Monday, March 7, 2022

KTVU Rank and File Dis Monday Meet-Up with Eikel; Make Their Point; The Firm Takes Notice on 2 Jack London Square; Haener isn't Happy; News Ratings Tank, 10 PM Included

KTVU CODE: "we made our point."

I'VE LEARNED rather than push for a formal meeting, the majority of KTVU staff that cannot stand Amber Eikel, have already achieved their goal: put her (Eikel) on notice: "we're hip to you, you don't control us, and oh, by the way, we still have NO RESPECT for you."

The last quote I papaphrased but it was essentially that. The people behind the scenes at KTVU are FED UP with Eikel's incompetent, inexperienced, and out-of-control, frankly, leadership, or more accurately, NO LEADERSHIP!

Eikel hasn't made any overtures to her staff, either directly or indirectly. She simply doesn't give a damn anymore and that has The Firm's ear. Maybe they will finally make a move? Up in the air.

KTVU staffers are now confident their message has been heard, why even bother giving the Eikel any respect when the embattled ND doesn't even respect her own workforce, in addition to virtually ALL Fox2 anchors and reporters. Oh, Eikel has a few kiss-asses in her camp but it's just that, a few, and they have no influence. They are frowned upon in the newsroom and are viewed as snitches. The serenity of the KTVU news den is non-existent. ZILCH! Nowhere to be found these days.

And now Eikel has lost her only ace in the card: KTVU's news RATINGS have PLUMMETED, including its storied 10 PM News.

Should be an interesting Monday at 2 Jack London Square.

*On her watch, Eikel, will be known as the ND ice princess who lost Frank Somerville (suspended him, twice, before he finally went beserk, but still on her record), Mark Ibanez, the 43-year vet sports anchor and one of KTVU's most popular personalities; pissed off Julie Haener, an Ibanez ally and someone who normally doesn't rock the boat. Haener is now not only dismayed about Ibanez's March 31st departure, but ANGRY and mulling her own future.

The "10 O'Clock News" is about to be turned into dreck and it's got Countess Amber Eikel's handwriting all over it. What will The Firm do?


  1. I only met her once about five years ago when I was hired as a freelance editor. She seemed okay, but I had little interaction with her beyond that "welcoming meeting". I didn't realize what a colossal c*nt she was until years later after I'd left KTVU. Hope they get rid of her like KRON got rid of Tiny Aaron Pero.

    1. Bumped into Aaron at Chez Panisse recently. He refilled my water glass. :-D

  2. So you blame the downfall of a drunk anchor on the news director?

    1. on her watch, yeah, --read the post.

    2. Well, you kinda did, Rich. World War II happened "on Franklin Roosevelt's watch." So what? Why mention it?

      Frank deserved to go, and her move there makes her look smart, IMHO. If anything helps her case, that's it.

  3. So you mean a rotating cast of anchors at KTVU doesn't win big ratings? BIG shocker. Who could have guessed? The only people watching local news anymore are old and they LOVE change! Right? Oh, they don't? Yes I do remember that from News Director 101 now that you mention it. LOL What a joke. Happy for the veterans who all just departed KTVU. Smart move. Jump while you still have a parachute.
