Friday, February 18, 2022

More Pushback--Intrigue on Kiriyama Hire by KTVU-Fox; KRON-NBC Rumors Swirl (Again); KCBS Brings in Gumby (Maybe); Hide the Kids, Wahl-Rothmann/KGO Radio Love Fest (Again); Friday Happy Hour

THERE'S NO WAY, Amber Eikel hired this new guy (George Kiriyama) as Managing Editor.

The prevailing theory at KTVU is the staff seems perplexed by the hire. The Firm works in mysterious ways. Maybe this isn't a threat to Eikel --for now--but she can't be happy seeing some retread on board doing a job that she 's supposed to be in charge of. This was definitely a corporate hire. By the way, the KTVU staff has pretty much never heard of Kiriyama and don't know what he has in store. Kiriyama starts March 14th.

*The new guy is a Mark Ibanez fan (I'm told) whcih might be good news for Ibanez, rumored to be seriously considering retiring March 31st, an out clause in his contract. Ibanez has been working without a new deal for almost a year now.

*Fox itself is phasing out its O and O's committments to local sports. That's curious because The Firm owns NFL Football (NFC)--you would think that factoid would make them gung-ho on thier O and O's but The Firm is darned unpredictable.

*Every now and then lately, the rumors pop up about (again) NBC buying KRON and making SF their hardcore O and O and using NBC Bay Area (KNTV) an alternate station. I've asked everyone in town and even outside the Bay Area id this latest rumor has any legs. They all say NO. One sage observer said in particular: "They don't need to, besides, it would cost a lot of money."

*KCBS, the lost-in-space former legacy all-news radio, (740 AM, 106.9 FM) trooted out, yet again, another morning-drive news anchor on Friday, the supremely unqualified tonsil, Jason Brooks. The business reporter sounded as if he was on his way to the junior prom, so overly-giddy was Brooks. Brooks should stick to business and stay away from the news booth--he's BORING and he sounds like Peter Brady.

*Let's see, Holly Quan, Dan Mitchinson, Eric Thomas, Jim Taylor, --how many fill-ins has KCBS tried out? WAIT!, Gumby is the next tryout on KCBS!

*Bet ya can't wait, John Rothmann will flip the bird to the 25 listeners on KGO tonight when he has on film fan yenta, the INSUFFERABLE Jan Wahl--Rothmann will GUSH and Wahl will tell her various crappy yenta stories, all the while Rothmann insists, "all the lines are loaded and emails are 'pouring in!" Oy Vey.

*KNBR running Giants' ads almost as ridiculous as Pete Moskowitz "talking" to KGO hosts. Yeah, gimme some peanuts and Cracker jack while millionaires and billionaires don't play ball. Good timing, Knibber.


  1. Why do you hate Jan Wahl so much? She's a nice jewish woman who worked in the movie biz, directly and now does reviews..Why is that so daunting for you?

    1. I agree with you. She knows a lot, at times she is a little over the top, but Rich and his constant negative comments about her is getting old. Don't know why when he gets it in for someone, he just can't let it go. First it was Ronn, now it is Rothmann and Jan Wahl. He use to like Rothmann, now he is bashing him several times a week. Not good reading.

  2. KCBS "Your Musical Chair Station"

  3. No way for NBC to have an "alternate" station because they also own the local Telemundo station and the FCC cap is two per market. Buying KRON would make no sense on multiple levels. The current setup has both of the owned stations in San Jose in a nice, large and owned building where KRON is a tenant in a competitor's building. The only people who still think buying KRON would be a good idea are the San Franciscans who can't fathom San Francisco not being the center of the Bay Area universe.

  4. They'll flip KNTV to either COZY TV or NBCLx, when they acquire KROM

  5. NBC should buy KGO.
    With the star-studded talk show hosts included.
    A dollar tree special !!!

  6. I dont see NBC buying KRON TV but I do believe if the rumors are true that Nexstar is interested in buying the CW Network away from CBS and Warner expect the CW programming moving to KRON...

    1. Nope.CBS already planning new original news programming for those stations. It's a whole thing. Happening this year.

  7. I'm not a fan of Jan Wahl either, although I respect her knowledge of movies and Hollywood. I just don't like the fact that John gives her so much airtime on his show. Last night I only listened to the first hour of his show because he had a boring guest during the second hour, and Jan Wahl in the third.

  8. The weird thing about the guest,dwight chapin,who worked for nixon, although I dont think rothman claimed that he knew him like he does with many others..he kept saying the lines are jammed e mails pouring in.but he never took a listener call!!.so he was just BS the whole hour

    1. I listened to that hour, he did take calls, and read emails with questions. Go back and listen to the podcast.

  9. I was wondering why Jason Brooks was paired up with Holly Quan the other morning. I do like Holly. She has been a familiar voice in that slot for years so she brings some continuity. As a regular listener to KCBS, I wish they would pair Holly with Jeff Bell. Yeah. I know you don't like him, but to me he has the best radio voice since the late Ron Reynolds left.
