Sunday, February 20, 2022

Mayor London Breed Does "Meet The Press"--Full Video Interview

London Breed did "Meet the Press" Sunday morning.

Here's the full interview.

It was hardly riveting TV but it was nice to see the mayor address lingering SF-city issues--subjects like the school board recall were broached by Chuck Todd--he also referred to an angry Breed SF press conference in which she spelled out SF's ongoing crisis with crime and homelessness.

Todd landed solid questions even if they were largely softballs. And the mayor seemed pleased enough to answer directly if a bit too political wonk speak.

Breed is running for higher office; her appearence on MTP was almost an audition. She seemed poised and polite, almost looking as if she were giving a campaign speech before an adorinng audience. Todd himself was more moderator as opposed to interviewer. Nevertheless, it was good to see Breed do a Sunday talk show in front of the nation.

I wish Todd had been a bit more challenging but I kind of expected what I saw.

NBC News


  1. I agree with you, Rich. Breed's audition to replace Senator Feinstein.

  2. Addressing issue she's been ignoring for how many years? No way I'd vote for her.

  3. She wouldn’t go on KGO Radio during the pandemic when it was politically safe to do so. Her people send unsigned emails from generic departmental accounts and use blocked numbers. Pathetic.

  4. More like "Meet The Heft" amiright?

  5. She is a hot pile of steaming garbage. I hope she runs for higher office so that her opponents can show the larger public just how toxic and dishonest she is really is.

  6. She can't clean up the City why should she run for another office? Her 'track record' sucks.and so does everyone else's who decides what happens as the supes....+

  7. She makes Jan Wahl look sexy by comparison.

  8. So why the one week delay in KTVU broadcasting the 2022 SF Chinese New Year's parade?

  9. The city is a shithole.
    With no tough leadership. Just sheep.
    Clean up time begins now..
    The recall of the school board has passed.
    Next comes the recall of D.A. Boudin. That will pass too.
    The tide is changing in the liberal crime ridden city.
    Re-name public schools.....LOL

    1. Cities are inherently shitholes. Regardless of leadership. Name a time when San Francisco or New York or Chicago or Los Angeles were wholesome utopias. You can't. Because you live in fairy tale land. Nice soapbox rant though.

  10. London Breed = higher office? She can't even manage San Francisco. Scary thought. Someone suggested she go after Sen. Feinstein's seat. Good luck with that. She has two things going for her: gender and race. That won't be enough. She also has this "plan" about getting people back to work in downtown SF. Woman, have you walked around downtown lately? Are you high? Filthy, dirty, and perfect for the homeless. I guess you like Eau de Urine. Get real, London. Your bridge isn't even getting built.

  11. Newsom's poll numbers in the toilet and three woke schoolboard members shown the door in a landslide with Boudin and Gascon to follow, suddenly every elected progressive clown in the state does a 180 and starts acting like they care about shit that affects law abiding tax paying citizens. Pathetic.

    1. Agreed. Let's hope they get their asses nailed in the next election.

    2. Newsom's poll numbers in the toilet, yet Conservatives forgot to set their clown clock alarms and recall him in September. But by all means, keep bloviating.

  12. Yeah, mr. I know or am related to everyone in san Francisco Professor Rothmann would interview her..after all he personally has known every mayor since 1960..

  13. She's as fake and as bad as that recalled score board member that is claiming they recalled her due to, "racism".

  14. Nice lady but she doesn't know how to get things done. At the most I can see her winning a state Assembly or state Senate seat. Tough to imagine her winning anything statewide.

  15. She makes Willie Brown look good.

  16. Great! Just what we need... another flunky from "Camp Slick Willy" Hes bagged more politicians than a Kennedy's

  17. You know, if some of you are going to criticize London Breed's performance as mayor of S.F., that's one thing. But to make disparaging remarks about her appearance and / or weight is downright disrespectful. Man, show some class, will you?

    1. This from the guy that constantly took shots at Trump's appearance. Hypocrisy at its finest. Rich.

    2. Ron Jeremy, who always referred to Trump as the orange one on this blog, wants us all to show some class.

    3. 7:37 PM
      Re: "disparaging remarks"
      What do you think we're here for?
      Take one of my Rotten Tomatoes. Gratis.
      Now, who do you want to throw it at?
      and don't say 'Nobody'.

  18. I am shocked at the responses to the Mayor Breed story on this thread.
    Utterly shocked.
    Liberals/anti-Trumpers love her. Conservatives/Trump supporeters hate her.


    1. Uh...I think you're seeing quite a few liberals knocking her here too. She's toxic. A "feel good moment" like the DA that turned into a terrible decision.

    2. Some of us hate bad politicians on both sides.

  19. SHE.NEEDS.TO.GO.AWAY. SF is a complete mess and she's at the helm

  20. I would suggest anyone seriously considering Breed for higher (or any) office take a stroll around downtown San Francisco;like many politicians her words are totally disconnected with the reality on the streets. But hey, the same was said of Harris, and look where she ended up. To the everlasting regret of the American public...

  21. When did I ever take shots at Trump's appearance? WTF ?? Man, y'all got me confused with someone else.

    1. Can't remember Trump specifically but remember shots at conservatives or Republicans with the cute little catchy catchphrase people on Twitter use. "Show some class".
