Thursday, April 28, 2022

The San Jose Mercury News and Martha Ross Stole (Lifted) my KTVU/Mibach Story--And Chronicle Too; Update; Now, SFist Lifts; Update 2

THE San Jose Mercury News; namely, Martha Ross, LIFTED my exclusive story and decided to publish, without any attribution, yesterday's (Wednesday) Mike Mibach/KTVU story with their own.

This would be kind of funny if it weren't so journalistically-speaking, crummy. Of course I'm angry. But more than that, it's pretty galling that a big paper like the Merc --and Ross herself, would not even credit me with the original story, a story I had months ago and re-published on Wednesday.

This is just pathetic.

In her article, Ross write this:

"The announcement that Mibach was promoted to co-anchor, alongside Julie Haener, for the 5 p.m., 6 p.m., 10 p.m. and 11 p.m. newscasts, was reportedly made to KTVU staffers Wednesday via a Zoom meeting."

Yeah, Martha, reportedly is ME because it was I/ME who reportedly/REPORTED it.

Maybe let Ross know? Here's her email/info.

And now, the SF Chronicle. And the LATEST LIFT? SFist, and yes, I'm a little annoyed and tired.


  1. I dropped this on your Mibach story. Seems more befitting for Martha Ross. Martha, this is for you. Kingsley Amis was right when he said; "Laziness has become the chief characteristic of Journalism, displacing incompetence."

  2. Don't think it's worth much, but I sent her an email. I doubt she gives a shit, though.

  3. Needs to get her own stories.

  4. They should send you a paycheck!

  5. There are those of the right-wing bent that feel the media is bought and paid for. If so, why have many left newspapers? Why have some talented people departed TV news for PR gigs? Same with radio. The media isn't "bought and paid for." The ones still employed in media are spoon fed information from PR people or they "muckrake" by surfing the internet. Richie's breaking news on the new yapper for the 10 O'Clock snore is the result of someone sitting at their computer, doing a search, taking a bite out of a donut and a sip of Philz coffee and finding a news item. So the person can't shop Amazon for a few minutes looking for a new personality. They found a news piece. And that's how we get the news from "mainstream" media. Pretty pathetic. I dare someone from the business to deny this. If they did, they're lying their ass off.

  6. They didn't steal the story from Rich. According to the Chronicle, they got the info from a KTVU news release.

  7. A stolen story about KTVU "talent?" Sounds like a case of petty theft.

  8. Funny you think someone from the news business would find your comment important enough to reply! Lol

  9. I like how the Chronicle reporter included a ponderous explanation of how she got a statement from KTVU, without an acknowledgement that the reason she contacted the station for comment was (probably) Rich's original reporting.

    1. There was no "ponderous explanation" or indication that the reporter had to contact the station first. It sounded like a regular, everyday press release from KTVU that was released to the public.

  10. The ponderous explanation was in the SF Chronicle article. Rich's link says Chronicle, but it actually goes to a different article by a different writer on SF Gate.
