I'm no Insider --I'm just a sad-sack blogger with endless broken hearts and think in terms of basic human mindset; you may be the most talented fucker in the world, but you're no good to your company if you can't get along with the people you work with/for; that's not me ripping into Harbaugh; quite the contrary, I think the 49ers hierarchy is plain nuts for not trying to play nice with their now, ex, superstar coach. As Deadspin points out, and I agree, The Niners are Fucking Stupid. Or, to put it more precisely:
There is no sane football-related reason for the Niners to let Harbaugh leave. Apparently, they're letting Harbaugh go simply because he was so insufferable to deal with, which … fine. I get why you might wear out after having Captain Jawclench as the head man for four years. But this man is a football coach, and football coaches are, by their very nature, insufferable. They work endless hours. They are humorless and often distant and aloof. They are endlessly demanding. Only a batshit crazy person would thrive in that job, and so Jim Harbaugh fits into the mold nicely. I don't know what other temperament you would like out of a head coach. What, you want him to be less intense? Fine; watch him get run over.
{H/t Deadspin}
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There is no job in America wherein you can consistently pi**off your boss and keep your job. Also, the Niners twice offered Harbaugh contract extensions that he refused to sign so the parting was not entirely one-sided. Lastly, he wanted to be paid like a Super Bowl winning coach without having won a Super Bowl. If he wanted to stay and it wasn't about the money why not sign an extension with escalator clauses if and when you win a championship? But despite Harbaugh's repeated denials it was about money and power.
ReplyDeleteThis is all true. Fans know nothing. All they think about is winning and what someone has "done" for them. Many factors led to this decision: the way he rubbed EVERYONE in the office, the tension between him and upper management, the passionless play on the field for most of the season, the lack of discipline. Fans are so stupid. Go have a beer, play bongos on your fat bellies, jiggle your boobs and go away.
DeletePerfectly stated. Those taking the side of Jed Dork with statements such as: "there might be more to this story than we know" are clueless. Jed Dork showed himself to be an imbecile with his now infamous Tweet. With this decision, Dork has set the team back a few years...
ReplyDeleteI just got a feed from CBS Sports that 49ers are interested in Denver's offensive coordinator, Adam Gase for head coach. I think that's a mistake - Peyton Manning is essentially his own offensive coordinator and Kaepernick needs a proven teacher. He coached for a time for the Niners, so maybe Baalke knows something I don't. I hope so.
ReplyDeleteWas listening to KNBR this morning for their take. Bad timing for both Gary & Larry to be on vacation. Kate Scott going solo.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you mean bad timing? Dolt and Doltier (bad English, you get the idea) weren't there! However, K.D. Scott was. Two out of three ain't bad. Anyway, get the real take on SirusXM's NFL channel. Who cares what these people think?
DeleteMy God, as soon as I heard her forced enthusiasm and realized she was driving the show.........I could not get away fast enough.
DeleteJed the dork York needs to hide his bald spot.
ReplyDeleteWonder boy has proved to all, he is the towns dufus!
Your mother didn't have problem with his bald spot last night.
DeleteMy Mom also said you have a small penis!
DeleteThese young guns in charge don't know how to run a NFL team. The had an excellent coach and will find out how few there are out there. The GM is the one that should have been pushed out. He's next to go. Football games are won by players and coaches, not guys in suits.
ReplyDeleteWell said...hire the coach and then get the hell out of the way. For all his faults, at least Al Davis was a football genius and this could meddle with his coaches. Wonder boy Jed the Dork knows nothing about football and it shows. Dumb ass of the year award to that idiot!
DeleteSeriously? Really?
DeleteAl Davis couldn't keep his hands off his coaching staff. He was always putting the heavy thumb on them. BUT he knew what he was talking about unlike York.
That's what I meant SW. Al Davis KNEW football thus he could meddle and at least have credibility. Compare that to Jed Dork trying to meddle. He knows nothing about football!
Deletei will never use the words "San Francisco 49ers" again. they are now "That Team in Santa Clara".
ReplyDelete"Captain Jawclench", that name gave me my first laugh of the week.
ReplyDeleteIf you look at the Seahawks website, Pete Carroll is the Executive Vice President of Football Operations and Head Coach. I think that's what "Harbs" wanted and drove everyone nuts in his quest for it. He'll be perfect at Michigan for 4 years and then come back to the NFL for 10M a year with Carroll's job title. Sure hope Jed doesn't whiff on this one, becoming as beloved as his dad or Chris Cohan.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure something like that could eat up Harbaugh. They came out of college the same time and do not like each other. I would bet that Harbaugh considers himself a superior coach to Carroll in that his Stanford teams with much less recruiting muscle could compete on the field with USC.
DeleteNaw, he won't have an opportunity come back from college ball to NFL. Dream on. Good for him!
DeleteBob Fitzgerald is proving yet gain what a complete management stooge he is.
ReplyDeleteRight now he's defending 49er decision to get rid of Harbaugh on KNBR. We know why he's a Warrior sycophant, they pay him, but why does he side with 49er management?
That fat tub of goo must just naturally be a management tool.
He wants Ted Robinson's job.
DeleteRemember Robinson pissed the ownership off early in the season and was suspended, he's also a frequent critic of the team's play when doing the play-by-play.
Fitzgerald sees an opening.
He's probably trying to lick boots for the 49ers broadcasting job away from Ted Robinson the way he pushed out Greg Papa for the Warriors' job.
DeleteThe arrogant prick called a caller a jerkoff too around 12:45 or so. That's when I flipped the channel. I don't usually listen to fitz, but with all the news today, wanted to hear more about what was happening Santa Clara 49ers-wise.
DeleteBobby F is all about Bobby F. He's bad news bears. He'll do whatever he can to steal jobs. He's a no talent tool.
DeletePerhaps you should listen more closely. He's saying that there are reasons why Harbaugh is gone and that the general media reaction has been to side with the now ex-coach despite the fact that the offense has not gotten better, they never solved their problems in the red-zone nor could get plays in on time - all of which Harbaugh was responsible. Of course pointing out that Harbaugh's tenure was not perfect equates to being a company shill to the commenters herein.
DeleteThis is a Talk Radio Host Question, Rich. When a host wants to get rid of a caller, how do they do it? Is there a button they push, a switch or lever they flick on, or do they make a hand signal to a program assistant. Do they quickly run an index finger across their throat, as if to silently say 'Cut this Call NOW!" Do they yank a plug out of a switchboard, the way Ernestine used to do on Laugh In? "Take THAT, Mr. Smartmouth!"
ReplyDeleteButton on their board. Simple.
ReplyDeleteNew head coach has already been picked in private by the owner and general manager of the 49ers.
ReplyDeleteHe is Dan Quinn Seattle Seahawks defensive coordinator.
49ers management are rooting for the Seahawks to win the Super Bowl, with Dan Quinn leading the defense.
Quinn will bring many Seahwawks with him to San Francisco.
Gone from the 49ers will be Frank Gore, Michael Crabtree and Colin Kaepernick and most of the current 49er defense players.
Hmmm, wonder if most of the people moaning and groaning about Harbaugh leaving are the same ones who moaned and groaned when Mark Jackson was dumped by the Warriors? That move hasn't turned out as catastrophic as was theorized at the time ...
ReplyDeleteCompletely different - more like firing Bruce Bochy. Re: Jackson, I heard Jim Barnett being interviewed about him and Barnett said he didn't know Jackson any better from his first day to his last, which was hardly at all. Not a great thing to do to a long-time analyst who played in the NBA. From all reports, that was not an isolated case.
ReplyDeleteYour buddy weintraub was on 910 today talking about harbaugh. Why isn't he just doing sports? It was the most sane opinion I've heard yet but he bashed York which is probably why he's not on knbr the ass kiss machine. What happened there?
Weintraub? The guy KGO fired a few weeks ago is now on 910am? Who are the two morons on 910am right now at 5:45pm? Did Gilbert Gross get sacked?
DeleteHe's filing in for Ed Baxter who replaced Frosty the Boreman a few weeks ago. I know David and I listened to 2 hours worth. Between him and anyone at KGO it's not even close right now. He's on the rest of the week I think. KGO management should be fired for letting him go and keeping what they have.
ReplyDelete910am is in worse shape than I thought. They're now hiring recently fired, overnight amateur hosts from a failed KGO as fill-ins? Is Weintraub doing 3 hour monologues too? I guess the board op from KSFO wasn't available? Lmao! Yikes
DeleteI listened to him today for the first time ever. Based on what has been said here my expectations were pretty low but i think you're all bananas. Thought it was the best show I've heard in a long while on these stations. He's smart and witty. I called in but they didn't take my call which was bothersome but otherwise I enjoyed it. They never take calls there. Is that like a policy?
DeleteNiners fans will have to get used to more mediocrity in the future. They have a good core of players, but without a dynamic coach to push them to the next level, they'll be very fortunate to return to the playoffs next season.
ReplyDeleteKaepernick will also suffer, because Harbaugh worked well with him. Kaepernick's biggest problems this year had to do with the lack of protection from a beat up and patch work offensive line. He was sacked 55 times! No one is going to have good numbers when they're under siege like that!
Teams' opposing defenses knew how to attack that weak o-line and they did it again...and again...and again all season long. Left tackle Jonathon Martin was one of the worst tackles in the league, and he's protecting Kap's blind side? They also had a rookie playing center much of the season, and both Mike Iupati and Anthony Davis were beat up. Davis missed most of the second half of the year and Iupati's better days are behind him. Plus they were missing stalwart Jonathon Goodwin who left as a free agent before the season, and Alex Boone missed the entire pre season because of a contract hold out.
Kap's confidence had to be shaken by the lack of support he was getting up front. Anyone who has followed football closely with two eyes could see the o-line was the big problem. Give Kap some time, and he would find receivers. Have him constantly under siege and he's not going to have the time to look off the primary receiver and find the open guy. It's pretty simple, and if you follow football closely, it's a no-brainer.
@ 7:49PM....
DeleteVery true, Kap should be very concerned with his status as starting QB in the near future. The 49ers new Head Coach comes in, and doesn't like Kap's style of QB, and wants to draft his own field general...BOOM, Kap is gone, and history.
@7:49, you state:
DeleteNiners fans will have to get used to more mediocrity in the future. They have a good core of players, but without a dynamic coach to push them to the next level, they'll be very fortunate to return to the playoffs next season.
correct me if I'm wrong, but they didn't return to the playoffs THIS year. with Harbaugh, and......you also state:
Kaepernick will also suffer, because Harbaugh worked well with him. Kaepernick's biggest problems this year had to do with the lack of protection from a beat up and patch work offensive line. He was sacked 55 times! No one is going to have good numbers when they're under siege like that!
Kap has regressed since he took over, and that is under Harbaughs' tutelage. Even taking the injuries to the line into account, the regression in Kapernicks development has to be disappointing to everyone, even the Kap supporters. Blame the offensive coordinator Roman if you must, but he is Harbaughs guy.