Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Exclusive: KTVU Formally Announces Mike Mibach as New "10 0'Clock News" Co-Anchor

WHAT I REPORTED HERE MONTHS AGO is now official: KTVU has named Mike Mibach as the new co-anchor of its franchise "10 O'Clock News." The decision was announced this (Wednesday) morning in a Zoom meeting led by News Director, Amber Eikel.

Mibach, a KTVU news anchor and veteran since 2005, had been the clubhouse leader all along --for months, since Frank Somerville's hasty departure due to off-station issues, "wanted desperately", to ascend to the 10 PM gig, the highest-ranking newscast in the Bay Area and considered, still, a plum assignment.

Mibach, who has been anchoring the "Mornings on Two (Weekday) position, will co-anchor with KTVU veteran, Julie Haener.

KTVU has seen a steady drop in ratings (including the Feb and now, April Sweeps) and that may have accelerated the Mibach move, formalized today.

KTVU has been rotating various anchors at 10 PM and, sources tell me, both the station and Mibach were involved in a salary dispute. Mibach wanted considerably more money to anchor the 10 PM gig--at least more than he was making in the morning.

He will get a modest bump in salary, (roughly $300K-yearly) from his MO2 gig --presumably, both sides are happy, especially KTVU/Fox2, and its hope to regain 10 PM news domination.

Mibach will begin his new anchorship next week.

*Rich Lieberman 415 Media Exclusive


  1. He does not push the needle so ratings will not go up. Safe move but Channel 2 needed to make a bold step. This is not it.

  2. He’s so boring. Gives off an older frat boy vibe. I guess that’s what they’re looking for. Amber Eikel really knows how to muck up a station. Ahh…longing for the days of the steady hand of Dennis Richmond. I’ll stick with Dan Ashley, quite possibly the coolest senior anchor in the Bay Area, for now.

    1. Haven't seen Mike yet but, I'm with you, I'll stick with Dan. He's been rock solid for a long time.

  3. He is the right choice. And no wonder he was so happy this morning on The 9 talking to Sal.

  4. I thought he was such a bore during Covid time and being in this kid's bedroom with the pennants. and reporting the news.

  5. Well, to be fair, he's certainly no worse, and considerably better, than other local evening anchors, including the cloying Dan Ashley. I wish he'd lose the flathead hairdo, but as far as straight news delivery, I'll think he'll be fine...

  6. At least now I'll know who I'm not watching, instead of having another sleepless night not knowing who I missed by not tuning in Ch. 2.

  7. Oh joy. I can be bored to death. Perhaps he can show us some car scream techniques?

  8. Good choice, I think he'll do fine.

  9. Will he learn to smile or not look passed off all the time? Rare times I watched morning TV, he was worst part of program. Rarely watched channel 2 since Dennis and Elaine left. Frank and Mark were watchable. Another angry white dude on tv, I can watch Bill Maher and sometime get a laugh.

  10. Obviously not based on merit. PC choice, nothing less

  11. Well he showed up late for his 8 AM segment on the morning show this morning, claiming he "overslept". To which, Gasia M. made the following statement "Well don't worry, there's plenty of newsroom in the coffee" Good heavens.

  12. How's the Gassss and her water wings taking this news? Is she going for a selfie with her "buddy"? For my news, I'll stick to watching News Nation. San Francisco is going to hell, so I don't need to watch local news to see the decline told in different ways.

  13. Dont fuck it up Mike or you'll be back hosting the morning show with the Assyrian checkout queen!

  14. Well, at least his suits will fit. Right, Andre?

    1. The reason Why Andre Senior suits don't fit is because he has been taking up weightlifting for the past year & a half. When Senior arrived at KTVU in early 2018 he was normal size for his height which is around 5"8"" Since Andre actively started pumping iron his shoulders, arms, upper body, torso, back & neck have gotten progressively larger. That is the reason why his suits & sportscoats no longer fit. Andre is a really nice guy but should curtail his weightlifting. Speaking as a KTVU news room employee

  15. Good choice! Mike deserves the co-anchor position. I like his anchoring style, he dresses well and I did notice he was much happier reporting the news this morning.

  16. When I told my mother Mike Mibach got the job, she said, "Who?". And, she's been waiting Morning's on 2 for 10 years.

    Andre Senior should have gotten the gig. He has what Mibach doesn't: swagger and presence.

  17. Does it really matter WHO anchors TV news nowadays? Ashley at Channel 7...the asian dude at channel 5....Mibach...the Indian dude at Channel 11...they're all reading introductions to the same stories. The only ones who matter are when they have some hot female babes reading. THEN, I'll pay attention. But these dudes all look like "dads." Maybe the need to get some male hunks to read???

    1. Heather and Julie move the needle. A big miss by dissing them.

    2. Good to know you're a serious news viewer. Wow.

    3. Actually the ratings went down with Julie and Heather. Heather is 2nd string and that's where she belongs. She definitely has the creepy dude vote though, that's very clear from this page.

  18. Kingsley Amis was right when he said; "Laziness has become the chief characteristic of Journalism, displacing incompetence."

  19. Either Mike or Alex and Andre would be an ok safe choice. Mike deserves the promotion to Primetime so should be an ok satisfaction move...

  20. When choosing a co-anchor, the question always is, Who would you want watching your back in a street fight?
    I don't think Mibach makes me feel safe.
    Not sure Alex or Andre would cover me 100%...
    No, if I wanted a street fighter to back me up, I'd go with Da Lin.
    Right there, no hesitating, joining in the brawl as soon as danger appeared.
    Perhaps KPIX should take note.

  21. All I have to say is "YAWN." Will not be TIVOing 10 PM that is for sure.

  22. But they HAVE to fix his hair.
