Thursday, March 17, 2022

Thursday Coffee Break; 95.7 FM "The Game" All-Sports is Losing Money; Domino Effect at KTVU; Mibach Steamed Over The Firm's 10 PM Hijinks; Wants Out; Betty Yu Mulls a CBS LA Offer; Nikki Medoro "Yummy" Unintentional Laughter on KGO Radio; Kristen Sze is Still Scared to Death of Dion Lim at ABC7; Laura Garcia Diva Act at NBC Bay Area Isn't Beloved; Rob Roth Retires from Fox2 But Tom Vacar Doesn't; KGO Radio Rothmann Tries to Do PM Drive But Commits Bizarro

YEAH, it's hardly news that 95.7 FM, "The Game" doesn't have any ratings. That's been a constant since their inception. But they had other compelling reasons to carry on: at least they made money.


Fact is, the FM all-sports outlet --and flagship of the Warriors--doesn't make a dime. Some industry insiders tell me, in fact, The Game is now losing money. Which might explain why they and their corporate daddy, Entercom/Audacy are having a tough time and why The Game's hosts are tossing out resumes all over town and beyond.

Maybe they should consider a real PD and not a brand manager who plays checkers on Twitter.

Game off.

*DOMINO EFFECT: Mike Mibach is so angry about being jacked around, he's looking to split KTVU and pursue a gig in the Bay Area, maybe even outside the market. Only problem, Mike, you don't have much leverage. The Channel 2 morning anchor definitely wants OUT of the AM --away from the GAAS!--and thought he had the 10 PM anchor job (replacing Frank Somerville)-- he did.

Only KTVU brass instead has been going to revolving anchors. They believe they could put a farm animal on the desk and the ratings would stay the same. Mibach was caught off guard and is now STEAMED. This is not a pretty picture. Moreover, as KTVU transitions to a new "10 O'Clock News" (minus Somerville and soon, departing Mark Ibanez) there is apprehension at FOX2 and combined with newsroom turmoil, further mayhem on the horizon.

*If Betty Yu were to want to escape the abyss known as KPIX, she has an offer on the table from CBS in Ell-Lay, for a high, six-figure deal. But Yu loves the Bay Area and seems content at 855 Battery. That said, with the dough being offered by The Eye, it's gotta be tempting for Madame Yu.

*What a JOKE dept. This morning on her ratings-challenged KGO show, insufferable Nikki Medoro, was asking listeners where to get the best corned-beef sandwich (celebrating St. Patrick's Day) --(very original)--a texter mentioned a Peninsula deli, "that is great and has lots of mayonnaise!", to which Medoro said, "yummy!"--anyone with a quarter brain knows you don't put mayo on corned beef; if you did that in NY, they'd arrest you. Medoro not only doesn't know radio she also has NO TASTE in corned-beef and pastrami sandwich etiquette. Yenta alert!

*THE OUT AND OUT FEAR FACTOR--and it's 100% real--that exists between Kristen Sze toward Dion Lim, is so intense, ABC7 station staffers at Circle7 have been told to look away and eschew any glances at the two should they cross paths. It already happened and Sze looked both angry and disgusted. Sze, again, views Lim as a growing threat. She should, only now it's not a threat, it's more apparent Dion is both more talented and younger. And doesn't have an ego and fraility the size of SF Bay that befits "Ming" (as she likes to be known as to close friends, including those at ABC7). Advantage, Dion Lim.

*Speaking of paranoid and jittery --and she should be--we have NBC Bay Area's morning diva, Laura Garcia. A woman who has more drama than the last season of General Hospital. Dear, the worker bees at NBC -San Jose don't care for your bossy, ego-driven power plays every other day. They've had it, in fact and are fed up. Obviously, Laura, you can't read the room.

*Now that Rob Roth finally split from The Firm, the Fox Bay Area hierarchy is HOPING Tom Vacar finally gets his ass out the door and retires, only Vacar has no immediate plans to leave KTVU. His close friends (all one of them) have told him to take a hike but the oatmeal-faced Vacar, who last smiled during the Civil War, is not going to leave; he thinks he's still good. And he knows he's got KTVU over a barrel; yeah, Vacar is a LOYAH and they're still scared he'd sue 'em and claim ageism.

*John Rothmann is NOT an afternoon drive host--I've said it ad nauseum--he tried to be one on Wednesday and he failed miserably and managed to make himself look foolish and worse yet, make KGO Radio sound completly dorkus.

Rothmann tried to ad-lib and inexplicably went from discussing Ukraine-Russia to the latest Oakland A's-Howard Terminal ballpark setback. It was a disaster.

Rothmann doesn't know sports. And it shows. The ballpark issue is a legitimate topic but Rothmann's sudden detour was both startling and ridiculous. It not only derailed but listeners sent e-mails and wondered what the hell was he thinking. Awkward? Try unbelievable.

Look, I'm a Rothmann fan. But he's a nightime host. He's trying to conduct an orchestra without any band members. KGO screwed him up but puting him in a time slot that is not condusive to his style points, Plain and simple. It's not his fault but he's hopeless at 4 PM and his attempt to be more nuanced just doesn't work. Wednesday's latest flub was downrright laughable. What was the producer thinking?


  1. For years I was a sandwich purist but over the years I've come down from my ivory tower and allowed mayo on some of my sandwiches, I am a bit baffled though by this disdain for mayo on a pastrami or an Italian hero. Oh and your Tom Vacar comments, spot on.

  2. Hell no! Only hot mustard on Corned Beef with a pickle

    1. I could see a little mayo if it's mixed with lots of Goulden's mustard. And it has to be Point cut corned beef Brisket, never ever Round corned beef.

  3. I have never seen so many "retirements" and "choosing to move ons" at one station in such a short time before. KTVU is going to be empty soon. Then what happens? Does Fox send Tucker Carlson out to anchor and chase off the remaining viewers LOL? What a hot MESS this once highly respected station is.

  4. Mibach did it to himself. Schmuck overestimated his value and the Big Boys weren't going to play. He forgot who held the cards. Same thing goes for Garcia.

    1. Agree with 3:37. Mibach got a bit too carried away when he thought it was a two horse race between him and Andre Senor. Mibach is a utility player and it’s clear that’s how ktvu views him. I’m not sure why he thought he was going to get the prime time job along with some exorbitant pay raise. Sounds like he’s finally coming back down to earth and realizing the only way he’s getting a prime time gig is if he goes to Salinas or Eureka.

    2. He'll get the job. Amber Eikel just likes to make people dance for her. It's what powerless fools do when they get power. He'll be there long after she's gone though so, worth the wait.

    3. Did she take lessons from Fauci?

    4. What the actual F does Dr. Fauci have to do with anything? God I love the anti vax nuts, they're so focused on being idiots. It's almost admirable LOL. Such passion! Dr. Fauci, what a jerk for trying to keep us all alive. How dare he!! The horror!!!!

    5. I love people like 9:50. They act like they're so much better than the other person, use capital letters in their LOL's and LMAO's and try to be sarcastic while trying to come across as superior. But all they really do is appear to be a sad, triggered person with low intelligence.

    6. ... "a sad, triggered person with low intelligence." Gee, I wonder who is trying to sound superior here?

    7. Oh 10:54 I don't think I'm better than you. I know I am. And yes, definitely more intelligent than you as you are here 2 years into a pandemic moaning about getting a vaccine you should be so lucky to have access too. That makes you remarkably stupid. You don't trigger me you made me cackle and a good laugh is worth responding to. Keep up the good work! OH LOL! I almost forgot, you like those so much I'll throw in another LOLLLL!

    8. 9:50/4:43 is the definition of Dunning-Kruger.

    9. But. Why would someone bring up Dr. Fauci in this thread about the crappy KTVU news director? That's the definition of cuckoo. It is so random. Next let's compare her to Elmo. Discuss.

  5. Marshall McLuhan was right- as a society, the closer we get, the more savage we become towards one another. And it is because (according to McLuhan) our tolerance for each other's presence is being tested in those narrow circumstances.

  6. Have to say it again. I've never seen a station shoot themselves in the foot like KTVU. Not picking an anchor and allowing all of this speculation and for people to tear down your anchors over and over. It makes no sense. Somebody didn't read the news director 101 handbook.

    1. Yeah, and her name is Amber Eikel. She should be a hostess at Chili's.

  7. just something for mr Lieberman .noticed Tolbert was off for the day just copes and ''the saint''.huh new show? maybe Tolbert didn't want to do any ''um hum'' talk for a day.

    1. Tolbert normally takes off the first few days of the NCAA tournament,

  8. Ming has her 3PM Graveyard that the pets wont even watch. Dion is way past her in all aspects.

    Laura please get back on the Lithium.

  9. "They believe they could put a farm animal on the desk and the ratings would stay the same."

    They're definitely wrong. Ratings would be higher. "Oh my God, did you see the FARM ANIMAL anchoring last night?!? That cow handled the breaker from Martinez like a pro! The truck hit the car because the car wouldn't mooooove, and the cow knew that! You have to watch tomorrow night! Maybe they'll get someone with a heartbeat and body temperature to replace Julie."

  10. If you offered me "high six figures," or even LOW six figures, I'd leave the shitty Bay Area faster than Frank Somerville can drive a Porsche into an Audi.

  11. Now it's Rendon with Haener. I know you love Rendon, Rich, but she lacks something. Not sure what.

  12. I've always imagined Betty Yu as network quality. Out of place at KPIX (sinking ship) but enjoy her feature stories and on air elegance. I agree with Rich....LA makes way more sense for Betty. I'm a huge fan!

  13. Whatever became of Brent Cannon? He and Laura Garcia were supposedly in the middle of a nasty divorce a few years back, and he got relegated to a trailer park, as I recall. Rich teased us with some big upcoming news with them, but I don't recall ever reading about it. Seemed like nice guy who fell for a siren. I hope he's not homeless on the streets!!

    1. He's working at Cisco. My wife recognized him in a meeting last year.

      he's much better off away from laura garcia-nutjob.

  14. Speaking of LA, once I saw Betty Yu at Urth Cafe on Melrose around Grammy's time. I recognized her right away. She looked even hotter in person. I thought about saying hello but couldn't find the courage.
