Thursday, April 28, 2022

Mike Mibach's Tough Challenge Ahead at 10 PM for KTVU; Needs To Gain Viewer Trust; Heather Holmes Has to Wait Again; Andre Senior Not Thrilled; Alex Savidge Passed Over; Eikel Feels The Heat from Staff (Again); 415 Media Analysis

KTVU THINKS they made the right call: formally going with Mike Mibach to become the new 10 PM news co-anchor. But their own internal feedback says otherwise. While Mibach may look the part and have the backing of Fox2 suits and skirts, he has a long way to go to gain any confidence among 10 O'Clock News viewers.

My own readers have a lousy feeling about Mibach.

I'm not a fan, never have been. First off, Mibach doesn't look the part and that's a huge negative. Beyond that, he doesn't have the chops. It's a tough deal but it's reality. Viewers have to buy into whether they feel comfortable watching a guy read the news. Mibach doesn't exactly exude warmth and, fair or not, possesses a standoffish look. Over time, you can earn a viewer's bond but it's just that: over time.

Another negative: Mibach has the appearence of a college male jock. Ironically, that was one of the main reasons why he got the job, because the main viewer demo for local TV news these days are women in their 50's and 60's. Mibach is a local guy; he'll need every angle imaginable to gain viewer trust.

MORE Mibach/KTVU items:

*From the outside looking in: Andre Senior. He'll probabaly take Mibach's spot in the morning but he clearly wanted 10.

*Heather Holmes knew all along she'd be a longshot to anchor at 10; with Julie Haener on the desk, the idea of another woman along side, was not in the cards. Holmes, once again, has to wait, or at least has to be content to work the other nightly newscasts. Clearly, KTVU brass, namely Amber Eikel, the ND, a Holmes ally, haven't made room for her to anchor permanently beyond 7 PM and on KTVU's Plus channel. Bottom line: Holmes thinks she's KTVU's star (and to some degree she is), but she's once again left in the dressing room watching someone else get the goodies.

*Not exactly thrilled either: Alex Savidge, a secondary anchor who auditioned for the job and, who many felt, was a dark horse.

I'm a fan of Savidge and I think he hit on all cylinders. He's far more watchable than Mibach. He has news acumen chops. And he comes across as genuine and sincere, something Mibach doesn't possess.

In the end, KTVU liked Savidge but felt he was not prime time material and lacked star power. Mibach is hardly a big name but oh well.

*This is a rather tumultous time for KTVU. It is dealing with an extremely dire set of internal issues, mostly a staff that has no trust or confidence in its current management team. And this was at a time when KTVU still ruled the ratings.

Now KTVU's numbers have plummeted and Eikel's on the hot spot. She can no longer enjoy free reign from within or more importantly, The Firm (Fox) and its corporate runners. Which is why Eikel hopes like hell that Mibach is a winner. It was her decision to make the call and promote Mibach at 10. That decision alone won't kill off Eichel but if it doesn't succeed and the ratings don't go back up, Eikel might be looking for an apartment in Fresno.


  1. IS KTVU still not rated #1

  2. Looks like Mibach will have the Cougar audience.

  3. What a surprise, but didn't give you credit for breaking the story.

  4. Any of the 3 people you mentioned who didn't get the position would be better than the guy who acts like a college frat boy / jock. He comes off as someone who would be standoffish if you said hello to him. I've given up on 2 at 10pm months ago.

    1. I actually sent him a private message on Facebook last year in regards to an interview he did. He got back to me right away and came across very genuine. So his delivery might not be your cup of tea, but standoffish. Nah.

  5. Bottom line: Holmes thinks she's KTVU's star (and to some degree she is), but she's once again left in the dressing room watching someone else get the goodies.

    You know Rich, she is KTVU's star. She gets more responses here than any other news anchor by far. Julie is also good, so why didn't they put Julie and Heather together at 10 PM? It would have also made a great promo ad. "Julie and Heather together at 10."

    You deserved credit for this scoop. But the swamp creatures hate you like they hated Trump.

    1. Yes, I agree they should have paired the two women. They do that in LA all the time.

  6. Saw Heather Holmes on the 10 PM newscast last night. What has she done in letting her eyebrows darken, certainly doesn't match the blond hair now. Yikes.

    1. 12:53 is right. Everything Holmes does the guys pay attention to. Can you say that about any other local anchor?

    2. How do you know it's "the guys?"

    3. Just tuned in to KTVU 5 PM to see the new eyebrows. Did not notice them but Heather was wearing a nice solid-color dress. Looked very professional.

    4. Kristen Sze changed her hair style, to get more attention

  7. Never cared for the guy or his delivery. He's probably a decent guy but he can't convey that on camera.

  8. Savidge or Senior for Prime time. H-squared was ass out because the P.T. spot has to be Dog and Cat. That's just how it works. I doubt she'll hang around and wait for Haener to retire. Dump the shit show that is KTVU and move on. She'll do fine. Eikel is hot garbage and the VU needs an enema.

    1. LOL as if Heather has anywhere to go. Be serious. She clawed her way to where she is now and would never be hired here today. That elevator is only going down.

    2. Boy, some people are haters. HH seems like a very nice person. Does charity and stuff so seems like she gives back. And I think any local news outfit would hire her in a second.

    3. So I have one question for you. Are you her pimp? Look, asshat. If she did as you claim, she did a piss poor job of reading the room. You don't like the scenery, you change the view. Fish or cut bait.Too bad you read the sign on the GGB.

    4. 6:43 - You make no sense.

    5. Heather is one of the LEAST nice people I've ever worked with. She is rude to colleagues on a daily basis. Berates people regularly and is constantly spewing her ill informed conservative Texas BS during commercial breaks. NO ONE likes working with her but she's perfected the art of kissing Amber Eikel's friendless A** so she remains.

  9. I think that Greg Liggins would make a great anchor. Is he not interested, or has KTVU not considered him?Mibach comes off as a smartass at times.

  10. Too bad. I don't like him so I won't be watching.

  11. Speaking of Heather, WTF did she do to her eyebrows?

  12. Has anyone listened and watched Andre Senior!? He makes no sense! Mumbling, tripping over his words, talking too fast, eyes bulging when he gets nervous? And Bay Area viewers believe he should be crowned the next 10pm anchor?

  13. I would have liked to see Heather and Julie do prime time. They have good chemistry on screen. I think you're right, Rich - gotta give it time to get used to Mike M.

    1. No one, Mike M, or anyone else around here really puts their personality into the news, unlike Dennis Richmond or Van Amburg or Dave Mac.

  14. I agree. Mibach is off-putting. He comes off as uncomfortable in his own skin. I really liked Savidge. He's way more likable in every way. If I was king of KTVU, I'd have given him the job.

  15. Mibach is a mistake for the 10PM slot. I tried liking him but the pairing w/ Haener just doesn't seem its the right chemistry. Was rooting for Savidge or at least was hoping Greg Liggins was an option as well.

  16. Everyone should just grow up. Normally not everyone moves up, they usually bring a new 'talent' in from another market!!!

  17. To Mike’s credit, management probably wanted an anchor who hasn’t had an affair with a co-worker.
