Sunday, March 6, 2022

Eikel Reckoning?

"SHE does not have the respect of the newsroom, that is for sure."
LONGTIME KTVU source to 415 Media.

*Rumor mill: Amber Eikel (News Director) wrath of 2 Jack London Square--growing feeling that KTVU senior staff will ask for changes at the top.

*"No confidence" in Eikel and GM. Station teeters on collapse--FEB Sweeps ratings plummet...


  1. Is that my math teacher ?
    From high school ?

  2. Her only job is to shore up the station for a sale. FOX will be dumping the O&o's in a short time. Local TV news is in a fatal dive and FOX wants out.

  3. KTVU Karen on a Monday morning. No thank you.
