on weeknights instead of Megan Goldsby.

    1. She tends to sigh a lot and doesn't seem that interested in what she's reading. Don't think she's prime time material.

  3. Susan Kennedy is spot on. Susan can be on any time day or night.

    Jason Brooks and Holly Quan in the morning are terrible.

    1. Jason's voice is so dominant that he makes Holly sound like a second banana. Have to lower the vol. as his voice is jarring to listen to in the AM. His voice is equivalent to the loud alarm function. Definitely not a good pairing. He seems to talk more than Holly.

    2. Just don't put Lisa Chan in charge. She'll knock KCBS off the air.

  4. Isn't it normal to give the scores as visitors first? The game was in LA. And the Warriors lost.

    1. Sports reporting 101, whether in print or broadcast you always give the higher score. Example, the Warriors lost to the Lakers 124-116.

    2. Not a sports fan are ya?

    3. No--you always show/say the winning team first. That would be like giving the results of the 2020 presidential election as: Trump 232, Biden 306 (though we know Trump supporters claim the election was "stolen.")

    4. You can say the Warriors lost to the Lakers but then you always give the winner's score first. That's all-out wrong to say the scores the scores the way she did.

  5. "Warriors, 116, Lakers, 124." LOL. Is she blonde?

  6. The "backwards" sports scores were reported much of the day Sunday...very strange!

  7. Respectfully disagree that Lisa Chan on KCBS is "an above-average anchor"! You're joking, right?? She speaks in that high-pitched, "I just ingested helium" voice, and does not pause for punctuation: "GoodmorningJasonhowistrafficgoingthismorning?" I've stopped listening to her. Also a slight disagreement regarding Susan Kennedy: clearly, a veteran news anchor...but her delivery - at least when I've listened to her - is NOT "crisp and sound". Instead, I notice that she actually hesitates a lot in her delivery - quite a few "uh's" and pauses - especially when giving the maybe she's not reading the screen clearly or something....

  8. Lisa Chan needs to find a new line of work. Her board work last Sunday was awful. Dead air. Bad sound levels. Rough transitions. She's above average? If that's true, KCBS is in worse trouble than we all thought.

  9. With a nod to George Carlin - "And here's a partial score, Pittsburgh 16."
