Thursday, February 17, 2022

Midday Chatter: As CBS Net Execs Pace PIX, Anxiety Level Reaches High Point


A tremendous dose of sad reality. So far, nothing has gone down but a whole lot of CBS execs are in the KPIX building--they came from NY, so this is no window dressing. I doubt the suits are exchanging cookie recipes. But then again, this all could be sweet nothings. It could very well be Black Rock showing PIX staff they are ROYALLY PISSED. The emotions are running pretty high and intense. Even the veterans are sweating a little, maybe a lot.

Will they blow things up? CBS seems to wanna think that way. Here's hoping they don't hire MORE MANAGERS, that, they sure know how to do.


  1. Just hire VDLC as new director. that will fix everything.

  2. Ibanez - Sports
    Grogan - Weather
    VDLC - Anchor
    There. I fixed it!

  3. Heh. I saw her early in the morning the other day on NEWSY (a new OTA news channel). She actually looked pretty good, and was doing a decent job reading the news. I do wonder, though, what sort of drama she will come up with this time though, with the NEWSY to get out of working.

    1. Trust me she already has the next Grift in the works

  4. Out of curiosity… why is it that only KTVU weather peeps still report from home?? Everyone is back at work?

    1. Because they can. Lazy. Management allowing it. Phoning it in. Literally. Led by King Bill who does the least he can at every turn. He'll milk that until he turns in his company ID. I notice Rosemary is the only one in the studio much. Guess it's a different rule for women at KTVU.

  5. I haven't seen anything "blow up" KPIX since I worked there, 24 years ago. The place has always been dead from the neck up. CBS mustn't care much about the San Francisco market.
