Saturday, February 19, 2022

The State of Reader-Supported 415 Media

I HAVE A LOYAL FOLLOWING. That's good because the thousands of you that come here and $UPPORT the blog make its path forward possible and sustainable.

I have not posted a PLEDGE DRIVE in over three months. I know a lot of you assume everything on the Internet is free and that includes me, but I need your help.

415 Media will always be FREE and easily attainable. I've resisted the idea of going to a paywall. I want 415 Media to be an entertaining, informational, opinionated, edgy Bay Area media blog. And most importantly, a site that is NOT BEHOLDEN to corporate interests. A completely free-thought zone that isn't controlled and manipulated by those that want it to conform to the mainstream Bay Area media elite.

415 Media is 100% READER-SUPPORTED.

To caryy on in the manner that I know the majority of you love and enjoy and look forward to, I need your DONATIONS and HELP. It's YOU ALL that make this site, MY SITE, OUR site the #1-READ media blog in the Bay Area. With out you all, there is NO 415 Media. Plain and simple.

So DO THIS: GO TO MY "PAYPAL DONATE" ICON ON THE RIGHT--Click on it and Make a Donation, NOW--It takes less than a minutre and it's a hundred percent SECURE and easy. Any amount is appreciated. A 15, 20, 30 dollar amount is greatly appreciated but if you can be gracious and extra supportive, an amount over that is welcome. You will get an e-mail and/or a phone call from ME THANKING YOU for your support. Some of you have made multiple donations and for that, I thank you, as always. Remember, your donation is ANNONYMOUS if you want it that way. You do not have to have a PayPal account to make a contribution.

I've always said that I love writing this blog. It doesn't always meet your standards. You and I will always disagree on my opinions from time to time. Sometimes I will write and offer various takes you might find offensive but I will do so free of corporate control and censor. There are those companies and individuals that want me out of sight and out of mind and frankly, GONE. They want me frozen and unable to publish.

They want me banned.

YOU are all my supporters, my lifeblood, even those of you who don't care for me but are the first people who come here because you enjoy reading me and 415 Media.

Thanks again.


  1. Rich I am a bit of a novice when it comes to finding the PayPal icon you refer to. I'm more than willing to make a donation through PayPal but first must find that icon. Can you direct me to it? Thanks!

  2. Probably reading on a mobile device--go to desktop/laptop and scroll to right side of blog to "Pay Pal" icon and click.

