Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Schmuck I Am

I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN BETTER, stupid schmuck I am, that Tuesday's attempt to do something different here was a real dumb mistake.

I was interneted to death.

Some of you people, if I can even refer to you as actual people, are vicious. I used to think most people are decent human beings and don't really want to hurt anybody but some of the response from my little story made me think otherwise.

Again, I knew full well what to expect but a part of me thought there'd be more of an adult reaction.

What a dummy I am.


  1. I saw the comments, and they are rather mean. You lay out a story and show your vulnerability, and your challenges and they kick you even more. You don't have to be Dr. Phil when people insult you, they are not happy themselves and as they say misery likes company.

  2. I enjoyed it, to hell with the trolls.

  3. "What a dummy I am." You are correct, sir!

  4. Don't make other numbnuts problems yours. It was a nice story. Some people arenot familiar with kindness or vulnerability.

  5. It takes an adult to recognize another one. If you acted respectfully toward the people you write about and your readers, perhaps you'd attract a response of that same kind.

    1. Exactly... How many times do we have to hear Heather Holmes shops at Kmart and so and so is as comforting as a Fremont 7-11?

    2. Nobody is forcing you to read his blog. If you don't like hearing about Heather Holmes shopping at Kmart, don't read it.

  6. Rich, I loved your interesting story. You would be a great novelist. Screw the haters and keep posting things like that because it can't be all news all the time. Fight on brother.

  7. You've written embellished stories like this before. They always read like a bad 1940's detective novel and have the same ending. What do you expect?

  8. People hide behind their computer screens and think they have the right to say hurtful things. I know it's hard to ignore those comments, but those people are obviously so sad and pathetic that they have nothing better to do than to try to make another person feel as bad as they apparently feel about themselves. I appreciated your story and I'm rooting for you. Hang in there and try to ignore the idiots.

  9. You spend your time criticizing others, but cannot take criticism. It is, indeed, your own fault. You blog is an ongoing rant about poor quality TV journalism. Now you inject some odd story about your personal life and expect, what, adulation?

  10. You get what you give.

  11. I'm sorry that you had to endure nasty comments. I found your story enlightening. It's a conversation that many people have had about meeting someone that doesn't end up going anywhere. Maybe for some it hit too close to home? Sadly, the comments are a reflection of the social media circus, who think it's cool to trash someone for a heartfelt story. They must have sad, unfulfilling lives to have to resort to name calling and overall bashing of someone's story. Don't give them a second thought.

  12. Don't take it personal, Rich - it's what the internet does. Someday, you are going to run into a nice lady leaving her sex-addiction meeting.

  13. Don't give up Rich. Take a nice vacation to the Philippines. The ladies there love American men, it don't matter what you look like.

    1. How about getting his shit together, health, $, emotional and pursuing a decent lady from the US

  14. Son, it's the internet. People, like me, can hide by commenting as Anonymous. It's very easy to be a bully from a laptop. Many of those who are were probably bullied in school and in life, so they find the sanctity of the internet as a safe space. This is your blog, so you can do whatever you want. But I think the majority of us would rather get the latest dirt and opinions about the Bay Area media. I do admit, however, that writing about what seems like perpetual mediocrity can get boring. How many times can you bash KRON 4? How many times can you point out the high school radio station known as KCBS? Just keep telling us how the minions are stepping on themselves.

  15. As if Rich himself doesn’t publish nasty comments about others on this blog…

  16. To 3:08 I agree!Also this isn't North Korea? No one forces anyone to read your blog?? So people want to complain about something they have control over?? F!@# THEM!!! They can go to a nice and cuddly blog! Everyone appreciates authenticity,flaws and all. It's called being human.

  17. Take a chance. Call the lady. Don't pay attention to the chatters.

  18. That was a brave and insightful view of a man we may not be acquainted with when reading your blog. The human condition is not a casual object to mock, but rather something to hold up and give thanks for. Those who mock may want to consider looking in a mirror for more than 10 self-gratifying seconds, and seek a deeper sense of their own being. Being humble is such a powerful foundation to insight. Thank you for the view, Rich.

  19. Keep your stories / experiences like that coming. It’s a good change-up.

    Mike - Petaluma

    1. I come here for the TV-Radio information.
      I don't visit this blog for non-media related romance stories.

      Thank You for your TV-Radio observations.

  20. I loved that story. It was so well-written and compelling. And posting the song was a nice touch. I think you should ignore the haters and do more of these. “Cass” seemed to like you. I think you should call her and then post an update.
    Carla in DC

  21. Bob Smith from San JoseApril 28, 2022 at 10:39 AM

    Give her a call or text her, you may have a new friend. She and you enjoyed each other's company, just do it. And if you do, don't turn it into a therapy session - she may think you just want see her for that talk about the Giants, bars in SF, favorite food, etc. Good luck! And if you do get back to her, tell us. I will renew my membership to your blog!!

  22. Why do you take the mean-spirited comments to heart? I laughed when I read them. People can be petty and mean. And the joke's still on them because they're what they are.

  23. And you’re here because of all the kind comments from Rich through the years right? Am I close?

  24. It was a nicely written story and as far as anyone giving you any grief on it had never been in that situation. You did a fine job and don’t let the bastards wear you down.
    Fuck ‘em!

  25. Now I'm wondering about the comments on that post that Rich DIDN'T publish.
