Friday, February 18, 2022

KTVU-Fox Puts Amber Eikel on Notice; Adds George Kiriyama as Managing Editor

Either directly or indirectly, KTVU (namely Fox) has officially put ND, Amber Eikel, on notice.

The Firm has hired former San Jose NBC repoter, George Kiriyama, as its Managing Editor. Kiriyama has been doodling in Las Vegas, now he's "coming home."

Ther are so many layers to this story. The addition of Kiriyama isn't so much a promotion for him, more a move by Fox that finally acknowledges Eikel's losing faith with reporters, anchors and most especially, the non, on-air staff at KTVU. Eikel's NO CONFIDENCE feeling by the rank and file --before the Frank Somerville various bruhahas--is the centerpiece here. As it's been all along. With the new Kiriyama hire, it's The Firm's way of saying, "We feel your pain, Channel 2 staff."

I don't know much about Kiriyama other than his stint in San Jose. I'm sure he knows the situation in KTVU's newsroom and I know he must have a clue that his position has Eikel in a tizzy. As it should. How that translates into fluidity inside the newsroom remains to be seen. It will, yeah, be interesting.To say the least.

As usual, I will be on this and talk to my KTVU contacts.


  1. I've been thinking about all of this. Putting up with Amber Eikel may have driven Frank to drink. Cause and effect.

    1. You mean it was a woman's fault that he chose to self-destruct?

  2. If he's any good he'll get chased straight out of the newsroom. All competent people are. The Asst. ND had integrity and ran for the exit screaming. If Fox wants to fix their problem the answer is simple. Eikel goes. Anything else is a band-aid on a patient that needs major surgery. Ain't gonna work.

    1. they have great ratings...think again, 9:06

    2. Not so far this book they don't.

    3. 11:37 is right. I'm just surprised they have great ratings or is this whole anchor drunk on air thing part of Fox's plan to be different with their news and get viewers. It sure is working.

  3. 11:37 is right. It's all about the ratings. The "suits" as you like to call them could give a rat's ass about staffers feelings about bosses.

    This is different from the CBS happenings. The new head of stations for CBS has been replacing GMs and news directors all over the country. And you could put money on the fact that the "suits" were involved in the hiring of the anchors you disparage.

    As for KTVU, lots of stations have assistant news directors and managing editors. Some also have Content Directors, Assignment Managers as well as a hoard of EPs. Kiriyama wouldn't be coming without Eikel's consent, min fact she may have done the hiring.

    When you are hunting for a topic to write about, how about tackling the topic of "Why everyone Hates their managers."

    1. Here's a bigger question why can't news attract better managers? I would guess from my observation that it's because it's an old business model that instead of attracting talented people who are innovative thinkers, promotes from within the same pool of tired, uninspiring people who sat there waiting to be promoted rather than move on to something more fulfilling. So basically you have abused employees who "grow up" to be abusive bosses. But the new catch is that the jobs in tv no longer have great pay or great hours. So they can't compete with other options which is why you see so many bailing on the business.

    2. If you're starting off in tv right now you could literally make more money flipping burgers at In-n-Out. The only people still going into it aren't great journalists, they're influencer wannabes who are looking to get a bigger following so they can sell crap thru their social media.

  4. If this sounds sexist? Deal with it. Boo Hoo, cry the Bay Area river. If anything you'll help with the drought. Anyyhoooooo, if the ND and GM were men, I'm sure they would've stepped in and bitch slapped Frank to get it together. They probably would've done the man to man thing and say, "Get your shit together or ship the F out! We'll help you but you gotta help yourself." The Manly Men of the 90s did it with George Watson. I'm sure they did it with other Reporters and Anchors in their staff we just didn't hear about it. But having these Yentas as bosses probably looked at Frank and said, "You is ON YOUR OWN!!! You cheated on your wife and slept with an intern" acting like they're the moral majority. I'm sure if this was Gasia or Heather, they might have stepped in. But for a man?!?!?!? Noooooooooooooo!!!!! But then you'll lecture me that if this was a woman who has had a drinking issue or go crazy about voice of the people thing, then male bosses will ignore her. Here's your problem: YOU DON'T FIND MANY FEMALE ANCHORS HAVE DRINKING PROBLEMS OR WANT TO ROCK THE BOAT WITH THAT VOICE OF MISSING WHITE WOMAN SYNDROME! It doesn't look like the people in charge at the Firm tried to do anything to help Frank out with a firm hand. Really? They put him on Suspension? A Time Out? That's so a Mother (cough-female-cough) thing. Change my mind.

    1. You obviously, 3:33, know very little about the news biz. There are a zillion alcohol addicted reporters and anchors, both sexes, always have been. A newsroom is not the place to get addiction rehab.

  5. Ha ha ha ha!!! "We feel your pain, Channel 2 staff" Ha ha ha ha ha!!! Fox cares. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Now I know for sure some of this stuff is made up. Ha ha ha ha ha. You're killing me. But Rich, your stuff is great sometimes.

  6. I've always wondered about news managers, anchors, writers, producers, and editors: WHY did they choose to get into this side of TV news? Every person I know who went to J-school or got into our business--myself included--did so because we love to be out in the field...away from a desk job.. seeing things and then either writing about it, or shooting and editing it. To answer 3:33's question about why aren't there any good managers? I think it's because news managers are those who failed at being reporters or photogs--so they're bitter, and take out their anger on reporters and photogs that they manage. I mean, I don't know ANYONE who, while in college, said "Ya know what? I want to major in broadcast journalism--and become a news director!" Or "Screw being out where the action is: I want to be an executive producer of a newscast, and work inside an office!
