Wednesday, March 16, 2022

London Breed Goes Europe Junket; Bay Area Media Don't Question; Calling Dan Noyes; Circle7 Investigative Ace Invokes Fear; Mark Ibanez Radio Chops; Jan Wahl, Specifically; NBC Bay Area News Meh; Alex Savidge Up Arrow; Cristina Rendon Too; Wednesday Wash

MEDIA IN THIS TOWN has become so putrid the public is now accustomed to dreck and unfortunately, is content with it. The marginalized TV News; the abhorrent radio; the dwindling newspapers and the joke that is SF Gate. If it weren't so tragic, it would be a farce.

* I see Mayor London Breed is about to take a ten-day junket to Europe, all in the name of drumming up tourism. The streets of SF are filthy; people outside the city take a look at SF and are uniform about its rotton state and our local media give the mayor a pass, for the most part. Why is she going to Europe (ok, not tax-payer funded) and no one dare make a fuss. The city has so many isues and not just homelessness--how about the state of the schools and the school board, the budget situation? Hello, is anyone home? Never mind.

*Speaking of which--Dan Noyes? You have been called.

I like Dan Noyes, I wish he'd be a bit more tough on the mayor, assuming she will ever give him a half hour.

Noyes is good, great sometimes and here's his SECRET WEAPON: he looks mean, like "don't mess with me or else..." That's right, almost as if he's coming out of a NY alley way with a black suit on. I mean that both respectfully and admirably. Noyes is not one to ne lied to or screwed with. There's fear and then there's, "oh shit!," fear.

*If The Game and its nudnick PD were smart, the'd pair Mark Ibanez with a host--Ibanez would add instant buzz and cred not to mention a show worth listening to as opposed to the bread crumbs currently on 95. 7 FM.

*Lund (John) yeah, knows mechanics, but his personal wares el sucko, like laughing and giggling like a little girl amd kissing major tuchus as if he were beholden to the pop star. Wait a minute, he is.

*Jan Wahl irritance in a nutshell: she doesn't have the chops. She's like a gossip-monger and fake starlet. Every time a movie star dies, she says she knew him/her. She didn't. She knows movies, big deal, I know cryonices, who gives a damn? And when she's on with Rothmann (John), KGO's ratings go south. WOMEN!, especiallyt can't stand Wahl. So, yeah, I'm not an advocate, sue me.

*The old-school KRON had Bob Jimenez, one of ther most underrated anchors in this city. The nation knew better, as Bob went to NBC and had a great run and developed a huge following. Bob was crisp, concise, smooth, soiid and had the chops of a modern-day Cronkite and then some. A rare breed and sorely missed.

*Add KRON: they've been losing, out of attrition mostly, great technical people behind the scenes; those who give KRON its look, make it seem big leagues. A scene, camera wise, that I love and think is better than avearge. If KPIX had KRON's set, they'd be at least, watchable as opposed to the shit screen they currently look like..

*NBC Bay Area operates on the premise of its cutesy peacock image with gooey promo ads and reporters/anchors that, they say, drive for energy and spirit, only it's all FAKE and insincere. There's NO genuine element. Mathai (Raj) is about as hard-hitting as a day-old donut in the Tenderloin. He was down at the Super Bowl taking selfies of himself and wandering around the area like a kid at a toy store. Jess Aguire has seen better days. The overall news is a disaster. Sorry, but the truth is the truth.

*Heather Holmes continues to get PASSED UP for a reason: she may be loved and adored by men but women don't think she's that wonderful. It's not just me with that take, it's KTVU's internals. Moreover, Holmes still doesn't know how to show any degree of wit, candor; she's a robotic woman news reader who is overly mechanical and that doesn't work for primetime audiences. KTVU seems willing to allow Heather to find her ways (for years now) and she seems content--maybe because she has no leverage at this point.

*Re-evaluation dept.: Alex Savidge. He seems to be gaining traction.

*If Jobina Fortson had any semblence of personality, she'd be reading the news on KTTV in LA and making five-times her current salary.

*The few times I've criticized Pat Thurston (KGO, Noon-4 PM) is that Thurston knows I think she's quality business- so when I ocasionally say she should cut down the over-laughs and be more open-minded to callers she doesn't agree with, she understands my deal. I'm fairly certain of that.

*Greg Papa should be aware of that time-honored tradition called over-exposure. He's all over the place. Too much.

*Harry Connick Jr., for whatver the reason, was seen coming out of the KTVU building in Oakland on Monday. Maybe he was auditioning for the Nooner, who the hell knows.

*Cristina Rendon is fairly content at KTVU; she's young, tough, glamourous and a tremendous anchor on the desk. She also works hard and knows how to play the game. What does that entail? It means she understands the business and has inner chops, not only how to really be good reading the news and possessing network-anchor material, but how to schmooze and nuance without selling yourself and your integrity. Rendon is far BIGGER than KTVU, Fox and The Firm. They're lucky to have her. For now.


  1. Breed is looking for new victims.

    1. And what exactly is Mayor Breed supposed to be doing that she (up until now) has not. I am not certain anyone could fix what ails S.F. at this point. What ails S.F. took years to develop- to insinuate that all of S.F.'s problems could be automatically fixed within 1 or 2 years by the wave of some politician's magic wand is ludicrous.

    2. "What ails S.F. took years to develop"

      40 years of Democrat leadership will do that to a city. The city is a complete shithole. Conventions are going everywhere else, L.A., Vegas, Arizona and the city is losing MILLIONS.

      "And what exactly is Mayor Breed supposed to be doing that she (up until now) has not"

      It must be an election year. *Checks calendar*. Yep, it is.

    3. I was living in NYC in the early '90s when the situation there was similar to SF now. He may have gone crazy since then, but Rudy Giuliani was elected mayor, took over at the start of 1994, and did an incredible job cleaning up the city. There's a way to fix SF - there's just no will.

    4. Rudolph Giuliani took an under the table, no-bid contract bribe to buy a cop and firefighter radio system that didn't work on 9/11. He was a con then, and now.

    5. @6:21 a "con" that cleaned up another city that the democrats had run into the ground and the citizens had had enough. Nice deflection tho.

    6. Ha Ha, drinking the Giuliani Kool-Aid talking points repeated by right wingers. Crime did go down during his tenure, but the trend started 3 years prior to him becoming mayor and at many other cities in the US.
      Many criminologists believe the decline in New York, as in Chicago, San Diego, Miami and elsewhere, was the result of a complex mix of social and demographic changes, including a break in the crack cocaine epidemic, an improving economy, and increased prison terms for proven lawbreakers.
      The book "Freakonomics" devotes a whole chapter to the subject.

    7. 2:54 and 9:58 (same writer?), 6:21 is more correct than you. (1) Much of the mess on 9/11 was due to Giuliani's cluelessness, stubbornness and corruption. He was warned after the first attempt to blow up the WTC, in '93 or so, that putting the new Emergency Response Center right there in #7 WTC would be a strategic mistake, and he insisted that it go there despite the warnings. And on 9/11/2001, the chickens came home to roost from that ill-advised decision. (In case anyone doesn't remember, 7WTC was collateral damage from the attacks on #1 and #2 WTC, and it also came down later that same afternoon, ERC and all. Giuliani did do some good things, but so did Dinkins before him, and so did Bloomberg after him. Most of the time Rudy was a punchline to New Yorkers, a preening peacock who always had to be in the spotlight. 9/11 and the last few months of his administration were the exception, and for a brief moment in time he stepped up to the challenge of rallying the city. But never forget that was four months out of 96, since he'd been mayor for 8 years.

    8. Sorry, but there's no way things had gotten better under David Dinkins, who was Giuliani's predecessor as mayor. Were you living in NYC like I was during that time? There was a reason Dinkins was voted out of office after one term. while Giuliani was doing a good enough job to be re-elected. Using murders as a proxy for crime overall, there were 2605 murders in NYC during Dinkin's first year in office, and 2420 murders during his last year. Giuliani's first year saw 2016 murders, and his last year it was down to 960.

    9. Ha Ha, Frank living in his liberal utopia where everything the liberals do is grand and wonderful and everything conservatives do is terrible. You could have a conservative administration take over a city, completely turn it around from the brink of disaster and make it prosperous and safe, but he will come back with the standard "But, but it started 2 years prior under the Democrat! MSLSD and CNN (facing massive litigation everywhere now btw) told me so!!".

  2. Remember when kron was the NBC affiliate and the news was much better. I can't remember everything but I recall kron was my go to with Mark Mullen skippers the morning news then almost overnight Daria Folsom entered the picture and I just about threw my television set out the window, roommate would say "but look at her chest" that gets old really quick especially when you're coming along in age.

    1. Parking Garage ! Mark Mullen and Daria in the same sentence ? There should be a law against that, it’s disgusting ! Like comparing Johnny Carson to a dive bar comic. And your roommate’s taste ?...yuck ! If he wants the brain of a 27 year old, then get the BODY of a 27 year old, not wrinkle city.

    2. You guys remember Mark Mullen a lot differently than I do. A competent reporter but I would not use Johnny Carson's name in the same sentence to describe his abilities.

  3. If not the taxpayers, pray tell exactly who funded Mayor London's 10-day junket to Europe. A need to find out and follow the money.

    1. I wonder if they gave her a stipend for food expenses. That's going to match the cost of the trip alone.

  4. She gets a free pass because brain dead liberals don't eat their own. Hypocrisy at its finest. Alot of people were actually shocked when they disposed of the idiots on the school board that they put there in the first place. The funniest thing to come out of that was 1 or 2 of them claiming they were voted out because of "racism". Ah yes, when in doubt, pull the race card. It's the liberal way.

    SF is a mess.

  5. I prefer KNTV News over KTVU. No drama, just the news. Reporters are competent, but Terry McSweeney is a better anchor Raj.

    1. Agree. And no Fox overlords. I'm done with KTVU. There's enough on here about how crappy they treat their people.

  6. If jan wall knows everyone,that's not half of whom john rothman, the world's leading scholar on harold stassen knows(his words)

  7. People from Europe already know about San Francisco. If they want to come here, they will. They don't need the Mayor to tell them about it. Something smells like BULLSHIT and it's coming from Van Ness Ave.

  8. Rich you have it wrong on Jobina Fortson. You always talk about robots and people who can't ad lib or speak off the prompter. She has more personality then most of that brain dead crew on ABC morning. More Jobina and less Reggie and Kristen.

  9. Heather Holmes, to me, has that IT-FACTOR. No one else does. She is Fox national material. I am not a shill for her but why do men like her? She has it, that is why.

    1. It's too bad she didn't go national about 8 years ago at the height of her powers (beauty).

    2. I just started watching a little local news recently so Heather Holmes is new to me. She is mentioned a lot here and I can see why. She is pretty now and does a good job reading the news. I have no idea how she looked 8 years ago.

  10. Spot on with your assessment of Holmes. Just reads the prompter with almost Zero expression. And, Mibach looks to be settling in with Haener.

  11. I like Heather Holmes and Cristina Rendon way more than the morning guy who suppose to be the evening anchor.

  12. Fake News! Fake Outrage!!
    Mayors all across the country always visit other do exactly what Mayor Breed is doing: To drum up business for their cities. I don't know the details, but I bet other business leaders are also going. Even mayors of Republican cities visit other cities. Hell--if mayors AREN'T going to other cities, then they aren't doing their job.

  13. Heather Holmes 2016. Different hairdo.
