Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Breaking News: ABC7 (KGO) Morning Crew OUT Due to Covid-19 Outbreak

The Morning ABC7 crew, (KGO), including Reggie Aqui, are all OUT, due to a Covid-19 outbreak that has hit the Downtown SF region in general, (again) and at 900 Front in particular.

KGO ran network programming various live hosts in place of the usual morning team that anchors local news, weather, and traffic/sports updates.

With the five-day wait period, (mandatory state-mandated) there's a good chance you'll not see the regular crew for the rest of the week but nothing is set in stone. They could return as soon as Wednesday morn; wait and see.

*Developing story...


  1. Any time Reggie Aqui is off TV is a good news day.

    1. The question now is: did their ratings improve without Aqui?

    2. Agreed, but this is scary. Between this and all the radio Covids Rich has been reporting on, it's clear the spread is much worse than the "official" statistics indicate. Scary. But people seem very blasé at this point.

  2. If a local news crew aired the news but nobody noticed them, is it still a local news crew?

  3. A Monday with No Reggie was a pleasure. they should use Del Castillo more.

  4. who cares about covid news. lets move on.

    1. I care. My 75-year old dad died from it two months ago. We begged and begged him to get vaxxed...but he's of the political party that was against this. Shortly before he passed, he told my sister and I...over a phone and through a protective acrylic barrier...that he wished that he did...and tearfully asked us to forgive him for not doing so. We of course told him we did.

    2. @8:59
      You're a great fiction writer.

  5. Covid!!! Covid!!!!! LOL

  6. Rich, would it be terrible to say... "what a shame."

  7. Building a Better Bay Area!

  8. Let’s start treating COVID for what it is: a cold. Stop sounding the alarm every time someone tests positive.

    1. I see a Darwin Award in your future...

    2. It's not a cold. It's multiple times deadlier than influenza, let alone a cold. It's killing dozens of people a day in California alone. Not to mention the potential long-term effects.

    3. Why don't you rush out and tell doctors your genius insight?

  9. Good thing we all got the shots... and the boosters

    1. If you did, it is a good thing, because it still means you're less likely to be hospitalized or die than someone who didn't.

  10. The morning crew regularly debated masks on the midday program. Reggie Aqui in particular whined endlessly about how it was time to go back to normal and mask mandates should end. Cases are increasing across the Bay Area and the country. So now he and the rest are out. Would be interesting to know who was infected and gave it to the others. Hope they all recover without any complications.

  11. That was no surprise with how anti-mask they were.

  12. Similar to Elizabeth Cook and Sara Donchey, who were off from KPIX 5, also due to COVID-19.
