Friday, August 19, 2022

Exclusive: Fellow KTVU Anchors to Julie Haener: "Retire"

A GROUP OF ANCHORS AT KTVU --including widely respected Alex Savidge, have advised veteran newswoman and fellow anchor, Julie Haener, to "strongly consider retirement," according to a well-placed source.

No word on her reaction but the fact the advice came from fellow anchors is revealing because such a gesture would have been unthinkable just a few weeks back. And at KTVU, Haener's closest friend is Savidge who often fills in for her when she's away, (a lot lately) and she is said to take his words seriously, whatever the subject matter.

Haener has been battling a number of demons --some personal and some professional --her time away from the news desk at KTVU has become increasingly more evident and caused a stir in the newsroom and more ominously for KTVU, a profound impact on viewers --or lack of such. KTVU has seen a dramatic DROP in numbers and especially early evenings and at 10 PM, where its vaunted "10 o'Clock News" has seen numbers take a severe hit.

Haener's absences are now topic A at The Firm's Oakland news center. And behind the scenes, management is now contemplating a news presentation without Haener's presence and the entire matter has become so irksome for KTVU, it's now the talk of the entire newsroom. The future is murky and everyone knows it in front and behind the scenes.

Haener was, again, absent from the news desk last (Thursday) night--a sight now not so rare these days at KTVU. In fact, when she's actually on site and working it'considered news in and of itself.

"She's really not here that much anymore and everyone is sort of used to it," said the source who works near the newsroom and is aware of the ongoing matter.

Haener's son is a star football player (QB) at Fresno State. Jake Haener is perceived to not only become a presence in college but even the NFL and Julie has taken time off to watch her son play football. That was pretty evident the past few years only now, the time away from KTVU has factored in more non-Jake reasons and Julie is dealing with far more compelling issues. Some are known, others not so well-known but whatever the reason(s) it's affected her work at KTVU.

The news now that other anchors have told her to leave while she's still at the top of her game, (perhaps) is significant. And with KTVU missing two of its "core4" anchors at 10 PM, a Haener split would cause further viewer alienation.

Not especially good news for Fox2.

*Rich Lieberman 415 Media EXCLUSIVE


  1. I'm surprised that Alex wasn't the choice over Mike.

    1. Same here. I thought Alex was the logical replacement for Frank, with either Heather or Cristina taking over for Julie.

  2. JR seems a little too young-ish to retire; but there's no requirement for her to do exactly the same job indefinitely, either at KTVU or elsewhere. If she wants to stay in the "talent" arena, maybe a radio-host job would suit here better. Radio looks to me to have a better future than tv in any event.

  3. That's certainly sound advice. IMHO, when an employee misses this much work over such a prolonged period of time it's obvious they have one foot out the door. I'm really surprised she hasn't already retired. It's not as though she stays there because she loves her job or her co-workers. Hopefully she'll issue a statement on this soon.

  4. This just means more Cristina Rendon. And what's wrong with that?

  5. Heather just wants her to GTFO already.

  6. This morning Andre, The Gas and Allie R. had a convo where they mocked people who post pictures of their perfect life on social media. The Gas and Allie seemed to feel very strongly about it and seemed to relish in the fact that it’s all a facade for these people. I could help but wonder if they were thinking about Julie as they said that.

    1. Shots fired! We all know who those comments are directed towards... If and when Julie returns, does she have the guts to confront Andre and Allie R about their snide remarks. Betcha she won't.

    2. That's actually funny because The Gas used to post all her food creations on Facebook ALLL the time. Guess that's like the pot calling the kettle fat.

    3. @4:55 The Gas did used to post that crap and I think she finally got the hint that no one gives a shit about what she's baking. As far as the convo with Allie and the Gas, they were talking specifically about people who portray the perfect life, perfect family, perfect vacations when really it's all a facade.

    4. I stopped following Julie Haener on FB because her posts were all about her rich and fabulous life traveling the world and being g beautiful. That is cool to a degree but with so many people struggling these days, it seemed inappropriate and callous. She needs to retire and do something meaningful with her time like volunteer at a food bank or homeless shelter for a reality check.

  7. Julie to Alex: STFU

  8. JULIE? JULIE HAENER? RETIRE! Please! You owe it to your colleagues and viewers. Do the right thing and WALK AWAY! Then you can take as many pictures as you like in you bikinis and post them to Instagram to say "Look at me! I'm retired and staying in places 99% of you can't afford & will never stay at. Isn't my life great?" It's time to go...

  9. Wait, you're telling me that station employees who covet Julie Haener's job are urging Julie Haener to retire? Wow!

    1. I’m pretty sure Alex Savidge won’t be Julie’s replacement.

    2. Holmes, the GAAS and Allie all fighting for a space to push her out the door.

    3. Push her? I’m pretty sure the Gas and Allie would both enjoy (literally) kicking Haener out of the building and slamming the door shut behind her. The beef between the Gas and Haener goes back to when both worked evenings. Not sure why Haener dislikes Allie, but whatever the reason, Allie would love nothing more than to see Haener get sent to the unemployment line.

  10. Heather would be perfect at 10. Stable, hard-working, reliable.

    1. Thanks for the input, Heather...

    2. None of those qualities matter to ktvu ‘management.’ In their mind, anybody with a pulse can do the job. Hard work, stability and competency get you nowhere over there.

  11. On another subject, what in the hell is Andre' Senior growing on his chin. It looks horrible.

  12. Interesting that the same day the news broke that Kevin ‘the Rat’ was downsized by KCBS, Joe Starkey was feted after announcing his impending retirement from Cal football radio after 4 decades..Give Starkey credit; 40 plus years at ANY radio job is remarkable. But he’s never been a very good football play by play announcer, was lucky to get jobs with Cal and the 49ers and has gotten worse every year. Meanwhile, ‘ The Rat’ gets shown the door after working 38 years in Bay Area radio, yet very few of your readers have nice things to say about one of the most creative and unique on-air personalities. He deserved better than that.

    1. Don't you mean "I deserved better than that" Kevin? Don't worry! You're wife can be the bread winner until she gets the ax from KCBS.

  13. I dont see things getting any better with or without JH on board. I see her sticking around until her kid graduates, it would be a good time for her to cut out. The station has been on a death roll since the core 4 broke up. Clean house get some fresh talent and keep YOUR PERSONAL OPINIONS OUT OF THE NEWS!

  14. Why not Alex Savidge? Several years ago, married Alex Savidge had an affair with a reporter at KTVU, she is still employed as a reporter, she has a child, hmmmm….During that time, KTVU was dealing with Mark Ibanez’ and Frank Somerville’s affairs with other employees (interns). When the positions for an anchor became available, because of Frank Somerville’s drinking, dui’s etc..the higher ups chose Mike Mibach because he has high morals. He’s a family man and is the last person who I think would have an affair. The higher ups see Alex Savidge as a mini Mark and Frank, for him to move up the ladder he has to prove himself trustworthy with high morals.

    1. Wow, sad to hear of his infidelity as I like Alex’ delivery and genuineness as I perceive it. You leave us guessing as to which reporter, I could see a few possibilities. Well, Mike may be the perfect family man but somehow seems to be less than genuine or tedious reading the news and when he has to ask follow-up questions to reporters. Could be just my perception though. Core 4 Bill (well, maybe years back) and his chosen non-replacement Roberta come off these days as totally hyperbolic looney. Bill is sometimes I think not even seemingly contradictory in the same run on sentence. He is abnormally fascinated by his own rambling musings like of live weather shots or graphics. He scribbles in electronically on weather graphics as if showing some great insight on the obvious already shown. He seems to be talking down to us as some type of know-it-all nutty professor of meteorology or whatever he is preaching to us. Roberta is over the top now too.

  15. The Changing of the Guard can be messy sometimes, whether or not people are gunning for you.
    Best of luck to all concerned, one hopes they enjoy a long joyous retirement - or a well deserved promotion.
    Life is too short to be stuck on Unhappy Island. Sink or Swim!

  16. No one has the rights to tell a staff when to retire when to quit except Heather Holmes desperate to steal her job. If they announce, the new 10:00 anchor is Christina Rendon or Gasia, she will be so mad being the next Frank Somersville

    1. Gasia at 10??? The ratings aren't cratering fast enough for you???

      Might as well put Darya Folsom on KRON at 10 too!

  17. Julie should get a job at Fox Fresno in beautiful downtown Visalia, then she won't have to commute for football games.

  18. The multiprong effort to push Julie Haener out the door that we’re now seeing didn’t just happen out of the blue. It’s been in the works for well over a year. There are different tactics and avenues being used simultaneously to achieve the objective. There’s the more visible stuff (like what we read on this blog) but there’s other stuff happening behind the scenes or on seemingly unrelated fronts.
    An effort like this takes planning and coordination from people at all levels. This includes cooperation from people who Julie works with directly with on a daily basis. Essentially double agents.
    From what I’ve been told there is a belief in the building that she needs to go for all the reasons mentioned on this blog, not the least of which is she’s not well-liked by her co-workers, most of whom feel they need to walk on pins and needles around her.
    The goal is to replace her, before the November sweeps, with someone who viewers and co-workers alike consider more competent and likable.

  19. Football season starts soon. Expect to see even less of Julie. As if that’s possible.

    1. "Expect to see even less of Julie."

      Less than one day a week? You're basically describing termination or retirement. lol It sounds like her 'friends' at the firm would happily take either at this point.

      Adios pendejo. And don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.

  20. @4:42pm, the viewers can voice their opinions and our opinions should matter. Julie Haener please retire or quit, go away. Allow someone else who wants the job to be the anchor. How can you stay in a position where viewers and staff dislike you so much?

    1. IMO, I believe she views this job as something to do on nights when she has nothing on her social calendar. She clearly doesn't view this job as a priority, she's not invested in the people and she doesn't need the money (look at her social media).

      It's kind of like when mega rich women get a part-time job at the local bookstore just to pass the time.

    2. 7:40pm, you've obviously never worked with a narcissistic megalomaniac. Consider yourself lucky.

  21. Such a drama queen.

  22. Heather Holmes (if Julie retires)... "Here! Hold my Cosmo! I'm headed to the weeknight anchor desk. See ya later beyotches..."

  23. Looks like it's just me but both Rendon and Holmes are just back ups. And ch 2's problem is too much local public interest crap as the lead stories, the black mom losing her son to gang violence, the asian store owner being robbed. You need to lead with national stories, then the local crap.

  24. You mean ordinary parents don't take an entire week off work every time their little Johnny has a 3 hour game on Saturday?

  25. Does KTVU has an unlimited vacation policy like some tech companies? If not, terminate her for cause and promote from within.

  26. She's living in the past when the local anchor was larger than life, akin to royalty. Back when the masses looked up to them in awe and with fascination. Back when Barbie and Ken impersonators read the news.

    Those days are gone. Long gone. Now she's just an entitled slacker whose rendered herself completely useless and irrelevant.

    It's sad that she's chosen to end her career like this but I wish her well in the next chapter of her life.

  27. In other news, Frank Mallicoat’s delivery has improved dramatically. Before he could barely make it through his reads a which resulted in nearly eight dozen gaffes per newscast.
    Not sure if he’s been working with a speech therapist, but kudos to him for the improvement.

  28. KTVU is an ongoing, absurd melodrama. It’s more like a soap opera than real life. First Somerville is shoved out the door because of substance abuse problems. Then Ibanez is sent packing because management wants to cut costs. And now Haener continues to deal with professional and personal demons which may mean another exit of a news anchor very soon. What’s going on here? Their news director is probably saying: “ Nothing to see here! Move along!”

  29. Rich, your statement "...when she's actually on site and working it's considered news in and of itself..." is 10000% accurate. It's so infrequent that when it happens people ask why is she here, followed immediately by us trying our best to avoid her.

    ~KTVU task monkey

  30. Earlier this year I moved back to the Bay Area after living overseas for several years. I was shocked to see Julie Haener still on TV doing her thing. It’s unfortunate to read she’s now battling personal demons and mental health issues, and it’s affecting her work schedule. Stress has a way of taking its toll on the body, in her case it looks like she’s aged about 15 years during the eight years I was away.

  31. Where can I find Julie Haener’s statement on the passing of her predecessor, Leslie Griffith? I looked on her social media and nothing. All I see are an endless stream of photos of her flaunting her wealth and her perfect life.

  32. Frank Julle Mark Bill
