Sunday, March 6, 2022

Building Tension at KTVU; Monday Eikel Meeting Maybe in Works

Nothing is imminent now, nothing official, BUT...

Senior KTVU staff plus a few non-rank and file personnel, are planning on a Monday morning head-to-head chat with management. A direct chat with Amber Eikel, (ND) isn't something that could take place officially but the general discontent inside the newsroom is so bad, I'm told, that some kind of talk, "needs to take place" --KTVU, as I have often said, and say, is at a boiling point.

I don't know exactly at what stage it is, but I can tell you right now, it's particularly tense.

If what I hear takes place on Monday, then Eikel might want to set aside an hour...

Again, there's nothing official but I'm all over it.


  1. This is non-news if anyone had any balls. Come in sit them down and tell them why you're firing their ass and be done with it!

  2. So they meet with her? There won't be an attitude chair. So what will the unhappy troopers do? Quit?

    This isn't real story.

    In every newsroom there are unhappy people. These folks have a bottom line choice. Suck it up or quit.

    1. An attitude chair. Gee that would help LOL. Can we put the news director in time out? Permanently?

    2. Exactly. Just as Amber Eikel has chosen to run KTVU further into the ground, these complainers can choose to leave and work for an employer that offers conditions better suited for their work and management-style preferences.

    3. When ratings go down. So does the ND. TV 101. Just. Wait.

  3. These people aren't imprisoned. While they’re welcome to share their thoughts with KTVU management, if KTVU is unable to offer the type of workplace environment that they prefer then they need to tender their resignations and resign. If what Rich has reported about the working conditions there is all true, then these chronic complainers shouldn't have a problem finding a workplace with better working conditions as it sounds like anything would be a step up from their current situation.
    If they wish that KTVU was managed differently and/or better, then they should begin searching for management-level positions elsewhere that will grant them decision-making power over workplace operations.
    Until then, they need to shut their mouths and get to work, at least until the point that they find a new job.

    1. Hi Amber LOL.

    2. A lot easier to fire one boss than 100 worker bees. Teams hoping to do better replace the coach, or the manager, not the players. If there was one malcontent, then they might have to go, but if discontent is widespread among stable professionals, then the boss has to go.
      Put her in charge of "special projects"like redesigning the set.

  4. KTVU has all kinds of issues but the power of the 10:00 time slot keeps them relevant no matter what. They need a solid, powerful NEWSMAN on at 10. Not some pretty boy or token Biden-type hiring but someone with charisma and power. This area should never have trouble finding the best. It is San Francisco, the greatest city in the world. Do a nationwide search. Find the top guy and give him a boatload of money. ONE GUY ONLY and bet the farm on him. People here will follow someone awesome.

    1. token Biden-type, what the hell is that supposed to mean?

    2. Why, 5:17, because he has a penis?

  5. Times up works both ways

  6. This one snapshot of the KTVU studio reveals a lot - namely the person who is sharing so much "accurate" info with this blog.

    1. Not really. Staff posts pics of the studio nearly every day. There are tons of them on various social media feeds.

  7. She even looks like a far left radical pseudo intellect

    1. I highly doubt that a far left radical pseudo intellect is working for Fox. More ignorance masquerading as political commentary.
