Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Looks Like Dion Lim will Stay Put at Circle7 Because ABC Hasn't Made Formal Offer; Good News for KGO and Bay Area Lim Fans

Dion Lim Bio, Wiki, Net Worth, Married, Husband, Parents, ABC, Age
Dion Lim

I DON'T KNOW WHY DION LIM would object to this picture, after all she was fine with it while anchoring in Tampa before she headed west to San Francisco at KGO ...but that's not the point of this notice...

I'VE LEARNED that Dion is probably not going to advance on ABC News quest to have her anchor the Weekend News out of LA and why? Well, for starters, ABC hasn't formally offered her the gig and it appears, even if they did, Ms. Lim is happy with her job at ABC7 at 900 Front.

A source tells me:

 "She is intrigued with the interest but they (ABC) never formally met with her and she absolutely loves the Bay Area."

ABC News in LA and NY didn't respond to requests about their interest in Lim.

Industry sources that are aware of the situation threw out the possibility that a key network insider at ABC's offices in NY essentially threw out a public trial balloon and that all indications is that Lim wasn't crazy about going to LA even with the generous amount of money Disney would throw her way.

But again, it hasn't happened. At least for now and I'll say again my hunch is Lim will stay put offer or not. I will say Dion Lim appears to be one of Circle7's more popular anchors and sooner or later, might want more moolah or weekday evening prime time.

Bay Area Media Posers: Damon Bruce, Ronn Owens Report, Tim Kawakami,Larry Beil, Allen Martin Ray Ratto, Mark Thompson, To Name a Few

Embroidered Patch: NO POSERS | jhofffilms


*Liam Mayclem, aka, "Foodie Chap"--How does this guy get away with it? The fake English accent; the pretentious act; the hideous nature of his reports. He's barely tolerable when he's serious. Which is never. I can't even laugh at this arrogant mutt anymore. And just what does he do? And what the hell is a foodie chap anyway.

*Mark Thompson: can we just come out and say it: Thompson is a superficial blowhard. A guy totally in love with his voice on KGO with nothing real to say, nothing to contribute, just two hours of wholesale nothingness and BORING --class poser is Thompson --I've tried like hell to listen and be positive and I just can't. Because now his show is getting even more tedious, Thompson resorts to using other stations actualities --when you're really bad, yeah, rip off local TV News stations. Classis poser, Mark Thompson.

*Damon Bruce is a certified classic poser. Damon thinks he's the only legitimate radio talk-show host and that he's a god. Recently too, Damon became a father and daily tells us how he invented fatherhood and it's become a drag to even remotely listen to him on 95.7 FM, "The Game"--In the old days of civilization before the pandemic, Bruce was a mildly-interesting voice, now he's just an obnoxious poser. And his frequent pregnant pauses indicate a heightened self-importance. The problem: like its eternal down ratings, nobody is listening to both the station and Damon. Pass the coffee.

*Ray Ratto, an increasingly annoying nebus who has all the appeal of a Union City 7-11. Ratto's contrarian curmudgeon act was funny about the time of the Iranian hostage crisis, which by the way, was the last time Ratto laughed. He keeps getting jobs because the hiring suits thinks he has game. Ha ha, what a complete poser.

*Tim Kawakami is the alleged Exex editor of the flailing internet sports site, "The Athletic"--Kawakami once told a Bay Area scribe that he (Tim) was the Ben Bradlee of sports journalism. Right, Timbo, I'd put a BLOCK to that. You're just an impish, arrogant scribbler who has all the authenticity of a Tenderloin bead and breakfast.

*"The Ronn Owens Report" --is this 10-min dreck supreme POSERISM? Yes! There's very little to learn listening to this daily mish-mash of extreme nothingness. It's an audio colonoscopy of Ronn's ego and his guests inanity --Ronn has nothing to say and his guests usually the same credo. Even Ronn said he only does this crapola ton continue to be heard byt really it's his way of ensuring free cruises until 2035 when Mr. Lowenstien will be over 100. "Hey, pal!"

*Julie Haener is quite the female poser at KTVU --I don't know now what Jules is trying to accomplish, it's either a watered-down Diane Sawyer or a boring FNC blondette. Julie used to engage, ask a few questions and seem genuinely interested. Now she's a human box of vanilla wafers with dried oatmeal on the side --with that eternal concerned look, you would think she's the Orange county coroner posing as a news anchor.

*Allen Martin: mass poser at PIX with all the personality of a Lodi hooker. I have repeatedly tried like hell to warm up to blustery Martin but I cannot. He seems to think he's the CBS-SF Cronkite but Walter in his grave just let out a hard one if you know what I mean.

*Chris Alvarez the weekend sports anchor at KGO-TV --I don't know what this yokel pretty boy is trying to accomplish but sports anchoring is not in his handbook. He's a frequent mumbler and giggler POSING as some sort of Stuart Scott only Scott knew how to write and create --Alvarez just shows up and tells everyone how wonderful he is.

*Larry Beil, the Michael Joran of posing here --Larry is convinced that the more he looks like he's SF anchorman, the more people will be convinced he's the ultimate guy. With authority? NOT! A serious poser and ego the size of 4 SF bays and not much anything else. Beil: the epitome of wholesome POSING.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Yeah, Leslie Griffith was Scary Drama But Dennis Richmond Could Be a Downright Jerk

Longtime anchor Dennis Richmond to leave KTVU in May - SFGateDENNIS RICHMOND--he didn't care for Leslie Griffith too, but guess what? Richmond was a big time prima donna himself.

While Leslie was talented and great on air she had issues--I wrote about her  last Friday.

Well chronicled.

Richmond could be a very cool man and nice and kind. But many times he was an asshole. The KTVU staff that had to work with him know full well. And it wasn't every now and then it was always and always.

If he didn't know you he had a habit of looking over your shoulder and pretending that you didn't exist. That was the best of times. If you were a truly little person, I'm told, he generally treated you like a piece of shit. Again, this is/was common knowledge at KTVU and even in the good old days, pre-FOX ownership, he was a jerk. If you caught him at the right time, he could be respectful but that was rare.

What counted the most was Dennis Richmond reading the news and that he did well for over 40 years and that's the only thing that counts. But don't tell that to some of the people at Jack London Square who had to experience him and his attitude.

For the record, Richmond was a generally a good anchor and probably one of KTVU's top news readers. Just on longevity alone, Richmond was special and professionally historic.  Too bad his personality grated and he occasionally was mean and difficult.

Dennis retired in 2008.

Remembering a True Bay Area TV News Anchor Modern-Day Romance; KPIX Super Duper Couple Kate Kelly and Doug Murphy; Triumph and Tragedy

Profile: Kate Kelly, TV News Reporter - SF Weekly
Kate Kelly

THEY WERE THE "IT" COUPLE IN THE LATE 80's and 90's, at least in Bay Area TV Media circles...

KPIX had a romantic dynamic duo:  Kate Kelly and  Doug Murphy were like bread and butter but fate and uncontrollable behavior by one person took over and ruined the fairytale --a remarkable love bond and talk of the town.

Kelly was working her way up the PIX personality file; she was to become its certifiable STAR and golden girl. She was Kate "Supple" from a Stanford pedigree and absolute beauty.  Her face and image reminded everyone of Princess Grace. She was even more beautiful in person. And more than just a pretty face, she was one dynamic news anchor and force in the market, a Bay Area treasure.

Soon, Kelly was dating another BIG TIME anchor at the PIX studios at 855 Battery, a talented one himself, Doug Murphy. Murphy began in sports and also worked out in the field. He was charming, tenacious, hard-working and soon emerged as one of the station's biggest personalities --a force to be reckoned with and as engaging supreme, all that and more.

But like other rock stars --so to speak, Murphy had issues. A big one. He had problems with the bottle, namely something like Amstel lite. It was only beer but Murph drank a lot of Amstel lite --I knew first hand when we used to schmooze at the Kings X bar in Oakland --Murphy's regular hangout, a place where I first met his girlfriend at the time, Kelly.

Doug Murphy -- longtime reporter, anchorman - SFGate
Doug Murphy/KPIX photo
Kelly loved Doug Murphy, a lot. She wanted to marry him and he wanted to marry her. It was a modern-day romance. Even his bad side was OK, she thought, Kelly would tell friends that she'd help Murphy and that they would work things out. They were as close to each other as ever but Murphy's transgressions were too much for Kate. Even though she genuinely loved him and vice-versa, the romance had a quick ending. It simply could not continue and it was Murph's drinking that was the majority reason.

A shame.

They moved forward, sort of. Kelly went her separate way. She continued her career at PIX and Doug began doing news in addition to sports. His personal life improved. He met a woman in the East Bay and had kids. Things seemed to be getting better --but tragedy hit: Murphy, battling a myriad of health and personal issues died in a Lafayette house fire in 2005. He was only 55 years old.

What a run, Murphy would say today were he alive. He was a real good man. I can tell you first hand.

I didn't know Kate all that well, even today but I'd bet she feels the same way.

Pat Thurston Appointment Listening at KGO Radio

RICH LIEBERMAN 415 MEDIA: Rothmann, Thurston Loyalty Pays Off ...
Pat Thurston

PAT THURSTON --a KGO staple (Monday -Friday Noon-3 PM) and a supreme talk and radio host who gets better by the day. How much so? It's all in the numbers and raw data. And Thurston has become KGO's de facto number one broadcaster.

KGO, like other broadcast stations, keeps internal memos and collects information --good, bad and indifferent, about its personnel --Thurston elicits the most feedback and it's all very good and positive. And more importantly to KGO, a significant amount of that feedback ia from women, a key radio demo.

Even Thurston's bad feedback --and that's a majority of people who hate her politics (left-leaning) are quite vocal but still listen to her and although they very much disagree with her views, they still listen and they love duking it out with her; in radio, that's always a winner and Thurston's huge numbers brings all that out.

Just a few years ago I was not a Pat Thurston fan and I personally find it remarkable that she's become appointment listening.

Sunday, June 28, 2020

You Love 415 Media. Now Become a Charter Member.

Legion Riders Charter Member Patch-American Legion Flag & Emblem I ANNOUNCE the formation of a new alignment at 415 MEDIA: Charter Membership. You can become a Charter Member of 415 Media by PAID SUBSCRIPTION and/or a $25 donation to the blog to keep it sustainable and receive VIP Charter-Member-Only information and perks.

*CHARTER MEMBERSHIP PERKS: 24/7 e-mail notifications of exclusive content; Breaking News from 415 Media; virtual and in-person media discussions and live blogs; tickets to the various Bay Area sports events and panel discussions); DIRECT support helps 415 Media in every sense of word.


*GO TO PAY PAL DONATE BUTTON ON RIGHT SIDE OF BLOG (under the 'Marina Times ad) Simply click on the icon and follow prompters--It's fast and easy.

You do not have to have a Pay Pal account to join/contribute. ALL transactions are 100% SAFE, SECURE and CONFIDENTIAL....I WILL PERSONALLY CALL YOU/E-MAIL YOU THANKING YOU FOR YOUR SUBSCRIP.

Oh Dear Lord, Shining, Amazing Cierra Johnson Lights Up NBC Bay Area; Ronn Owens Still Wants to Cruise Just in Case

10 Great Cigars To Pair With Your Morning Coffee | Cigar Aficionado


Cierra Johnson - Home | Facebook
Cierra Johnson
Cierra Johnson on NBC Bay Area: she's already making waves and spiriting up the Sunday doldrums in a big, mighty style. She's bold, beautiful and incredibly insightful --I'm on board. I just wish the San Jose O and O powers would get her more prime time.

The Columbus, Ohio native was a pleasure to watch this Sunday morning. Thanks to loyal reader, Cary Sekoff, for tipping me off.

*In the "believe or not dept.", Ronnnn Owens asked some powers-that-be at KGO if, in the event there's a different scene come the fall, that "I'm wanting to take that cruise in the East Coast" --Owens dos the "Ronn Owens Report" so he can keep on cruising --and even in a world-wide pandemic when cruising is shut off, amazingly the superficial Owens has the chutzpah to tell his bosses that he'd cruise if the coast is clear. God, what vanity. How out-of-touch.
Ronn Owens Moved To KSFO - Radio Ink
Ronn Owens: "what pandemic? --I want to cruise."

Saturday, June 27, 2020

'De Loyah' Mystery: Is Len Tillem OK?

RICH LIEBERMAN 415 MEDIA: Len Tillem, 'Da Loyah', Talks About ...

I'M HOPING the reach of 415 Media helps here...

I'm worried about DE 'LOYAH, Len Tillem. I haven't heard from the former KGO Radio legal star who put on quite a show for years --in real life, Len is an estate --probate attorney up in Santa Rosa and practices with his wife.

Tillem, who departed DE LOYAH shtick and devoted all his time to the practice, was supposedly battling some medical maladies of late--he's been MIA and hasn't responded to numerous inquirers from yours truly, which is unusual as we've corresponded over the years.

I'm hoping Len is OK and that he's just being a wise guy--something he'll probably give me some grief over but hey, Lenny, just respond with a quick "I'm OK", you dig?

After all, DE LOYAH is invaluable.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Still Puzzling After All These Years, KTVU Anchor Leslie Griffith --Things You Probably Didn't Know --415 Media Extra

KTVU 9/10/1995 Leslie Griffith News Promos - YouTube

TO THIS DAY, still one of the most controversial anchors from KTVU. And downright scary too. Just ask Mark Ibanez who was unfortunate enough to get first-hand account of Leslie Griffith's "Play Misty for Me" repertoire.

Griffith was a talented, smart, and modern-day Wonder Woman of a news anchor at KTVU but her off-camera behavior was at best, bizarre and at worst, incredibly scary and disturbing. She was so scattered KTVU high tops --namely, GM Kevin O'Brien was scared as shit of her and even more so when she left the airwaves.

In her most bizarre act --and there were many, Griffith confronted Ibanez in the parking lot one night and hit him with her high heel. It was difficult enough for Ibanez to get her wrath (she was suspended) but her worst act on Mark was embarrassing him on air. She was also suspended for that and things were beginning to get out of control.

Again, Leslie was (and still is) a very solid news person but she couldn't contain her temper (no shit, Sherlock) --her personal life was anything but too: she dated A's pitcher Dave Stewart and ex-Giants' HOFer, Willie McCovey.

Pont Counter-Point

Weekend Update: Jane, You Ignorant Slut - SNL - YouTube

Point: Why would ABC want to pay that much for Dion Lim? She's run of mill woman with average anchor skills and not much buzz.
Counter Point: ABC views Lim as a relative bargain now before she becomes too expensive. Furthermore, in this environment of minority hiring, Lim is both a woman and an Asian American and that's a biggie in Disney optics

Point: How could Dion Lim even consider turning down millions from ABC?
Counter Point: Because money isn't everything these days plus being happy and living in the Bay Area still means more to some people like Lim who might get more green anyway from KGO, not as much as ABC is offering but within the margin.

Point: Lim's ascendancy has to really piss off Kirsten Sze.
Counter Point: Yes and no but mostly Sze is basically an older (52) version of Lim --I'd love to be 35 again too.
Counter Point: Who the hell cares what others think about Dion Lim? It's a business you know.

Point: Even with less time on the docket, Darya Folsom is a popular KRON personality and provides some spark and energy, not to mention boob power.
Counter point; First off, we're seeing less of Darya and her breasts are becoming non-existent. Moreover, the only people that watch KRON value lawn furniture more than news personalities. Even those that were last relevant during the Carter administration.

Point: KNBR both morning, midday and afternoon drive are KILLING The Game (95.7 FM).
Counter Point: Yet KNBR is losing globs of money because advertising is down, way down in pandemic era. The only accounts that have remained at the Bleeder are a few oldies like a body shop and a few car dealers.

Point: KPIX is a major dud for CBS here and continues to fluster away at 855 Battery with boring, incompetent news talent. It's a total wasteland at the CBS SF O and O.
Counter Point: Even with all their mass incompetence, KPIX still makes money and more money than you think which is why TV stations are considered blue-chip assets. Or more precisely, when your mother grew up and prayed you'd become a modern-day Les Moonves.

Point: That show, Check Please, brings lots of demos to KQED and is relatively cheap to produce and it's got local written all over it.
Counter Point: Actually, Check Please is more expensive to produce than you think. But yeah, it's popular, so much so, KQED might place it in prime time.

Point: Gees, Rich you go gaga over KGO's Pat Thurston she can't be that big a deal.
Counter Point: She's actually doing real well from Noon-6 in what otherwise is KGO's lack of gusto in the ratings plus Thurston is an excellent interviewer and gets big time guests --not to mention a strong women demo including the PTA mothers demo. She's very strong and versatile and KGO concurs.

Point: NBC Bay Area is a vital O and O for NBC at 30 Rock.
Counter Point: Yet NBC is cutting a whole lot\ of people at KNTV --mostly off-air people but lots anyway so someone in NY really doesn't give a damn and is ordered to CUT, cut and cut. NBC isn't alone here, CBS is fst on the shredder dept.

Point: Frank Somerville has a lot of personal issues on his plate. It's affecting his anchor duties at KTVU.
Counter Point: Somehow, Somerville has been able to compartmentalize his long list of personal issues to still be able to anchor the news and not show any ill effect. KTVU's numbers at night --10 PM to be exact are still mighty huge so Somerville gets credit.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Mannix ---aka: Mike Conners --He Tried to set me up with Gail Fisher --a SF Cocktail Short Tale

It was 1995. Mike Connors was long retired from Mannix and other show biz gigs; he knew a friend of mine who asked I tell where to go  in the city and Mike would buy. He was just coming off his third marriage and wanted to make the rounds if you know what I mean.

Enter Big Vinny and the streets of San Francisco, Mike's favorite city.

We talked. He was a scotch man. I settled on grappa --he knew about my fondness for Gail Fisher, aka, "Peggy" --and that's what dominated for a good hour. Mike said she liked guys with a personality and drive. I told him would she take one out of two? Ba da bing.

The rest is history.

Rothmann and Thurston Overdrive on KGO With Loomimng Election and Coronavirus It Makes Sense

Everyone's home, and that's good news for talk radio host John ...
John Rothmann

WE'RE 4 months from an election and we're smack in the middle (again) \of a worsening pandemic --at least in California if not the  Bay Area *but give it time)...

Why not give John Rothmann an extra couple of hours on KGO? It would probably depend on a sponsor but hat's fairly easy be it a transistor radio company (like the current one now) or a car dealership or a bank. It would be LIVE and LOCAL en fuego. And it would be tremendous community-based programming, a natural and with the election coming, common sense.

KGO has a lot on its hand but it also has Rothmann and Pat Thurston, two key players doing three gigs, like say, the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker. Don't you just love my poetry?

The Pat Thurston Show | KGO-AM
Pat Thurston

Cable Women with Extreme Attitude and Nothing Else --What a Total Abomination

CNN Lags Behind Fox News, MSNBC in Female Representation On-Air


Talk about mass indifference. They look good but that's just the point, that's all they contribute to: looking good. There's no substance and that's really a travesty. I'm supposed to gravitate to these women but why? Even a Rachel Maddow now has become a caricature of herself. Because she's a liberal, I'm controlled by her mantra and punished if I don't give her a high-five and contribute to the cause? Bull. And that goes for everyone else too.

Laura Ingraham? What a complete embarrassment, she with her pedantic face and illustrious pumps, she'd be awesome behind a cosmetics counter at the Des Moines Macy's but in front of a camera spewing utter BS? Hell no, I won't go (there)

Brook Baldwin, CNN mainstream DIVA, a bona-fide ultra diva with a teleprompter whose image would be a complete zero please lady, get off the prescription meds with a high and sip a little more coffee and quit the vodka with lemon and ice already.

Where's today's Diane Sawyer? Silence speaks volumes

Bring me Sara Sidner --hurry up.

Vet EP Ortiz at KGO Splits for ND Gig in Fresno --Talk about Chain Reaction --Trixie and Cibrowski Inner Evil Spells Trouble at Circle7

ABC Names a New News Director on the Left Coast — FTVLive

Martin Ortiz is leaving KGO-TV as an EP and headed south to Fresno to the ABC aff to become its News Director.

That's the same station, current KGO ND and ball breaker, Tracey Watkowsko used to run. Ah, birds of a feather...

Meanwhile, Watkowski is so perfect she's managed to alienate the entire KGO/Embarcadero newsroom and its staff away from the Circle7 home studios at 900 Front...including a current hot weekend anchor named Lim who might be headed for a network gig if she decides to split the Bay Area.

The money is tempting but I'm betting Dion Lim stays but that's old news now...

Ortiz leaving SF and heading to Fresno is once again, the continuing power of Trixie, who manges to keep her gig despite her overbearing and frankly, abominable behavior; behavior that wouldn't be tolerated in any other newsroom, let alone Disney-owned KGO/ABC. She's a TYRANT!

Tyrants think they are kings and queens. They rule mostly out of FEAR. KGO's newsroom is a sea of FEAR and PARANOIA. Combine that with a figure head GM, Tom Cibrowski and his pedantic ND and you have the making of a possible insurrection  and boy is that on the horizon at ABC7, just when and how are the only questions ...

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

The Streets of San Francisco --Circa 1975

'A Quinn Martin Production'

'Tonight's Episode: 'Crooked Street'

Quintessential San Francisco complete with 1975 model year Ford LTD's

The Old Choices Back in 1980

San Francisco Metropolitan Edition (March 15, 1980) | Tv guide, Tv ...

FROM June, 1980 --remember the old offerings?

Today? Just a little more than 5000 more to choose from.

ABC News Interested in Circle7's Dion Lim

ABC7 Sports surprises anchor Dion Lim with hilarious video tribute ...
Dion Lim being wooed by ABC News

SUDDENLY, Dion Lim is a HOT commodity. Just how hot?

ABC News has offered the KGO anchor a shot at the weekend anchor gig and is throwing big bucks at the ABC7 news reader here: try about 4 years and roughly $4M buckos. And just to woo her and make her feel at home? ABC has volunteered to fly in network honchoes to 900 Front and have lunch with Ms. Lin, a strong indication of their courting.

Only these roadblocks: Lim is supposedly very happy in SF and loves her status at KGO only the idea of big money captivated her; it would captivate all of us, pretty much.

Second, Lim is under contract to KGO for two more years but being that ABC owns KGO that would seem an issue that could be handled internally.

Time will tell and right now, I'm betting Dion will probably stay in the city. Just a hunch.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Vern Glenn Might be Numero Uno at KPIX Sports Desk Sooner Rather Than Later; O'Donnell Fatigue?; Tuesday Open

Marin Magazine Best of Marin County – People, Restaurants, Events ...
Vern Glenn

Vern Glenn has been at KPIX for quite some time now, (2012 to be exact) perfectly happy with the #2 weekend sports anchor gig and not looking to rock the boat. The pay is reasonably well and Vern is solid if not spectacular at his gig.

That attitude now seems to come at a unique time at the SF CBS O and O as I'm told, the powers that be, and that's a lot of suits with big cigars, the time for Vern Glenn to vault to the top banana maybe just a short time away.

I'VE LEARNED longtime #1 weekday sports anchor,  Dennis O'Donnell, is either primed for a buyout and/or will be relegated to a lower profile. (Whatever that means)

Enter Vern Glenn.

This is some weird stuff but it might explain why O'Donnell might be in the hot seat. Seems O'Donnell hasn't been himself lately. I've repeatedly been bombarded with questions about his faculties. DOD seems fine to me. I don't get the under-the-surface chatter but then again, I haven't watched enough of him (DOD) to see any noticeable change. It could all be just a whim and nit could all be mere speculation. By the way, this has little to do with Glenn's probably ascent to the Monday-Friday sports anchor chair. But the ones who count; the guys in the conference room in SF that are hired to make these changes are looking at everything and that's among the subjects on the table. Again, this is all rumor now but it's definitely on the minds at KPIX and CBS.

Commentary: Dennis O'Donnell on Mark Jackson's Future – CBS San ...
Dennis O'Donnell
As usual, I'll be on the lookout, that's why I'm here and have very little life.

Monday, June 22, 2020

Become a Charter Member of 415 Media

Legion Riders Charter Member Patch-American Legion Flag & EmblemTODAY, I ANNOUNCE the formation of a new alignment at 415 MEDIA: Charter Membership. You can become a Charter Member of 415 Media by PAID SUBSCRIPTION and/or a $25 donation to the blog to keep it sustainable and receive VIP Charter-Member-Only information and perks.

*CHARTER MEMBERSHIP PERKS: 24/7 e-mail notifications of exclusive content; Breaking News from 415 Media; virtual and in-person media discussions and live blogs; tickets to the various Bay Area sports events and panel discussions); DIRECT support helps 415 Media in every sense of word.


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You do not have to have a Pay Pal account to join/contribute. ALL transactions are 100% SAFE, SECURE and CONFIDENTIAL....I WILL PERSONALLY CALL YOU/E-MAIL YOU THANKING YOU FOR YOUR SUBSCRIP.


River of Dreams; 415 Media Monday Video Finale


*Thanks to all of you that SUPPORT 415 Media

Adam Copeland Emerges as Someone to Listen to on All-Sports KNBR

The Leadoff Spot with Adam Copeland | KNBR-AF
Adam Copeland

I GO BACK AND FORTH on my take on Adam Copeland, KNBR sports voice (5-6 AM--"The Leadoff Spot") and Morning Show producer --but before my take, some insight to you all.

I'm BETTING that Copeland will soon become a regular fixture on the 6-10 AM show and probably ace out the insufferable, Paulie Mac, which he should, It is common sense. More on that later.

Copeland is good. And not just because he's smart and can string together a few sentences and sound reasonably coherent --he does both well. He also knows sports and it shows. I wish he had a more lengthier forum than being buried in the Death Valley time slot of 5-6 AM. He could be much more valuable from 9-10 or better yet, a regular contributor in a show that needs a lot of structural help. A morning show without Paulie Mac and a show devoid of Bonnie Jill-Laflin, would be remarkable and is probably on the front burner, but that's another time for schmoozing.

Copeland, the son of former KGO Radio and comedian, Brian Copeland, is quite lucid and interesting to listen to. He can be quite overly analytical and consumed with his own spiel, but overall, I think he adds to the discussion and has a lot to say, it's sort of over-engrossing, from Giants' minutiae and 49ers' items to social events and such. Copeland is hit and miss but when he hits, it moves the needle.

If Copeland isn't Mac's eventual replacement, I'll be surprised. He should be. He can add a lot. It is a major infusion of much-needed energy and valuable content that Paulie Mac can't add because Paulie Mac has several mental issues and isn't able to contribute.

I'll be talking more soon.

Supposedly, KTVU's Mike Mibach is Feuding with Gasia Mikaelian For Good Reason (Duh!)

BUSTED! had a viewer -- Trep Cobain on... - Gasia Mikaelian KTVU ...


I'd be disgusted too.

Supposedly, so goes a story my spy tells me, Mike nMibach is feuding, big time, with fellow KTVU anchor, Gasia Mikaelian, but why? Over style? Over news presentation? Desecration of the Channel 2 news brand? Noooooooooooooooooooo.

Try, Mikaelian's penchant for being an attention, you-know-what. Even in a time when there's a world-wide pandemic, civil unrest, mass chaos, the GAAS! is busy, still, twirling her hair, giggling en fuego, teasing everyone at the KTVU studios, and well, being Gasia. How pathetic, how ridiculous.

I'm sure Gasia is out of control. What else is new? Maybe she can talk like a pirate with a mask on, that could be in the books, nothing is not to shocking anymore at KTVU anymore.

I'm disappointed with the Gaas. I've seen her tone it down and actually be a decent news anchor. And a decent person too. It can be done. She's obviously an adult, I wish she's act like one, otherwise?


Sunday, June 21, 2020

Englishman in New York-- Happy Father's Day, 2020; 415 Media Sunday Video Finale


Live in South America

*Dedicated to my father, Mel Lieberman, who played clarinet and taught me the rigors of life, RIP

*Thanks to all of you that support 415 Media

Kristen Sze of KGO-TV: Don't Let The Bastards Get You Down

ABC7 News 5:00PM : KGO : October 4, 2019 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT : Free ...

Kristen Sze can't win.

The KGO (ABC7) veteran anchor is the center of attention at 900 Front: seems some of the rank and file are pissed because Ms. Sze tends to strut around and display power. I'm paraphrasing but there's a feeling that she's (Sze) too mean and sullen; that she's a full-out diva. I don't think that's the case at all.

I think it's more a tough woman who is dedicated to being tough and not namby-pamby --I think it's a case of a veteran lady, an Asian TV News journalist, making sure her presence is known and she doesn't have to hide and be quiet.

It's a double-edged sword, a strong woman in a male-dominated industry and Sze obviously doesn't take that crap. Good for her, she shouldn't. If she shows fierce independence and savvy, she's called a bitch. If she allows petty jealousy by angry people (probably men) to overtake her, then she's playing into their hands. So in reality, Sze is in a can't win situation.

Screw that!

Sze doesn't need me to tell her to screw those mutts that are ticked off of her status at KGO. She's earned her stripes, whether she's a woman or a man. At this stage of her career there's bigger fish to fry. I have generally liked Kristen Sze's body of work. I continue to feel that way. Is she perfect? Is anyone? Case closed.

To Ms. Sze: don't let the bastards get you down.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

A View To A Kill - It's Bond...James Bond--415 Media Saturday Night Video Finale


HD, Live  from Japan, 2017

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415 Media Extra: Tension High at KGO-TV Studios Over Civil Unrest in Bay Area; Source: 'It's Open Cheerleading'

KGO ABC 7 News at 11pm teaser and open June 28, 2019 - YouTube

ALL THIS CIVIL UNREST NEWS...especially news inside the Bay Area is taking a toll on various Bay Area newsrooms -most notably, I'm told, at KGO's 900 Front St. headquarters on the Embarcadero.

IWAS TOLD by a source who would know because they had first-hand knowledge of the situation and they tell me that "there's a huge amount of pissed-off staffers who hate what's going on." "There's a bunch of cheerleading taking place and it's reached a fever pitch," said the contact with a front-view mirror of the proceedings.

The source said it isn't all the marches and protests taking place that has writers and producers pissed off but the open cheerleading and bravado exhibited and it's not a welcome sight.

"This isn't news gathering anymore, it's a pep rally."

Friday, June 19, 2020

John Shea's Hour Schmooze with WFAN's Steve Somers on Willie Mays Book, '24' Is Required Listening (Audio)

Longtime friendship fosters new Willie Mays memoir | Datebook
John Shea (left) and Willie Mays
John Shea is the author of the new book about Willie Mays, but that's not what I'm writing about here on this post.

Shea guested on the Steve Somers WFAN Sho radio show the other night, it's required listening.

I read Shea's book and it's simply terrific --I'll talk to him soon and make it a post here.

Shea and Steve Somers schmoozed en fuego the other night on NY Sports radio. It was beautiful. It was almost an hour of non-stop fun and resounding wonderful conversation. Even if you don't like baseball, it's a fantastic bit of nostalgia and it was a DELIGHT to listen to and laugh and remember the glory days, not just Willie Mays (although that would be perfectly fine) but to listen to a real genuine schmooze, a conversation that was conducted by both men, Shea, the co-author (with Mays) and Somers, a Bay Area roots guy, who sounded like a kid in a candy store.

It made you appreciate old-school radio and the art of a real interview and how two guys in a bar (maybe) could just talk. Real talk. No need for artificial noise. No gimmicks, no, just honest conversation devoid of the usual crap you might hear today, say on a station like KNBR where things like Shea-Somers couldn't happen.

For WFAN's Steve Somers, 25 Years of Schmoozing With Family - The ...
Steve Somers